22425 lines
2.6 MiB
22425 lines
2.6 MiB
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "e18a679f",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Import Python libraries"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "4922164f",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import ydata_profiling\n",
"#from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"id": "72caaa8b",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
"source": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "dfe3a57a",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Load Data (Breast Cancer Dataset)\n",
"### Sample code number: Unique identifier for each tissue sample.\n",
"### Clump Thickness: Assessment of the thickness of tumor cell clusters (1 - 10).\n",
"Uniformity of Cell Size: Uniformity in the size of tumor cells (1 - 10).\n",
"Uniformity of Cell Shape: Uniformity in the shape of tumor cells (1 - 10).\n",
"Marginal Adhesion: Degree of adhesion of tumor cells to surrounding tissue (1 - 10).\n",
"Single Epithelial Cell Size: Size of individual tumor cells (1 - 10).\n",
"Bare Nuclei: Presence of nuclei without surrounding cytoplasm (1 - 10).\n",
"Bland Chromatin: Assessment of chromatin structure in tumor cells (1 - 10).\n",
"Normal Nucleoli: Presence of normal-looking nucleoli in tumor cells (1 - 10).\n",
"Mitoses: Frequency of mitotic cell divisions (1 - 10).\n",
"Class: Classification of tumor type (2 for benign, 4 for malignant)."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"id": "bd9a55aa",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"ename": "FileNotFoundError",
"evalue": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: './breast-cancer-wisconsin.data'",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[5], line 5\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m url \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m./breast-cancer-wisconsin.data\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m columns \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m [\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mSample code number\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mClump Thickness\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mUniformity of Cell Size\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mUniformity of Cell Shape\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 3\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mMarginal Adhesion\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mSingle Epithelial Cell Size\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mBare Nuclei\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mBland Chromatin\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \n\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mNormal Nucleoli\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mMitoses\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mClass\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m]\n\u001b[0;32m----> 5\u001b[0m df \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m pd\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mread_csv(url, names\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mcolumns)\n",
"File \u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:912\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mread_csv\u001b[0;34m(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, date_format, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, encoding_errors, dialect, on_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision, storage_options, dtype_backend)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 899\u001b[0m kwds_defaults \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m _refine_defaults_read(\n\u001b[1;32m 900\u001b[0m dialect,\n\u001b[1;32m 901\u001b[0m delimiter,\n\u001b[0;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 908\u001b[0m dtype_backend\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mdtype_backend,\n\u001b[1;32m 909\u001b[0m )\n\u001b[1;32m 910\u001b[0m kwds\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mupdate(kwds_defaults)\n\u001b[0;32m--> 912\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)\n",
"File \u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:577\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36m_read\u001b[0;34m(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 574\u001b[0m _validate_names(kwds\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mnames\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m))\n\u001b[1;32m 576\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Create the parser.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 577\u001b[0m parser \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, \u001b[38;5;241m*\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m*\u001b[39mkwds)\n\u001b[1;32m 579\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m chunksize \u001b[38;5;129;01mor\u001b[39;00m iterator:\n\u001b[1;32m 580\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m parser\n",
"File \u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:1407\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mTextFileReader.__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, f, engine, **kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1404\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions[\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mhas_index_names\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m] \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m kwds[\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mhas_index_names\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m]\n\u001b[1;32m 1406\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mhandles: IOHandles \u001b[38;5;241m|\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 1407\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39m_engine \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39m_make_engine(f, \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mengine)\n",
"File \u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/readers.py:1661\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mTextFileReader._make_engine\u001b[0;34m(self, f, engine)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1659\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mb\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m mode:\n\u001b[1;32m 1660\u001b[0m mode \u001b[38;5;241m+\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mb\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m-> 1661\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mhandles \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m get_handle(\n\u001b[1;32m 1662\u001b[0m f,\n\u001b[1;32m 1663\u001b[0m mode,\n\u001b[1;32m 1664\u001b[0m encoding\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mencoding\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m),\n\u001b[1;32m 1665\u001b[0m compression\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mcompression\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m),\n\u001b[1;32m 1666\u001b[0m memory_map\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mmemory_map\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;28;01mFalse\u001b[39;00m),\n\u001b[1;32m 1667\u001b[0m is_text\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mis_text,\n\u001b[1;32m 1668\u001b[0m errors\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mencoding_errors\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mstrict\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m),\n\u001b[1;32m 1669\u001b[0m storage_options\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39moptions\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mget(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mstorage_options\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m),\n\u001b[1;32m 1670\u001b[0m )\n\u001b[1;32m 1671\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01massert\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mhandles \u001b[38;5;129;01mis\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;01mNone\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 1672\u001b[0m f \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mhandles\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mhandle\n",
"File \u001b[0;32m~/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pandas/io/common.py:859\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mget_handle\u001b[0;34m(path_or_buf, mode, encoding, compression, memory_map, is_text, errors, storage_options)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 854\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01melif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28misinstance\u001b[39m(handle, \u001b[38;5;28mstr\u001b[39m):\n\u001b[1;32m 855\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Check whether the filename is to be opened in binary mode.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 856\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Binary mode does not support 'encoding' and 'newline'.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 857\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m ioargs\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mencoding \u001b[38;5;129;01mand\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mb\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;129;01mnot\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;129;01min\u001b[39;00m ioargs\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmode:\n\u001b[1;32m 858\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Encoding\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 859\u001b[0m handle \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mopen\u001b[39m(\n\u001b[1;32m 860\u001b[0m handle,\n\u001b[1;32m 861\u001b[0m ioargs\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmode,\n\u001b[1;32m 862\u001b[0m encoding\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mioargs\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mencoding,\n\u001b[1;32m 863\u001b[0m errors\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39merrors,\n\u001b[1;32m 864\u001b[0m newline\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m,\n\u001b[1;32m 865\u001b[0m )\n\u001b[1;32m 866\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01melse\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m 867\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# Binary mode\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m 868\u001b[0m handle \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28mopen\u001b[39m(handle, ioargs\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mmode)\n",
"\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './breast-cancer-wisconsin.data'"
"source": [
"url = \"./breast-cancer-wisconsin.data\"\n",
"columns = ['Sample code number', 'Clump Thickness', 'Uniformity of Cell Size', 'Uniformity of Cell Shape',\n",
" 'Marginal Adhesion', 'Single Epithelial Cell Size', 'Bare Nuclei', 'Bland Chromatin', \n",
" 'Normal Nucleoli', 'Mitoses', 'Class']\n",
"df = pd.read_csv(url, names=columns)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "3be5a2e3",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Show data"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"id": "28791c54",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Sample code number</th>\n",
" <th>Clump Thickness</th>\n",
" <th>Uniformity of Cell Size</th>\n",
" <th>Uniformity of Cell Shape</th>\n",
" <th>Marginal Adhesion</th>\n",
" <th>Single Epithelial Cell Size</th>\n",
" <th>Bare Nuclei</th>\n",
" <th>Bland Chromatin</th>\n",
" <th>Normal Nucleoli</th>\n",
" <th>Mitoses</th>\n",
" <th>Class</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>1000025</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>1002945</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>7</td>\n",
" <td>10</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>1015425</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>1016277</td>\n",
" <td>6</td>\n",
" <td>8</td>\n",
" <td>8</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>7</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>1017023</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" Sample code number Clump Thickness Uniformity of Cell Size \\\n",
"0 1000025 5 1 \n",
"1 1002945 5 4 \n",
"2 1015425 3 1 \n",
"3 1016277 6 8 \n",
"4 1017023 4 1 \n",
" Uniformity of Cell Shape Marginal Adhesion Single Epithelial Cell Size \\\n",
"0 1 1 2 \n",
"1 4 5 7 \n",
"2 1 1 2 \n",
"3 8 1 3 \n",
"4 1 3 2 \n",
" Bare Nuclei Bland Chromatin Normal Nucleoli Mitoses Class \n",
"0 1 3 1 1 2 \n",
"1 10 3 2 1 2 \n",
"2 2 3 1 1 2 \n",
"3 4 3 7 1 2 \n",
"4 1 3 1 1 2 "
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "90314305",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Generate Report with ydata_profiling"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"id": "2053a002",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Requirement already satisfied: ipywidgets in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (8.0.4)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: ipykernel>=4.5.1 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipywidgets) (6.25.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: ipython>=6.1.0 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipywidgets) (8.15.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=4.3.1 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipywidgets) (5.7.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: widgetsnbextension~=4.0 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipywidgets) (4.0.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: jupyterlab-widgets~=3.0 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipywidgets) (3.0.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: comm>=0.1.1 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (0.1.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: debugpy>=1.6.5 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (1.6.7)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-client>=6.1.12 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (7.4.9)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: jupyter-core!=5.0.*,>=4.12 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (5.3.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib-inline>=0.1 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (0.1.6)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: nest-asyncio in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (1.5.6)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (23.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: psutil in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (5.9.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pyzmq>=20 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (23.2.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=6.1 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (6.3.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: backcall in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.2.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: decorator in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (5.1.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.16 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.18.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.7.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (3.0.36)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pygments>=2.4.0 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (2.15.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: stack-data in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.2.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pexpect>4.3 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (4.8.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: parso<0.9.0,>=0.8.0 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jedi>=0.16->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.8.3)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: entrypoints in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jupyter-client>=6.1.12->ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (0.4)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jupyter-client>=6.1.12->ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (2.8.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: platformdirs>=2.5 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jupyter-core!=5.0.*,>=4.12->ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (3.10.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: ptyprocess>=0.5 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from pexpect>4.3->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.7.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.2.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: executing in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from stack-data->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.8.3)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: asttokens in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from stack-data->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (2.0.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pure-eval in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from stack-data->ipython>=6.1.0->ipywidgets) (0.2.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /home/mahehsma/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->jupyter-client>=6.1.12->ipykernel>=4.5.1->ipywidgets) (1.16.0)\n"
"ename": "NameError",
"evalue": "name 'df' is not defined",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[10], line 4\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m get_ipython()\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39msystem(\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mpip install ipywidgets\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m'\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfrom\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;21;01mydata_profiling\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;01mimport\u001b[39;00m ProfileReport\n\u001b[0;32m----> 4\u001b[0m profile \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m ProfileReport(df, title\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mProfiling Report\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m 6\u001b[0m profile\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mto_notebook_iframe()\n",
"\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'df' is not defined"
"source": [
"!pip install ipywidgets\n",
"from ydata_profiling import ProfileReport\n",
"profile = ProfileReport(df, title=\"Profiling Report\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"id": "b642b1f3-4720-4028-805f-2a8e88958f41",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Collecting ucimlrepo\n",
" Obtaining dependency information for ucimlrepo from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/22/47/9350b2eeeaef8c0fd3ec3505c8a0481b576845b3df0d71c76f989c23d3c6/ucimlrepo-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl.metadata\n",
" Downloading ucimlrepo-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (5.3 kB)\n",
"Downloading ucimlrepo-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl (8.0 kB)\n",
"Installing collected packages: ucimlrepo\n",
"Successfully installed ucimlrepo-0.0.6\n",
"Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
"source": [
"pip install ucimlrepo"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"id": "cf67e63c-778b-4bb0-b48b-d50bc5fd2cba",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"{'uci_id': 45, 'name': 'Heart Disease', 'repository_url': 'https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/45/heart+disease', 'data_url': 'https://archive.ics.uci.edu/static/public/45/data.csv', 'abstract': '4 databases: Cleveland, Hungary, Switzerland, and the VA Long Beach', 'area': 'Health and Medicine', 'tasks': ['Classification'], 'characteristics': ['Multivariate'], 'num_instances': 303, 'num_features': 13, 'feature_types': ['Categorical', 'Integer', 'Real'], 'demographics': ['Age', 'Sex'], 'target_col': ['num'], 'index_col': None, 'has_missing_values': 'yes', 'missing_values_symbol': 'NaN', 'year_of_dataset_creation': 1989, 'last_updated': 'Fri Nov 03 2023', 'dataset_doi': '10.24432/C52P4X', 'creators': ['Andras Janosi', 'William Steinbrunn', 'Matthias Pfisterer', 'Robert Detrano'], 'intro_paper': {'title': 'International application of a new probability algorithm for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.', 'authors': 'R. Detrano, A. Jánosi, W. Steinbrunn, M. Pfisterer, J. Schmid, S. Sandhu, K. Guppy, S. Lee, V. Froelicher', 'published_in': 'American Journal of Cardiology', 'year': 1989, 'url': 'https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/a7d714f8f87bfc41351eb5ae1e5472f0ebbe0574', 'doi': None}, 'additional_info': {'summary': 'This database contains 76 attributes, but all published experiments refer to using a subset of 14 of them. In particular, the Cleveland database is the only one that has been used by ML researchers to date. The \"goal\" field refers to the presence of heart disease in the patient. It is integer valued from 0 (no presence) to 4. Experiments with the Cleveland database have concentrated on simply attempting to distinguish presence (values 1,2,3,4) from absence (value 0). \\n \\nThe names and social security numbers of the patients were recently removed from the database, replaced with dummy values.\\n\\nOne file has been \"processed\", that one containing the Cleveland database. All four unprocessed files also exist in this directory.\\n\\nTo see Test Costs (donated by Peter Turney), please see the folder \"Costs\" ', 'purpose': None, 'funded_by': None, 'instances_represent': None, 'recommended_data_splits': None, 'sensitive_data': None, 'preprocessing_description': None, 'variable_info': 'Only 14 attributes used:\\r\\n 1. #3 (age) \\r\\n 2. #4 (sex) \\r\\n 3. #9 (cp) \\r\\n 4. #10 (trestbps) \\r\\n 5. #12 (chol) \\r\\n 6. #16 (fbs) \\r\\n 7. #19 (restecg) \\r\\n 8. #32 (thalach) \\r\\n 9. #38 (exang) \\r\\n 10. #40 (oldpeak) \\r\\n 11. #41 (slope) \\r\\n 12. #44 (ca) \\r\\n 13. #51 (thal) \\r\\n 14. #58 (num) (the predicted attribute)\\r\\n\\r\\nComplete attribute documentation:\\r\\n 1 id: patient identification number\\r\\n 2 ccf: social security number (I replaced this with a dummy value of 0)\\r\\n 3 age: age in years\\r\\n 4 sex: sex (1 = male; 0 = female)\\r\\n 5 painloc: chest pain location (1 = substernal; 0 = otherwise)\\r\\n 6 painexer (1 = provoked by exertion; 0 = otherwise)\\r\\n 7 relrest (1 = relieved after rest; 0 = otherwise)\\r\\n 8 pncaden (sum of 5, 6, and 7)\\r\\n 9 cp: chest pain type\\r\\n -- Value 1: typical angina\\r\\n -- Value 2: atypical angina\\r\\n -- Value 3: non-anginal pain\\r\\n -- Value 4: asymptomatic\\r\\n 10 trestbps: resting blood pressure (in mm Hg on admission to the hospital)\\r\\n 11 htn\\r\\n 12 chol: serum cholestoral in mg/dl\\r\\n 13 smoke: I believe this is 1 = yes; 0 = no (is or is not a smoker)\\r\\n 14 cigs (cigarettes per day)\\r\\n 15 years (number of years as a smoker)\\r\\n 16 fbs: (fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl) (1 = true; 0 = false)\\r\\n 17 dm (1 = history of diabetes; 0 = no such history)\\r\\n 18 famhist: family history of coronary artery disease (1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 19 restecg: resting electrocardiographic results\\r\\n -- Value 0: normal\\r\\n -- Value 1: having ST-T wave abnormality (T wave inversions and/or ST elevation or depression of > 0.05 mV)\\r\\n -- Value 2: showing probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy by Estes\\' criteria\\r\\n 20 ekgmo (month of exercise ECG reading)\\r\\n 21 ekgday(day of exercise ECG reading)\\r\\n 22 ekgyr (year of exercise ECG reading)\\r\\n 23 dig (digitalis used furing exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 24 prop (Beta blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 25 nitr (nitrates used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 26 pro (calcium channel blocker used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 27 diuretic (diuretic used used during exercise ECG: 1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 28 proto: exercise protocol\\r\\n 1 = Bruce \\r\\n 2 = Kottus\\r\\n 3 = McHenry\\r\\n 4 = fast Balke\\r\\n 5 = Balke\\r\\n 6 = Noughton \\r\\n 7 = bike 150 kpa min/min (Not sure if \"kpa min/min\" is what was written!)\\r\\n 8 = bike 125 kpa min/min \\r\\n 9 = bike 100 kpa min/min\\r\\n 10 = bike 75 kpa min/min\\r\\n 11 = bike 50 kpa min/min\\r\\n 12 = arm ergometer\\r\\n 29 thaldur: duration of exercise test in minutes\\r\\n 30 thaltime: time when ST measure depression was noted\\r\\n 31 met: mets achieved\\r\\n 32 thalach: maximum heart rate achieved\\r\\n 33 thalrest: resting heart rate\\r\\n 34 tpeakbps: peak exercise blood pressure (first of 2 parts)\\r\\n 35 tpeakbpd: peak exercise blood pressure (second of 2 parts)\\r\\n 36 dummy\\r\\n 37 trestbpd: resting blood pressure\\r\\n 38 exang: exercise induced angina (1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 39 xhypo: (1 = yes; 0 = no)\\r\\n 40 oldpeak = ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest\\r\\n 41 slope: the slope of the peak exercise ST segment\\r\\n -- Value 1: upsloping\\r\\n -- Value 2: flat\\r\\n -- Value 3: downsloping\\r\\n 42 rldv5: height at rest\\r\\n 43 rldv5e: height at peak exercise\\r\\n 44 ca: number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy\\r\\n 45 restckm: irrelevant\\r\\n 46 exerckm: irrelevant\\r\\n 47 restef: rest raidonuclid (sp?) ejection fraction\\r\\n 48 restwm: rest wall (sp?) motion abnormality\\r\\n 0 = none\\r\\n 1 = mild or moderate\\r\\n 2 = moderate or severe\\r\\n 3 = akinesis or dyskmem (sp?)\\r\\n 49 exeref: exercise radinalid (sp?) ejection fraction\\r\\n 50 exerwm: exercise wall (sp?) motion \\r\\n 51 thal: 3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 = reversable defect\\r\\n 52 thalsev: not used\\r\\n 53 thalpul: not used\\r\\n 54 earlobe: not used\\r\\n 55 cmo: month of cardiac cath (sp?) (perhaps \"call\")\\r\\n 56 cday: day of cardiac cath (sp?)\\r\\n 57 cyr: year of cardiac cath (sp?)\\r\\n 58 num: diagnosis of heart disease (angiographic disease status)\\r\\n -- Value 0: < 50% diameter narrowing\\r\\n -- Value 1: > 50% diameter narrowing\\r\\n (in any major vessel: attributes 59 through 68 are vessels)\\r\\n 59 lmt\\r\\n 60 ladprox\\r\\n 61 laddist\\r\\n 62 diag\\r\\n 63 cxmain\\r\\n 64 ramus\\r\\n 65 om1\\r\\n 66 om2\\r\\n 67 rcaprox\\r\\n 68 rcadist\\r\\n 69 lvx1: not used\\r\\n 70 lvx2: not used\\r\\n 71 lvx3: not used\\r\\n 72 lvx4: not used\\r\\n 73 lvf: not used\\r\\n 74 cathef: not used\\r\\n 75 junk: not used\\r\\n 76 name: last name of patient (I replaced this with the dummy string \"name\")', 'citation': None}}\n",
" name role type demographic \\\n",
"0 age Feature Integer Age \n",
"1 sex Feature Categorical Sex \n",
"2 cp Feature Categorical None \n",
"3 trestbps Feature Integer None \n",
"4 chol Feature Integer None \n",
"5 fbs Feature Categorical None \n",
"6 restecg Feature Categorical None \n",
"7 thalach Feature Integer None \n",
"8 exang Feature Categorical None \n",
"9 oldpeak Feature Integer None \n",
"10 slope Feature Categorical None \n",
"11 ca Feature Integer None \n",
"12 thal Feature Categorical None \n",
"13 num Target Integer None \n",
" description units missing_values \n",
"0 None years no \n",
"1 None None no \n",
"2 None None no \n",
"3 resting blood pressure (on admission to the ho... mm Hg no \n",
"4 serum cholestoral mg/dl no \n",
"5 fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl None no \n",
"6 None None no \n",
"7 maximum heart rate achieved None no \n",
"8 exercise induced angina None no \n",
"9 ST depression induced by exercise relative to ... None no \n",
"10 None None no \n",
"11 number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flour... None yes \n",
"12 None None yes \n",
"13 diagnosis of heart disease None no \n"
"source": [
"from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo \n",
" \n",
"# fetch dataset \n",
"heart_disease = fetch_ucirepo(id=45) \n",
" \n",
"# data (as pandas dataframes) \n",
"X = heart_disease.data.features \n",
"y = heart_disease.data.targets \n",
" \n",
"# metadata \n",
"print(heart_disease.metadata) \n",
" \n",
"# variable information \n",
"print(heart_disease.variables) "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"id": "b885f94c-e6b6-41d9-a484-57dc5ba98ac6",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [
"data": {
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"Summarize dataset: 0%| | 0/5 [00:00<?, ?it/s]"
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"version_major": 2,
"version_minor": 0
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"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
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class=page-header>Overview</h1></div><div class=section-items><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-pills" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#overview-dataset_overview aria-controls=overview-dataset_overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#overview-alerts aria-controls=overview-alerts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Alerts <span class=badge>2</span></a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#overview-reproduction aria-controls=overview-reproduction role=tab data-toggle=tab>Reproduction</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content style="padding-top: 10px;"><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=overview-dataset_overview><div class=col-sm-6><p class=h4>Dataset statistics</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Number of variables</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">13</td></tr><tr><th>Number of observations</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Missing cells</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">6</td></tr><tr><th>Missing cells (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.2%</td></tr><tr><th>Duplicate rows</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Duplicate rows (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Total size in memory</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">30.9 KiB</td></tr><tr><th>Average record size in memory</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">104.4 B</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><p class=h4>Variable types</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Numeric</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">5</td></tr><tr><th>Categorical</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">8</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=overview-alerts><div class=col-sm-12><table class="table table-condensed list-warnings"><p class=h4>Alerts</p><tr style=border-top:0><td><a href=#pp_var_-7231692698450103768><code>ca</code></a> has 4 (1.3%) missing values</td><td><span class="label label-info">Missing</span></td></tr><tr><td><a href=#pp_var_-777320605083531598><code>oldpeak</code></a> has 99 (32.7%) zeros</td><td><span class="label label-info">Zeros</span></td></tr></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=overview-reproduction><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4>Reproduction</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Analysis started</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2024-04-10 07:58:34.085294</td></tr><tr><th>Analysis finished</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2024-04-10 07:58:40.792484</td></tr><tr><th>Duration</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">6.71 seconds</td></tr><tr><th>Software version</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap"><a href=https://github.com/ydataai/ydata-profiling>ydata-profiling vv4.7.0</a></td></tr><tr><th>Download configuration</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap"><a download=config.json 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class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">41</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">13.5%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Mean</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">54.438944</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Minimum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">29</td></tr><tr><th>Maximum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">77</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Negative</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Negative (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
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"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
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"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(94.91631 150.350588) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
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"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
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"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 525 4666 \n",
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"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(159.095236 203.406379) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(243.246751 203.406379) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(327.398266 203.406379) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(411.549782 203.406379) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4397 \n",
"L 1831 0 \n",
"L 1172 0 \n",
"L 2766 4134 \n",
"L 525 4134 \n",
"L 525 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 182.334758) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 153.808306) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 125.281853) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 96.755401) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 68.228949) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 39.702497) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.367344 123.080426) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 69.076364 178.535539 \n",
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"L 88.780133 178.535539 \n",
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"L 128.187672 167.124958 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 138.039557 178.535539 \n",
"L 147.891441 178.535539 \n",
"L 147.891441 167.124958 \n",
"L 138.039557 167.124958 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_11><path d="M 147.891441 178.535539 \n",
"L 157.743326 178.535539 \n",
"L 157.743326 155.714377 \n",
"L 147.891441 155.714377 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_12><path d="M 157.743326 178.535539 \n",
"L 167.595211 178.535539 \n",
"L 167.595211 161.419668 \n",
"L 157.743326 161.419668 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_13><path d="M 167.595211 178.535539 \n",
"L 177.447095 178.535539 \n",
"L 177.447095 121.482635 \n",
"L 167.595211 121.482635 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_14><path d="M 177.447095 178.535539 \n",
"L 187.29898 178.535539 \n",
"L 187.29898 87.250892 \n",
"L 177.447095 87.250892 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_15><path d="M 187.29898 178.535539 \n",
"L 197.150865 178.535539 \n",
"L 197.150865 115.777344 \n",
"L 187.29898 115.777344 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_16><path d="M 197.150865 178.535539 \n",
"L 207.002749 178.535539 \n",
"L 207.002749 132.893215 \n",
"L 197.150865 132.893215 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_17><path d="M 207.002749 178.535539 \n",
"L 216.854634 178.535539 \n",
"L 216.854634 138.598506 \n",
"L 207.002749 138.598506 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_18><path d="M 216.854634 178.535539 \n",
"L 226.706519 178.535539 \n",
"L 226.706519 150.009087 \n",
"L 216.854634 150.009087 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_19><path d="M 226.706519 178.535539 \n",
"L 236.558404 178.535539 \n",
"L 236.558404 138.598506 \n",
"L 226.706519 138.598506 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_20><path d="M 236.558404 178.535539 \n",
"L 246.410288 178.535539 \n",
"L 246.410288 110.072054 \n",
"L 236.558404 110.072054 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_21><path d="M 246.410288 178.535539 \n",
"L 256.262173 178.535539 \n",
"L 256.262173 110.072054 \n",
"L 246.410288 110.072054 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_22><path d="M 256.262173 178.535539 \n",
"L 266.114058 178.535539 \n",
"L 266.114058 104.366763 \n",
"L 256.262173 104.366763 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 266.114058 178.535539 \n",
"L 275.965942 178.535539 \n",
"L 275.965942 132.893215 \n",
"L 266.114058 132.893215 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 275.965942 178.535539 \n",
"L 285.817827 178.535539 \n",
"L 285.817827 87.250892 \n",
"L 275.965942 87.250892 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 285.817827 178.535539 \n",
"L 295.669712 178.535539 \n",
"L 295.669712 132.893215 \n",
"L 285.817827 132.893215 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_26><path d="M 295.669712 178.535539 \n",
"L 305.521596 178.535539 \n",
"L 305.521596 18.787407 \n",
"L 295.669712 18.787407 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_27><path d="M 305.521596 178.535539 \n",
"L 315.373481 178.535539 \n",
"L 315.373481 70.135021 \n",
"L 305.521596 70.135021 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_28><path d="M 315.373481 178.535539 \n",
"L 325.225366 178.535539 \n",
"L 325.225366 98.661473 \n",
"L 315.373481 98.661473 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_29><path d="M 325.225366 178.535539 \n",
"L 335.077251 178.535539 \n",
"L 335.077251 110.072054 \n",
"L 325.225366 110.072054 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_30><path d="M 335.077251 178.535539 \n",
"L 344.929135 178.535539 \n",
"L 344.929135 132.893215 \n",
"L 335.077251 132.893215 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_31><path d="M 344.929135 178.535539 \n",
"L 354.78102 178.535539 \n",
"L 354.78102 115.777344 \n",
"L 344.929135 115.777344 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_32><path d="M 354.78102 178.535539 \n",
"L 364.632905 178.535539 \n",
"L 364.632905 70.135021 \n",
"L 354.78102 70.135021 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_33><path d="M 364.632905 178.535539 \n",
"L 374.484789 178.535539 \n",
"L 374.484789 132.893215 \n",
"L 364.632905 132.893215 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_34><path d="M 374.484789 178.535539 \n",
"L 384.336674 178.535539 \n",
"L 384.336674 138.598506 \n",
"L 374.484789 138.598506 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_35><path d="M 384.336674 178.535539 \n",
"L 394.188559 178.535539 \n",
"L 394.188559 127.187925 \n",
"L 384.336674 127.187925 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_36><path d="M 394.188559 178.535539 \n",
"L 404.040443 178.535539 \n",
"L 404.040443 155.714377 \n",
"L 394.188559 155.714377 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_37><path d="M 404.040443 178.535539 \n",
"L 413.892328 178.535539 \n",
"L 413.892328 161.419668 \n",
"L 404.040443 161.419668 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_38><path d="M 413.892328 178.535539 \n",
"L 423.744213 178.535539 \n",
"L 423.744213 138.598506 \n",
"L 413.892328 138.598506 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_39><path d="M 423.744213 178.535539 \n",
"L 433.596098 178.535539 \n",
"L 433.596098 178.535539 \n",
"L 423.744213 178.535539 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_40><path d="M 433.596098 178.535539 \n",
"L 443.447982 178.535539 \n",
"L 443.447982 178.535539 \n",
"L 433.596098 178.535539 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_41><path d="M 443.447982 178.535539 \n",
"L 453.299867 178.535539 \n",
"L 453.299867 172.830249 \n",
"L 443.447982 172.830249 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_42><path d="M 453.299867 178.535539 \n",
"L 463.151752 178.535539 \n",
"L 463.151752 178.535539 \n",
"L 453.299867 178.535539 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_43><path d="M 463.151752 178.535539 \n",
"L 473.003636 178.535539 \n",
"L 473.003636 167.124958 \n",
"L 463.151752 167.124958 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe393aed101) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_44><path d="M 48.88 178.535539 \n",
"L 48.88 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_45><path d="M 493.2 178.535539 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_46><path d="M 48.88 178.535539 \n",
"L 493.2 178.535539 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_47><path d="M 48.88 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pe393aed101><rect x=48.88 y=10.8 width=444.32 height=167.735539 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"><strong>Histogram with fixed size bins</strong> (bins=41) </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8799322212550195134bottom-8799322212550195134common_values><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=58> 58 </td><td>19</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.4%> &nbsp; </div> 6.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=57> 57 </td><td>17</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.2%> &nbsp; </div> 5.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=54> 54 </td><td>16</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.6%> &nbsp; </div> 5.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=59> 59 </td><td>14</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.4%> &nbsp; </div> 4.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=52> 52 </td><td>13</td><td><div class=bar style=width:7.8%> &nbsp; </div> 4.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=60> 60 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:7.2%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=51> 51 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:7.2%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=56> 56 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.6%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=62> 62 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.6%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=44> 44 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.6%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class=other><td title="Other values (31)"> Other values (31) </td><td>167</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 55.1% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8799322212550195134bottom-8799322212550195134extreme_values><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134firstn aria-controls=8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134firstn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Minimum 10 values</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134lastn aria-controls=8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134lastn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Maximum 10 values</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134firstn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=29> 29 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=34> 34 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:20.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=35> 35 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:40.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=37> 37 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:20.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=38> 38 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:20.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=39> 39 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:40.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=40> 40 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:30.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=41> 41 </td><td>10</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 3.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=42> 42 </td><td>8</td><td><div class=bar style=width:80.0%> 2.6% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=43> 43 </td><td>8</td><td><div class=bar style=width:80.0%> 2.6% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8799322212550195134extreme_values-8799322212550195134lastn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=77> 77 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=76> 76 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=74> 74 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=71> 71 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=70> 70 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:44.4%> 1.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=69> 69 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=68> 68 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:44.4%> 1.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=67> 67 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 3.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=66> 66 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:77.8%> 2.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=65> 65 </td><td>8</td><td><div class=bar style=width:88.9%> 2.6% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_1036392424254242542></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=sex><a href=#pp_var_1036392424254242542>sex</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.7%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 206&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:47.1% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 97&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom-1036392424254242542, #minifreqtable1036392424254242542" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom-1036392424254242542 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542overview aria-controls=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542string aria-controls=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542word aria-controls=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542characters aria-controls=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p67208ef3ed) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p67208ef3ed><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=189.8316pt viewbox="0 0 405 189.8316" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:42.017681</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 272.756436 108.84 \n",
"L 272.756436 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc60226779e) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 272.756436 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 272.756436 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc60226779e) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(114.999843 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2944 2338 \n",
"Q 2944 3213 2780 3570 \n",
"Q 2616 3928 2228 3928 \n",
"Q 1841 3928 1675 3570 \n",
"Q 1509 3213 1509 2338 \n",
"Q 1509 1453 1675 1090 \n",
"Q 1841 728 2228 728 \n",
"Q 2613 728 2778 1090 \n",
"Q 2944 1453 2944 2338 \n",
"M 4147 2328 \n",
"Q 4147 1169 3647 539 \n",
"Q 3147 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1306 -91 806 539 \n",
"Q 306 1169 306 2328 \n",
"Q 306 3491 806 4120 \n",
"Q 1306 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3147 4750 3647 4120 \n",
"Q 4147 3491 4147 2328 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(118.368093 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(310.299843 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2981 2516 \n",
"Q 3453 2394 3698 2092 \n",
"Q 3944 1791 3944 1325 \n",
"Q 3944 631 3412 270 \n",
"Q 2881 -91 1863 -91 \n",
"Q 1503 -91 1142 -33 \n",
"Q 781 25 428 141 \n",
"L 428 1069 \n",
"Q 766 900 1098 814 \n",
"Q 1431 728 1753 728 \n",
"Q 2231 728 2486 893 \n",
"Q 2741 1059 2741 1369 \n",
"Q 2741 1688 2480 1852 \n",
"Q 2219 2016 1709 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2791 \n",
"L 1734 2791 \n",
"Q 2188 2791 2409 2933 \n",
"Q 2631 3075 2631 3366 \n",
"Q 2631 3634 2415 3781 \n",
"Q 2200 3928 1806 3928 \n",
"Q 1516 3928 1219 3862 \n",
"Q 922 3797 628 3669 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 984 4650 1334 4700 \n",
"Q 1684 4750 2022 4750 \n",
"Q 2931 4750 3382 4451 \n",
"Q 3834 4153 3834 3553 \n",
"Q 3834 3144 3618 2883 \n",
"Q 3403 2622 2981 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(318.677718 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 428 4666 \n",
"L 3944 4666 \n",
"L 3944 3988 \n",
"L 2125 0 \n",
"L 953 0 \n",
"L 2675 3781 \n",
"L 428 3781 \n",
"L 428 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_4><path d="M 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"L 85.5864 182.6316 \n",
"Q 89.0424 182.6316 89.0424 179.1756 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 179.1756 \n",
"Q 15.84 182.6316 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pc60226779e><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542bottom-1036392424254242542characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542characters aria-controls=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542categories aria-controls=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542scripts aria-controls=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542blocks aria-controls=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=1036392424254242542unicode-1036392424254242542blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>206</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 68.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>97</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.1%> 32.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_3830114036356001427></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=cp><a href=#pp_var_3830114036356001427>cp</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.3%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 4 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 144&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 3 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:59.7% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 86&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 2 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:34.7% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 50&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:16.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 23&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom-3830114036356001427, #minifreqtable3830114036356001427" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom-3830114036356001427 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427overview aria-controls=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427string aria-controls=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427word aria-controls=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427characters aria-controls=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:42.219771</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p035e5ec3bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p035e5ec3bb><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=240.5592pt viewbox="0 0 405 240.5592" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:42.453370</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 240.5592 \n",
"L 405 240.5592 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 192.831683 108.84 \n",
"L 192.831683 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p6f071352ec) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 192.831683 108.84 \n",
"L 303.69505 108.84 \n",
"L 303.69505 16.44 \n",
"L 192.831683 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p6f071352ec) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 303.69505 108.84 \n",
"L 368.150495 108.84 \n",
"L 368.150495 16.44 \n",
"L 303.69505 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p6f071352ec) style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 368.150495 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 368.150495 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p6f071352ec) style="fill: #d62728; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(75.037467 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2356 3675 \n",
"L 1038 1722 \n",
"L 2356 1722 \n",
"L 2356 3675 \n",
"M 2156 4666 \n",
"L 3494 4666 \n",
"L 3494 1722 \n",
"L 4159 1722 \n",
"L 4159 850 \n",
"L 3494 850 \n",
"L 3494 0 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 2356 850 \n",
"L 288 850 \n",
"L 288 1881 \n",
"L 2156 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 428 4666 \n",
"L 3944 4666 \n",
"L 3944 3988 \n",
"L 2125 0 \n",
"L 953 0 \n",
"L 2675 3781 \n",
"L 428 3781 \n",
"L 428 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 678 4666 \n",
"L 3669 4666 \n",
"L 3669 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3059 \n",
"Q 1775 3097 1914 3117 \n",
"Q 2053 3138 2203 3138 \n",
"Q 3056 3138 3531 2711 \n",
"Q 4006 2284 4006 1522 \n",
"Q 4006 766 3489 337 \n",
"Q 2972 -91 2053 -91 \n",
"Q 1656 -91 1267 -14 \n",
"Q 878 63 494 219 \n",
"L 494 1166 \n",
"Q 875 947 1217 837 \n",
"Q 1559 728 1863 728 \n",
"Q 2300 728 2551 942 \n",
"Q 2803 1156 2803 1522 \n",
"Q 2803 1891 2551 2103 \n",
"Q 2300 2316 1863 2316 \n",
"Q 1603 2316 1309 2248 \n",
"Q 1016 2181 678 2041 \n",
"L 678 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(78.405717 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(223.284991 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(231.662866 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(310.944397 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(319.322272 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2944 2338 \n",
"Q 2944 3213 2780 3570 \n",
"Q 2616 3928 2228 3928 \n",
"Q 1841 3928 1675 3570 \n",
"Q 1509 3213 1509 2338 \n",
"Q 1509 1453 1675 1090 \n",
"Q 1841 728 2228 728 \n",
"Q 2613 728 2778 1090 \n",
"Q 2944 1453 2944 2338 \n",
"M 4147 2328 \n",
"Q 4147 1169 3647 539 \n",
"Q 3147 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1306 -91 806 539 \n",
"Q 306 1169 306 2328 \n",
"Q 306 3491 806 4120 \n",
"Q 1306 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3147 4750 3647 4120 \n",
"Q 4147 3491 4147 2328 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_6><path d="M 19.296 233.3592 \n",
"L 85.5864 233.3592 \n",
"Q 89.0424 233.3592 89.0424 229.9032 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 229.9032 \n",
"Q 15.84 233.3592 19.296 233.3592 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /></g></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /></g></g><g id=patch_9><path d="M 22.752 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 185.3937 \n",
"L 22.752 185.3937 \n",
"" style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 197.4897) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /></g></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 22.752 222.8535 \n",
"L 57.312 222.8535 \n",
"L 57.312 210.7575 \n",
"L 22.752 210.7575 \n",
"" style="fill: #d62728; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 222.8535) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p6f071352ec><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427bottom-3830114036356001427characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427characters aria-controls=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427categories aria-controls=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427scripts aria-controls=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427blocks aria-controls=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=3830114036356001427unicode-3830114036356001427blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>144</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 47.5% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>86</td><td><div class=bar style=width:59.7%> 28.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>50</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.7%> &nbsp; </div> 16.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>23</td><td><div class=bar style=width:16.0%> &nbsp; </div> 7.6% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-3517177011128169134></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=trestbps><a href=#pp_var_-3517177011128169134>trestbps</a><br><small>Real number (&Ropf;)</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">50</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">16.5%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Mean</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">131.68977</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Minimum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">94</td></tr><tr><th>Maximum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">200</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Negative</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Negative (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=216pt height=162pt viewbox="0 0 216 162" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:42.695121</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 162 \n",
"L 216 162 \n",
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"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 10.8 124.726458 \n",
"L 204.82232 124.726458 \n",
"L 204.82232 10.8 \n",
"L 10.8 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.76537 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(59.045356 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(92.325343 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(125.605329 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(158.885315 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(192.165301 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 19.619196 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.146875 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.146875 120.29783 \n",
"L 19.619196 120.29783 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 23.146875 124.726458 \n",
"L 26.674553 124.726458 \n",
"L 26.674553 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.146875 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 26.674553 124.726458 \n",
"L 30.202232 124.726458 \n",
"L 30.202232 115.869202 \n",
"L 26.674553 115.869202 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 30.202232 124.726458 \n",
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"L 33.729911 118.083516 \n",
"L 30.202232 118.083516 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 33.729911 124.726458 \n",
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"L 37.257589 122.512144 \n",
"L 33.729911 122.512144 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 37.257589 124.726458 \n",
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"L 58.42366 122.512144 \n",
"L 54.895982 122.512144 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_14><path d="M 58.42366 124.726458 \n",
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"L 61.951339 109.226259 \n",
"L 58.42366 109.226259 \n",
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"L 61.951339 42.796838 \n",
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"L 72.534374 118.083516 \n",
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"L 83.11741 107.011945 \n",
"L 79.589732 107.011945 \n",
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"L 86.645089 113.654888 \n",
"L 83.11741 113.654888 \n",
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"L 90.172767 124.726458 \n",
"L 90.172767 104.797631 \n",
"L 86.645089 104.797631 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 90.172767 124.726458 \n",
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"L 93.700446 98.154689 \n",
"L 90.172767 98.154689 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 93.700446 124.726458 \n",
"L 97.228124 124.726458 \n",
"L 97.228124 53.868408 \n",
"L 93.700446 53.868408 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 97.228124 124.726458 \n",
"L 100.755803 124.726458 \n",
"L 100.755803 118.083516 \n",
"L 97.228124 118.083516 \n",
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"L 104.283481 120.29783 \n",
"L 100.755803 120.29783 \n",
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"L 107.81116 124.726458 \n",
"L 107.81116 109.226259 \n",
"L 104.283481 109.226259 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_28><path d="M 107.81116 124.726458 \n",
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"L 111.338838 120.29783 \n",
"L 107.81116 120.29783 \n",
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"L 114.866517 113.654888 \n",
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"L 128.977231 122.512144 \n",
"L 125.449553 122.512144 \n",
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"L 136.032588 124.726458 \n",
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"L 143.087945 124.726458 \n",
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"L 157.198659 124.726458 \n",
"L 153.670981 124.726458 \n",
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"L 160.726338 120.29783 \n",
"L 157.198659 120.29783 \n",
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"L 164.254017 118.083516 \n",
"L 160.726338 118.083516 \n",
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"L 167.781695 124.726458 \n",
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"L 171.309374 124.726458 \n",
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"L 174.837052 124.726458 \n",
"L 171.309374 124.726458 \n",
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"L 181.892409 124.726458 \n",
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"L 188.947766 124.726458 \n",
"L 185.420088 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p51d1d3cfcb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_51><path d="M 188.947766 124.726458 \n",
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"L 196.003123 122.512144 \n",
"L 192.475445 122.512144 \n",
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"L 1825 531 \n",
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"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(163.355587 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(239.56828 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(315.780973 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(391.993666 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(468.206359 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 177.816345) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 146.0929) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 114.369455) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 82.646009) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 50.922564) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 19.199118) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.367344 120.82122) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
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"L 77.154909 174.017127 \n",
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"L 230.647273 145.466026 \n",
"L 222.568727 145.466026 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 230.647273 174.017127 \n",
"L 238.725818 174.017127 \n",
"L 238.725818 135.948992 \n",
"L 230.647273 135.948992 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 238.725818 174.017127 \n",
"L 246.804364 174.017127 \n",
"L 246.804364 72.502101 \n",
"L 238.725818 72.502101 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 246.804364 174.017127 \n",
"L 254.882909 174.017127 \n",
"L 254.882909 164.500093 \n",
"L 246.804364 164.500093 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_26><path d="M 254.882909 174.017127 \n",
"L 262.961455 174.017127 \n",
"L 262.961455 167.672438 \n",
"L 254.882909 167.672438 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_27><path d="M 262.961455 174.017127 \n",
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"L 271.04 151.810715 \n",
"L 262.961455 151.810715 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_28><path d="M 271.04 174.017127 \n",
"L 279.118545 174.017127 \n",
"L 279.118545 167.672438 \n",
"L 271.04 167.672438 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_29><path d="M 279.118545 174.017127 \n",
"L 287.197091 174.017127 \n",
"L 287.197091 120.087269 \n",
"L 279.118545 120.087269 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_30><path d="M 287.197091 174.017127 \n",
"L 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"L 295.275636 158.155404 \n",
"L 287.197091 158.155404 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_31><path d="M 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"L 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"L 303.354182 167.672438 \n",
"L 295.275636 167.672438 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_32><path d="M 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"L 311.432727 174.017127 \n",
"L 311.432727 170.844782 \n",
"L 303.354182 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_33><path d="M 311.432727 174.017127 \n",
"L 319.511273 174.017127 \n",
"L 319.511273 170.844782 \n",
"L 311.432727 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_34><path d="M 319.511273 174.017127 \n",
"L 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"L 327.589818 139.121337 \n",
"L 319.511273 139.121337 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_35><path d="M 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"L 335.668364 174.017127 \n",
"L 335.668364 174.017127 \n",
"L 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_36><path d="M 335.668364 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 167.672438 \n",
"L 335.668364 167.672438 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_37><path d="M 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"L 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_38><path d="M 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"L 359.904 161.327748 \n",
"L 351.825455 161.327748 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_39><path d="M 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"L 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"L 367.982545 170.844782 \n",
"L 359.904 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_40><path d="M 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 170.844782 \n",
"L 367.982545 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_41><path d="M 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"L 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_42><path d="M 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"L 392.218182 167.672438 \n",
"L 384.139636 167.672438 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_43><path d="M 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 164.500093 \n",
"L 392.218182 164.500093 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_44><path d="M 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_45><path d="M 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_46><path d="M 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_47><path d="M 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_48><path d="M 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_49><path d="M 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 170.844782 \n",
"L 440.689455 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_50><path d="M 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_51><path d="M 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_52><path d="M 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 170.844782 \n",
"L 464.925091 170.844782 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p64a30da821) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_53><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 48.88 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_54><path d="M 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_55><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_56><path d="M 48.88 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p64a30da821><rect x=48.88 y=10.8 width=444.32 height=163.217127 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"><strong>Histogram with fixed size bins</strong> (bins=50) </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-3517177011128169134bottom--3517177011128169134common_values><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=120> 120 </td><td>37</td><td><div class=bar style=width:34.6%> &nbsp; </div> 12.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=130> 130 </td><td>36</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.6%> &nbsp; </div> 11.9% </td></tr><tr class><td title=140> 140 </td><td>32</td><td><div class=bar style=width:29.9%> &nbsp; </div> 10.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=110> 110 </td><td>19</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=150> 150 </td><td>17</td><td><div class=bar style=width:15.9%> &nbsp; </div> 5.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=138> 138 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.2%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=128> 128 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.2%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=160> 160 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.3%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=125> 125 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.3%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=112> 112 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.4%> &nbsp; </div> 3.0% </td></tr><tr class=other><td title="Other values (40)"> Other values (40) </td><td>107</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 35.3% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-3517177011128169134bottom--3517177011128169134extreme_values><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134firstn aria-controls=-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134firstn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Minimum 10 values</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134lastn aria-controls=-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134lastn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Maximum 10 values</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134firstn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=94> 94 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.5%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=100> 100 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:21.1%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=101> 101 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:5.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=102> 102 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.5%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=104> 104 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:5.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=105> 105 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:15.8%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=106> 106 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:5.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=108> 108 </td><td>6</td><td><div class=bar style=width:31.6%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=110> 110 </td><td>19</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 6.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=112> 112 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:47.4%> 3.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-3517177011128169134extreme_values--3517177011128169134lastn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=200> 200 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=192> 192 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=180> 180 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:27.3%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=178> 178 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:18.2%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=174> 174 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=172> 172 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=170> 170 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:36.4%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=165> 165 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=164> 164 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=160> 160 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 3.6% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_8892603239556212943></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=chol><a href=#pp_var_8892603239556212943>chol</a><br><small>Real number (&Ropf;)</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">152</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">50.2%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Mean</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">246.69307</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Minimum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">126</td></tr><tr><th>Maximum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">564</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Negative</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Negative (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"L 0 0 \n",
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"L 205.2 124.726458 \n",
"L 205.2 10.8 \n",
"L 10.8 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(45.656574 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(86.005266 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
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"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
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"L 628 4550 \n",
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"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
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"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 3047 1100 \n",
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"L 691 4666 \n",
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"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(224.743345 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(316.964184 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(409.185022 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 177.816345) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 145.955804) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 114.095263) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 82.234722) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 50.374181) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 18.51364) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.367344 122.14122) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 69.076364 174.017127 \n",
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"L 166.018909 27.458638 \n",
"L 157.940364 27.458638 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_15><path d="M 166.018909 174.017127 \n",
"L 174.097455 174.017127 \n",
"L 174.097455 33.830746 \n",
"L 166.018909 33.830746 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_16><path d="M 174.097455 174.017127 \n",
"L 182.176 174.017127 \n",
"L 182.176 27.458638 \n",
"L 174.097455 27.458638 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_17><path d="M 182.176 174.017127 \n",
"L 190.254545 174.017127 \n",
"L 190.254545 46.574963 \n",
"L 182.176 46.574963 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_18><path d="M 190.254545 174.017127 \n",
"L 198.333091 174.017127 \n",
"L 198.333091 59.319179 \n",
"L 190.254545 59.319179 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_19><path d="M 198.333091 174.017127 \n",
"L 206.411636 174.017127 \n",
"L 206.411636 59.319179 \n",
"L 198.333091 59.319179 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_20><path d="M 206.411636 174.017127 \n",
"L 214.490182 174.017127 \n",
"L 214.490182 84.807612 \n",
"L 206.411636 84.807612 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_21><path d="M 214.490182 174.017127 \n",
"L 222.568727 174.017127 \n",
"L 222.568727 116.668153 \n",
"L 214.490182 116.668153 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_22><path d="M 222.568727 174.017127 \n",
"L 230.647273 174.017127 \n",
"L 230.647273 110.296045 \n",
"L 222.568727 110.296045 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 230.647273 174.017127 \n",
"L 238.725818 174.017127 \n",
"L 238.725818 72.063395 \n",
"L 230.647273 72.063395 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 238.725818 174.017127 \n",
"L 246.804364 174.017127 \n",
"L 246.804364 135.784477 \n",
"L 238.725818 135.784477 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 246.804364 174.017127 \n",
"L 254.882909 174.017127 \n",
"L 254.882909 129.412369 \n",
"L 246.804364 129.412369 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_26><path d="M 254.882909 174.017127 \n",
"L 262.961455 174.017127 \n",
"L 262.961455 148.528694 \n",
"L 254.882909 148.528694 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_27><path d="M 262.961455 174.017127 \n",
"L 271.04 174.017127 \n",
"L 271.04 154.900802 \n",
"L 262.961455 154.900802 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_28><path d="M 271.04 174.017127 \n",
"L 279.118545 174.017127 \n",
"L 279.118545 167.645018 \n",
"L 271.04 167.645018 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_29><path d="M 279.118545 174.017127 \n",
"L 287.197091 174.017127 \n",
"L 287.197091 161.27291 \n",
"L 279.118545 161.27291 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_30><path d="M 287.197091 174.017127 \n",
"L 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"L 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"L 287.197091 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_31><path d="M 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"L 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"L 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"L 295.275636 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_32><path d="M 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"L 311.432727 174.017127 \n",
"L 311.432727 174.017127 \n",
"L 303.354182 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_33><path d="M 311.432727 174.017127 \n",
"L 319.511273 174.017127 \n",
"L 319.511273 167.645018 \n",
"L 311.432727 167.645018 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_34><path d="M 319.511273 174.017127 \n",
"L 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"L 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"L 319.511273 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_35><path d="M 327.589818 174.017127 \n",
"L 335.668364 174.017127 \n",
"L 335.668364 161.27291 \n",
"L 327.589818 161.27291 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_36><path d="M 335.668364 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 167.645018 \n",
"L 335.668364 167.645018 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_37><path d="M 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"L 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 343.746909 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_38><path d="M 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"L 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"L 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"L 351.825455 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_39><path d="M 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"L 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"L 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"L 359.904 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_40><path d="M 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"L 367.982545 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_41><path d="M 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"L 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 376.061091 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_42><path d="M 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"L 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"L 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"L 384.139636 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_43><path d="M 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"L 392.218182 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_44><path d="M 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 400.296727 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_45><path d="M 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 408.375273 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_46><path d="M 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 416.453818 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_47><path d="M 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 424.532364 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_48><path d="M 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"L 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 432.610909 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_49><path d="M 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 440.689455 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_50><path d="M 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_51><path d="M 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_52><path d="M 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 167.645018 \n",
"L 464.925091 167.645018 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pfbe9175c02) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_53><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 48.88 13.44 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_54><path d="M 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 13.44 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_55><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_56><path d="M 48.88 13.44 \n",
"L 493.2 13.44 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pfbe9175c02><rect x=48.88 y=13.44 width=444.32 height=160.577127 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"><strong>Histogram with fixed size bins</strong> (bins=50) </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8892603239556212943bottom-8892603239556212943common_values><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=204> 204 </td><td>6</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.4%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=197> 197 </td><td>6</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.4%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=234> 234 </td><td>6</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.4%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=269> 269 </td><td>5</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=212> 212 </td><td>5</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=254> 254 </td><td>5</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=233> 233 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=239> 239 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=282> 282 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=240> 240 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr><tr class=other><td title="Other values (142)"> Other values (142) </td><td>254</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 83.8% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8892603239556212943bottom-8892603239556212943extreme_values><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943firstn aria-controls=8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943firstn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Minimum 10 values</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943lastn aria-controls=8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943lastn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Maximum 10 values</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943firstn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=126> 126 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=131> 131 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=141> 141 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=149> 149 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=157> 157 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=160> 160 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=164> 164 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=166> 166 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=167> 167 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=168> 168 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=8892603239556212943extreme_values-8892603239556212943lastn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=564> 564 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=417> 417 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=409> 409 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=407> 407 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=394> 394 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=360> 360 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=354> 354 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=353> 353 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=342> 342 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=341> 341 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-6250173135636476229></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=fbs><a href=#pp_var_-6250173135636476229>fbs</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.7%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 258&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:17.4% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 45&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom--6250173135636476229, #minifreqtable-6250173135636476229" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom--6250173135636476229 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229overview aria-controls=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229string aria-controls=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229word aria-controls=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229characters aria-controls=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
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"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
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"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pff1b27d17b) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pff1b27d17b><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=189.8316pt viewbox="0 0 405 189.8316" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:43.925985</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 339.790099 108.84 \n",
"L 339.790099 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pd82306bd5f) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 339.790099 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 339.790099 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pd82306bd5f) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(148.516675 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 678 4666 \n",
"L 3669 4666 \n",
"L 3669 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3059 \n",
"Q 1775 3097 1914 3117 \n",
"Q 2053 3138 2203 3138 \n",
"Q 3056 3138 3531 2711 \n",
"Q 4006 2284 4006 1522 \n",
"Q 4006 766 3489 337 \n",
"Q 2972 -91 2053 -91 \n",
"Q 1656 -91 1267 -14 \n",
"Q 878 63 494 219 \n",
"L 494 1166 \n",
"Q 875 947 1217 837 \n",
"Q 1559 728 1863 728 \n",
"Q 2300 728 2551 942 \n",
"Q 2803 1156 2803 1522 \n",
"Q 2803 1891 2551 2103 \n",
"Q 2300 2316 1863 2316 \n",
"Q 1603 2316 1309 2248 \n",
"Q 1016 2181 678 2041 \n",
"L 678 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(151.884925 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(343.816675 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2356 3675 \n",
"L 1038 1722 \n",
"L 2356 1722 \n",
"L 2356 3675 \n",
"M 2156 4666 \n",
"L 3494 4666 \n",
"L 3494 1722 \n",
"L 4159 1722 \n",
"L 4159 850 \n",
"L 3494 850 \n",
"L 3494 0 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 2356 850 \n",
"L 288 850 \n",
"L 288 1881 \n",
"L 2156 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(352.19455 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_4><path d="M 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"L 85.5864 182.6316 \n",
"Q 89.0424 182.6316 89.0424 179.1756 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 179.1756 \n",
"Q 15.84 182.6316 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pd82306bd5f><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229bottom--6250173135636476229characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229characters aria-controls=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229categories aria-controls=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229scripts aria-controls=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229blocks aria-controls=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-6250173135636476229unicode--6250173135636476229blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>258</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 85.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>45</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.4%> &nbsp; </div> 14.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_4914436305547708615></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=restecg><a href=#pp_var_4914436305547708615>restecg</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 151&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 2 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:98.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 148&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:2.6% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> &nbsp; </div> 4 </td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom-4914436305547708615, #minifreqtable4914436305547708615" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom-4914436305547708615 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615overview aria-controls=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615string aria-controls=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615word aria-controls=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615characters aria-controls=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:44.132161</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p061c07e3b3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p061c07e3b3><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=215.1954pt viewbox="0 0 405 215.1954" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:44.320374</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 201.855446 108.84 \n",
"L 201.855446 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p86339b2894) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 201.855446 108.84 \n",
"L 392.643564 108.84 \n",
"L 392.643564 16.44 \n",
"L 201.855446 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p86339b2894) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 392.643564 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 392.643564 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p86339b2894) style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(79.549348 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2356 3675 \n",
"L 1038 1722 \n",
"L 2356 1722 \n",
"L 2356 3675 \n",
"M 2156 4666 \n",
"L 3494 4666 \n",
"L 3494 1722 \n",
"L 4159 1722 \n",
"L 4159 850 \n",
"L 3494 850 \n",
"L 3494 0 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 2356 850 \n",
"L 288 850 \n",
"L 288 1881 \n",
"L 2156 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(82.917598 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 678 4666 \n",
"L 3669 4666 \n",
"L 3669 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3059 \n",
"Q 1775 3097 1914 3117 \n",
"Q 2053 3138 2203 3138 \n",
"Q 3056 3138 3531 2711 \n",
"Q 4006 2284 4006 1522 \n",
"Q 4006 766 3489 337 \n",
"Q 2972 -91 2053 -91 \n",
"Q 1656 -91 1267 -14 \n",
"Q 878 63 494 219 \n",
"L 494 1166 \n",
"Q 875 947 1217 837 \n",
"Q 1559 728 1863 728 \n",
"Q 2300 728 2551 942 \n",
"Q 2803 1156 2803 1522 \n",
"Q 2803 1891 2551 2103 \n",
"Q 2300 2316 1863 2316 \n",
"Q 1603 2316 1309 2248 \n",
"Q 1016 2181 678 2041 \n",
"L 678 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(272.27113 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(275.63938 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_5><path d="M 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"L 85.5864 207.9954 \n",
"Q 89.0424 207.9954 89.0424 204.5394 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 204.5394 \n",
"Q 15.84 207.9954 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /></g></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 22.752 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 185.3937 \n",
"L 22.752 185.3937 \n",
"" style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 197.4897) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p86339b2894><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615bottom-4914436305547708615characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615characters aria-controls=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615categories aria-controls=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615scripts aria-controls=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615blocks aria-controls=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4914436305547708615unicode-4914436305547708615blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>151</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 49.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>148</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.0%> 48.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.6%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_4592837826220067076></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=thalach><a href=#pp_var_4592837826220067076>thalach</a><br><small>Real number (&Ropf;)</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">91</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">30.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Mean</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">149.60726</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Minimum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">71</td></tr><tr><th>Maximum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">202</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Zeros (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Negative</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Negative (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 10.8 124.726458 \n",
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"L 10.8 10.8 \n",
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"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
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"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
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"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(88.647952 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(122.37453 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(156.101109 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(189.827688 150.322304) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 19.636364 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.170909 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.170909 119.301388 \n",
"L 19.636364 119.301388 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 23.170909 124.726458 \n",
"L 26.705455 124.726458 \n",
"L 26.705455 124.726458 \n",
"L 23.170909 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 26.705455 124.726458 \n",
"L 30.24 124.726458 \n",
"L 30.24 124.726458 \n",
"L 26.705455 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 30.24 124.726458 \n",
"L 33.774545 124.726458 \n",
"L 33.774545 124.726458 \n",
"L 30.24 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 33.774545 124.726458 \n",
"L 37.309091 124.726458 \n",
"L 37.309091 124.726458 \n",
"L 33.774545 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 37.309091 124.726458 \n",
"L 40.843636 124.726458 \n",
"L 40.843636 124.726458 \n",
"L 37.309091 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_9><path d="M 40.843636 124.726458 \n",
"L 44.378182 124.726458 \n",
"L 44.378182 119.301388 \n",
"L 40.843636 119.301388 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 44.378182 124.726458 \n",
"L 47.912727 124.726458 \n",
"L 47.912727 119.301388 \n",
"L 44.378182 119.301388 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_11><path d="M 47.912727 124.726458 \n",
"L 51.447273 124.726458 \n",
"L 51.447273 124.726458 \n",
"L 47.912727 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_12><path d="M 51.447273 124.726458 \n",
"L 54.981818 124.726458 \n",
"L 54.981818 103.02618 \n",
"L 51.447273 103.02618 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_13><path d="M 54.981818 124.726458 \n",
"L 58.516364 124.726458 \n",
"L 58.516364 119.301388 \n",
"L 54.981818 119.301388 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_14><path d="M 58.516364 124.726458 \n",
"L 62.050909 124.726458 \n",
"L 62.050909 124.726458 \n",
"L 58.516364 124.726458 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_15><path d="M 62.050909 124.726458 \n",
"L 65.585455 124.726458 \n",
"L 65.585455 97.601111 \n",
"L 62.050909 97.601111 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_16><path d="M 65.585455 124.726458 \n",
"L 69.12 124.726458 \n",
"L 69.12 119.301388 \n",
"L 65.585455 119.301388 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_17><path d="M 69.12 124.726458 \n",
"L 72.654545 124.726458 \n",
"L 72.654545 103.02618 \n",
"L 69.12 103.02618 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_18><path d="M 72.654545 124.726458 \n",
"L 76.189091 124.726458 \n",
"L 76.189091 97.601111 \n",
"L 72.654545 97.601111 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_19><path d="M 76.189091 124.726458 \n",
"L 79.723636 124.726458 \n",
"L 79.723636 86.750972 \n",
"L 76.189091 86.750972 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_20><path d="M 79.723636 124.726458 \n",
"L 83.258182 124.726458 \n",
"L 83.258182 103.02618 \n",
"L 79.723636 103.02618 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_21><path d="M 83.258182 124.726458 \n",
"L 86.792727 124.726458 \n",
"L 86.792727 108.45125 \n",
"L 83.258182 108.45125 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_22><path d="M 86.792727 124.726458 \n",
"L 90.327273 124.726458 \n",
"L 90.327273 86.750972 \n",
"L 86.792727 86.750972 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 90.327273 124.726458 \n",
"L 93.861818 124.726458 \n",
"L 93.861818 59.625625 \n",
"L 90.327273 59.625625 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 93.861818 124.726458 \n",
"L 97.396364 124.726458 \n",
"L 97.396364 113.876319 \n",
"L 93.861818 113.876319 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 97.396364 124.726458 \n",
"L 100.930909 124.726458 \n",
"L 100.930909 75.900833 \n",
"L 97.396364 75.900833 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_26><path d="M 100.930909 124.726458 \n",
"L 104.465455 124.726458 \n",
"L 104.465455 75.900833 \n",
"L 100.930909 75.900833 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p7d09aa725c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_27><path d="M 104.465455 124.726458 \n",
"L 108 124.726458 \n",
"L 108 108.45125 \n",
"L 104.465455 108.45125 \n",
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"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
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"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(277.034672 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(338.702958 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(400.371244 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_7><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(462.03953 203.386934) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 177.816345) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.0175 138.955125) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 100.093904) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 61.232684) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.655 22.371463) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.367344 120.82122) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
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"L 2938 0 \n",
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"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
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"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
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"L 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 448.768 158.472638 \n",
"L 440.689455 158.472638 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p772d5b2255) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_50><path d="M 448.768 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 166.244883 \n",
"L 448.768 166.244883 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p772d5b2255) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_51><path d="M 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 456.846545 174.017127 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p772d5b2255) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_52><path d="M 464.925091 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 174.017127 \n",
"L 473.003636 166.244883 \n",
"L 464.925091 166.244883 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p772d5b2255) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_53><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 48.88 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_54><path d="M 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_55><path d="M 48.88 174.017127 \n",
"L 493.2 174.017127 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_56><path d="M 48.88 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p772d5b2255><rect x=48.88 y=10.8 width=444.32 height=163.217127 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"><strong>Histogram with fixed size bins</strong> (bins=50) </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4592837826220067076bottom-4592837826220067076common_values><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=162> 162 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.9%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=160> 160 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.0%> &nbsp; </div> 3.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=163> 163 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.0%> &nbsp; </div> 3.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=152> 152 </td><td>8</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.6%> &nbsp; </div> 2.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=150> 150 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=173> 173 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=125> 125 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=143> 143 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=144> 144 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=132> 132 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class=other><td title="Other values (81)"> Other values (81) </td><td>224</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 73.9% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4592837826220067076bottom-4592837826220067076extreme_values><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076firstn aria-controls=4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076firstn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Minimum 10 values</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076lastn aria-controls=4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076lastn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Maximum 10 values</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076firstn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=71> 71 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=88> 88 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=90> 90 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=95> 95 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=96> 96 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:66.7%> 0.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=97> 97 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=99> 99 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=103> 103 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:66.7%> 0.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=105> 105 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 1.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=106> 106 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:33.3%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=4592837826220067076extreme_values-4592837826220067076lastn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=202> 202 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=195> 195 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=194> 194 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=192> 192 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=190> 190 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=188> 188 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=187> 187 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=186> 186 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 0.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=185> 185 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=184> 184 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.3% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-2200233788921973238></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=exang><a href=#pp_var_-2200233788921973238>exang</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.7%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 204&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:48.5% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 99&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom--2200233788921973238, #minifreqtable-2200233788921973238" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom--2200233788921973238 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238overview aria-controls=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238string aria-controls=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238word aria-controls=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238characters aria-controls=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:45.099329</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe0c741f85c) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pe0c741f85c><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=189.8316pt viewbox="0 0 405 189.8316" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:45.278756</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 189.8316 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 270.178218 108.84 \n",
"L 270.178218 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p197d5576ae) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 270.178218 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 270.178218 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p197d5576ae) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(113.710734 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 428 4666 \n",
"L 3944 4666 \n",
"L 3944 3988 \n",
"L 2125 0 \n",
"L 953 0 \n",
"L 2675 3781 \n",
"L 428 3781 \n",
"L 428 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2981 2516 \n",
"Q 3453 2394 3698 2092 \n",
"Q 3944 1791 3944 1325 \n",
"Q 3944 631 3412 270 \n",
"Q 2881 -91 1863 -91 \n",
"Q 1503 -91 1142 -33 \n",
"Q 781 25 428 141 \n",
"L 428 1069 \n",
"Q 766 900 1098 814 \n",
"Q 1431 728 1753 728 \n",
"Q 2231 728 2486 893 \n",
"Q 2741 1059 2741 1369 \n",
"Q 2741 1688 2480 1852 \n",
"Q 2219 2016 1709 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2791 \n",
"L 1734 2791 \n",
"Q 2188 2791 2409 2933 \n",
"Q 2631 3075 2631 3366 \n",
"Q 2631 3634 2415 3781 \n",
"Q 2200 3928 1806 3928 \n",
"Q 1516 3928 1219 3862 \n",
"Q 922 3797 628 3669 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 984 4650 1334 4700 \n",
"Q 1684 4750 2022 4750 \n",
"Q 2931 4750 3382 4451 \n",
"Q 3834 4153 3834 3553 \n",
"Q 3834 3144 3618 2883 \n",
"Q 3403 2622 2981 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-33 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(117.078984 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2944 2338 \n",
"Q 2944 3213 2780 3570 \n",
"Q 2616 3928 2228 3928 \n",
"Q 1841 3928 1675 3570 \n",
"Q 1509 3213 1509 2338 \n",
"Q 1509 1453 1675 1090 \n",
"Q 1841 728 2228 728 \n",
"Q 2613 728 2778 1090 \n",
"Q 2944 1453 2944 2338 \n",
"M 4147 2328 \n",
"Q 4147 1169 3647 539 \n",
"Q 3147 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1306 -91 806 539 \n",
"Q 306 1169 306 2328 \n",
"Q 306 3491 806 4120 \n",
"Q 1306 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3147 4750 3647 4120 \n",
"Q 4147 3491 4147 2328 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2356 3675 \n",
"L 1038 1722 \n",
"L 2356 1722 \n",
"L 2356 3675 \n",
"M 2156 4666 \n",
"L 3494 4666 \n",
"L 3494 1722 \n",
"L 4159 1722 \n",
"L 4159 850 \n",
"L 3494 850 \n",
"L 3494 0 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 2356 850 \n",
"L 288 850 \n",
"L 288 1881 \n",
"L 2156 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(309.010734 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(317.388609 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_4><path d="M 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"L 85.5864 182.6316 \n",
"Q 89.0424 182.6316 89.0424 179.1756 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 179.1756 \n",
"Q 15.84 182.6316 19.296 182.6316 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p197d5576ae><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238bottom--2200233788921973238characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238characters aria-controls=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238categories aria-controls=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238scripts aria-controls=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238blocks aria-controls=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2200233788921973238unicode--2200233788921973238blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>204</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 67.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:48.5%> 32.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-777320605083531598></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=oldpeak><a href=#pp_var_-777320605083531598>oldpeak</a><br><small>Real number (&Ropf;)</small></p><p><code>ZEROS</code>&nbsp </p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">40</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">13.2%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Infinite (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Mean</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.039604</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Minimum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Maximum</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">6.2</td></tr><tr class=alert><th>Zeros</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">99</td></tr><tr class=alert><th>Zeros (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">32.7%</td></tr><tr><th>Negative</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Negative (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"L 216 162 \n",
"L 216 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 10.8 131.981373 \n",
"L 205.2 131.981373 \n",
"L 205.2 10.8 \n",
"L 10.8 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.397715 150.378872) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(76.406513 150.378872) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(133.41531 150.378872) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.424108 150.378872) rotate(-45) scale(0.08 -0.08)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /></g></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 19.636364 131.981373 \n",
"L 24.054545 131.981373 \n",
"L 24.054545 16.570542 \n",
"L 19.636364 16.570542 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 24.054545 131.981373 \n",
"L 28.472727 131.981373 \n",
"L 28.472727 115.649652 \n",
"L 24.054545 115.649652 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 28.472727 131.981373 \n",
"L 32.890909 131.981373 \n",
"L 32.890909 122.18234 \n",
"L 28.472727 122.18234 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 32.890909 131.981373 \n",
"L 37.309091 131.981373 \n",
"L 37.309091 111.294526 \n",
"L 32.890909 111.294526 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 37.309091 131.981373 \n",
"L 41.727273 131.981373 \n",
"L 41.727273 130.892592 \n",
"L 37.309091 130.892592 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 41.727273 131.981373 \n",
"L 46.145455 131.981373 \n",
"L 46.145455 114.56087 \n",
"L 41.727273 114.56087 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_9><path d="M 46.145455 131.981373 \n",
"L 50.563636 131.981373 \n",
"L 50.563636 116.738433 \n",
"L 46.145455 116.738433 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 50.563636 131.981373 \n",
"L 54.981818 131.981373 \n",
"L 54.981818 111.294526 \n",
"L 50.563636 111.294526 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_11><path d="M 54.981818 131.981373 \n",
"L 59.4 131.981373 \n",
"L 59.4 130.892592 \n",
"L 54.981818 130.892592 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_12><path d="M 59.4 131.981373 \n",
"L 63.818182 131.981373 \n",
"L 63.818182 112.383308 \n",
"L 59.4 112.383308 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_13><path d="M 63.818182 131.981373 \n",
"L 68.236364 131.981373 \n",
"L 68.236364 120.004778 \n",
"L 63.818182 120.004778 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_14><path d="M 68.236364 131.981373 \n",
"L 72.654545 131.981373 \n",
"L 72.654545 121.093559 \n",
"L 68.236364 121.093559 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_15><path d="M 72.654545 131.981373 \n",
"L 77.072727 131.981373 \n",
"L 77.072727 116.738433 \n",
"L 72.654545 116.738433 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_16><path d="M 77.072727 131.981373 \n",
"L 81.490909 131.981373 \n",
"L 81.490909 130.892592 \n",
"L 77.072727 130.892592 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_17><path d="M 81.490909 131.981373 \n",
"L 85.909091 131.981373 \n",
"L 85.909091 125.448685 \n",
"L 81.490909 125.448685 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_18><path d="M 85.909091 131.981373 \n",
"L 90.327273 131.981373 \n",
"L 90.327273 128.715029 \n",
"L 85.909091 128.715029 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_19><path d="M 90.327273 131.981373 \n",
"L 94.745455 131.981373 \n",
"L 94.745455 123.271122 \n",
"L 90.327273 123.271122 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_20><path d="M 94.745455 131.981373 \n",
"L 99.163636 131.981373 \n",
"L 99.163636 131.981373 \n",
"L 94.745455 131.981373 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_21><path d="M 99.163636 131.981373 \n",
"L 103.581818 131.981373 \n",
"L 103.581818 124.359903 \n",
"L 99.163636 124.359903 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p57d4ec74bb) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_22><path d="M 103.581818 131.981373 \n",
"L 108 131.981373 \n",
"L 108 126.537466 \n",
"L 103.581818 126.537466 \n",
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"L 169.854545 131.981373 \n",
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"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(139.090208 203.425825) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
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"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(267.515428 203.425825) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(331.728038 203.425825) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(395.940648 203.425825) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_7><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(460.153258 203.425825) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 186.85317) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 155.900079) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 124.946988) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 93.993897) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 63.040806) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 32.087715) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_14><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 125.339632) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 183.053951 \n",
"L 85.128864 183.053951 \n",
"L 85.128864 19.002569 \n",
"L 75.175909 19.002569 \n",
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"L 95.081818 183.053951 \n",
"L 95.081818 159.839133 \n",
"L 85.128864 159.839133 \n",
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"L 105.034773 183.053951 \n",
"L 105.034773 169.12506 \n",
"L 95.081818 169.12506 \n",
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"L 114.987727 183.053951 \n",
"L 114.987727 153.648515 \n",
"L 105.034773 153.648515 \n",
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"L 124.940682 183.053951 \n",
"L 124.940682 181.506297 \n",
"L 114.987727 181.506297 \n",
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"L 134.893636 183.053951 \n",
"L 134.893636 158.291479 \n",
"L 124.940682 158.291479 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_9><path d="M 134.893636 183.053951 \n",
"L 144.846591 183.053951 \n",
"L 144.846591 161.386788 \n",
"L 134.893636 161.386788 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 144.846591 183.053951 \n",
"L 154.799545 183.053951 \n",
"L 154.799545 153.648515 \n",
"L 144.846591 153.648515 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_11><path d="M 154.799545 183.053951 \n",
"L 164.7525 183.053951 \n",
"L 164.7525 181.506297 \n",
"L 154.799545 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_12><path d="M 164.7525 183.053951 \n",
"L 174.705455 183.053951 \n",
"L 174.705455 155.196169 \n",
"L 164.7525 155.196169 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_13><path d="M 174.705455 183.053951 \n",
"L 184.658409 183.053951 \n",
"L 184.658409 166.029751 \n",
"L 174.705455 166.029751 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_14><path d="M 184.658409 183.053951 \n",
"L 194.611364 183.053951 \n",
"L 194.611364 167.577406 \n",
"L 184.658409 167.577406 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_15><path d="M 194.611364 183.053951 \n",
"L 204.564318 183.053951 \n",
"L 204.564318 161.386788 \n",
"L 194.611364 161.386788 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_16><path d="M 204.564318 183.053951 \n",
"L 214.517273 183.053951 \n",
"L 214.517273 181.506297 \n",
"L 204.564318 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_17><path d="M 214.517273 183.053951 \n",
"L 224.470227 183.053951 \n",
"L 224.470227 173.768024 \n",
"L 214.517273 173.768024 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_18><path d="M 224.470227 183.053951 \n",
"L 234.423182 183.053951 \n",
"L 234.423182 178.410988 \n",
"L 224.470227 178.410988 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_19><path d="M 234.423182 183.053951 \n",
"L 244.376136 183.053951 \n",
"L 244.376136 170.672715 \n",
"L 234.423182 170.672715 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_20><path d="M 244.376136 183.053951 \n",
"L 254.329091 183.053951 \n",
"L 254.329091 183.053951 \n",
"L 244.376136 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_21><path d="M 254.329091 183.053951 \n",
"L 264.282045 183.053951 \n",
"L 264.282045 172.220369 \n",
"L 254.329091 172.220369 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_22><path d="M 264.282045 183.053951 \n",
"L 274.235 183.053951 \n",
"L 274.235 175.315679 \n",
"L 264.282045 175.315679 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_23><path d="M 274.235 183.053951 \n",
"L 284.187955 183.053951 \n",
"L 284.187955 178.410988 \n",
"L 274.235 178.410988 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_24><path d="M 284.187955 183.053951 \n",
"L 294.140909 183.053951 \n",
"L 294.140909 178.410988 \n",
"L 284.187955 178.410988 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_25><path d="M 294.140909 183.053951 \n",
"L 304.093864 183.053951 \n",
"L 304.093864 181.506297 \n",
"L 294.140909 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_26><path d="M 304.093864 183.053951 \n",
"L 314.046818 183.053951 \n",
"L 314.046818 176.863333 \n",
"L 304.093864 176.863333 \n",
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"L 323.999773 181.506297 \n",
"L 314.046818 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_28><path d="M 323.999773 183.053951 \n",
"L 333.952727 183.053951 \n",
"L 333.952727 178.410988 \n",
"L 323.999773 178.410988 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_29><path d="M 333.952727 183.053951 \n",
"L 343.905682 183.053951 \n",
"L 343.905682 183.053951 \n",
"L 333.952727 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_30><path d="M 343.905682 183.053951 \n",
"L 353.858636 183.053951 \n",
"L 353.858636 179.958642 \n",
"L 343.905682 179.958642 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_31><path d="M 353.858636 183.053951 \n",
"L 363.811591 183.053951 \n",
"L 363.811591 181.506297 \n",
"L 353.858636 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_32><path d="M 363.811591 183.053951 \n",
"L 373.764545 183.053951 \n",
"L 373.764545 183.053951 \n",
"L 363.811591 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_33><path d="M 373.764545 183.053951 \n",
"L 383.7175 183.053951 \n",
"L 383.7175 183.053951 \n",
"L 373.764545 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_34><path d="M 383.7175 183.053951 \n",
"L 393.670455 183.053951 \n",
"L 393.670455 183.053951 \n",
"L 383.7175 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_35><path d="M 393.670455 183.053951 \n",
"L 403.623409 183.053951 \n",
"L 403.623409 183.053951 \n",
"L 393.670455 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_36><path d="M 403.623409 183.053951 \n",
"L 413.576364 183.053951 \n",
"L 413.576364 183.053951 \n",
"L 403.623409 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_37><path d="M 413.576364 183.053951 \n",
"L 423.529318 183.053951 \n",
"L 423.529318 183.053951 \n",
"L 413.576364 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_38><path d="M 423.529318 183.053951 \n",
"L 433.482273 183.053951 \n",
"L 433.482273 183.053951 \n",
"L 423.529318 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_39><path d="M 433.482273 183.053951 \n",
"L 443.435227 183.053951 \n",
"L 443.435227 181.506297 \n",
"L 433.482273 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_40><path d="M 443.435227 183.053951 \n",
"L 453.388182 183.053951 \n",
"L 453.388182 183.053951 \n",
"L 443.435227 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_41><path d="M 453.388182 183.053951 \n",
"L 463.341136 183.053951 \n",
"L 463.341136 183.053951 \n",
"L 453.388182 183.053951 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_42><path d="M 463.341136 183.053951 \n",
"L 473.294091 183.053951 \n",
"L 473.294091 181.506297 \n",
"L 463.341136 181.506297 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pc093b0cdb3) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_43><path d="M 55.27 183.053951 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_44><path d="M 493.2 183.053951 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_45><path d="M 55.27 183.053951 \n",
"L 493.2 183.053951 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_46><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pc093b0cdb3><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=172.253951 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"><strong>Histogram with fixed size bins</strong> (bins=40) </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-777320605083531598bottom--777320605083531598common_values><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 32.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1.2> 1.2 </td><td>17</td><td><div class=bar style=width:17.2%> &nbsp; </div> 5.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.6> 0.6 </td><td>14</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>14</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1.4> 1.4 </td><td>13</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.8> 0.8 </td><td>13</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.2> 0.2 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:12.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1.6> 1.6 </td><td>11</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.1%> &nbsp; </div> 3.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=1.8> 1.8 </td><td>10</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.1%> &nbsp; </div> 3.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 3.0% </td></tr><tr class=other><td title="Other values (30)"> Other values (30) </td><td>91</td><td><div class=bar style=width:91.9%> 30.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-777320605083531598bottom--777320605083531598extreme_values><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598firstn aria-controls=-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598firstn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Minimum 10 values</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598lastn aria-controls=-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598lastn role=tab data-toggle=tab>Maximum 10 values</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598firstn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>99</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 32.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0.1> 0.1 </td><td>7</td><td><div class=bar style=width:7.1%> &nbsp; </div> 2.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.2> 0.2 </td><td>12</td><td><div class=bar style=width:12.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.3> 0.3 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.4> 0.4 </td><td>9</td><td><div class=bar style=width:9.1%> &nbsp; </div> 3.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.5> 0.5 </td><td>5</td><td><div class=bar style=width:5.1%> &nbsp; </div> 1.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.6> 0.6 </td><td>14</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.6% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.7> 0.7 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.8> 0.8 </td><td>13</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.1%> &nbsp; </div> 4.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=0.9> 0.9 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:3.0%> &nbsp; </div> 1.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-777320605083531598extreme_values--777320605083531598lastn><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=6.2> 6.2 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:25.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=5.6> 5.6 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:25.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=4.4> 4.4 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:25.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=4.2> 4.2 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.7% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=4> 4 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:75.0%> 1.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3.8> 3.8 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:25.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3.6> 3.6 </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 1.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3.5> 3.5 </td><td>1</td><td><div class=bar style=width:25.0%> &nbsp; </div> 0.3% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3.4> 3.4 </td><td>3</td><td><div class=bar style=width:75.0%> 1.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3.2> 3.2 </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:50.0%> 0.7% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-2382934461102649323></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=slope><a href=#pp_var_-2382934461102649323>slope</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 1 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 142&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 2 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:98.6% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 140&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 3 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:14.8% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 21&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom--2382934461102649323, #minifreqtable-2382934461102649323" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom--2382934461102649323 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323overview aria-controls=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323string aria-controls=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323word aria-controls=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323characters aria-controls=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">303</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:46.004020</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 154.096346) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 128.085321) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 102.074296) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 76.063271) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 50.052246) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 24.041221) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p2637f14fe9) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p2637f14fe9><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=215.1954pt viewbox="0 0 405 215.1954" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:46.205178</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 190.253465 108.84 \n",
"L 190.253465 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pbe40770cb5) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 190.253465 108.84 \n",
"L 370.728713 108.84 \n",
"L 370.728713 16.44 \n",
"L 190.253465 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pbe40770cb5) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 370.728713 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 370.728713 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pbe40770cb5) style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(73.748358 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2356 3675 \n",
"L 1038 1722 \n",
"L 2356 1722 \n",
"L 2356 3675 \n",
"M 2156 4666 \n",
"L 3494 4666 \n",
"L 3494 1722 \n",
"L 4159 1722 \n",
"L 4159 850 \n",
"L 3494 850 \n",
"L 3494 0 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 2356 850 \n",
"L 288 850 \n",
"L 288 1881 \n",
"L 2156 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(77.116608 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(255.512714 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(258.880964 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2944 2338 \n",
"Q 2944 3213 2780 3570 \n",
"Q 2616 3928 2228 3928 \n",
"Q 1841 3928 1675 3570 \n",
"Q 1509 3213 1509 2338 \n",
"Q 1509 1453 1675 1090 \n",
"Q 1841 728 2228 728 \n",
"Q 2613 728 2778 1090 \n",
"Q 2944 1453 2944 2338 \n",
"M 4147 2328 \n",
"Q 4147 1169 3647 539 \n",
"Q 3147 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1306 -91 806 539 \n",
"Q 306 1169 306 2328 \n",
"Q 306 3491 806 4120 \n",
"Q 1306 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3147 4750 3647 4120 \n",
"Q 4147 3491 4147 2328 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-34 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-30 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_5><path d="M 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"L 85.5864 207.9954 \n",
"Q 89.0424 207.9954 89.0424 204.5394 \n",
"L 89.0424 130.176 \n",
"Q 89.0424 126.72 85.5864 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 204.5394 \n",
"Q 15.84 207.9954 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /></g></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 22.752 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 185.3937 \n",
"L 22.752 185.3937 \n",
"" style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 197.4897) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pbe40770cb5><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323bottom--2382934461102649323characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323characters aria-controls=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323categories aria-controls=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323scripts aria-controls=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323blocks aria-controls=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-2382934461102649323unicode--2382934461102649323blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>303</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>142</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 46.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>140</td><td><div class=bar style=width:98.6%> 46.2% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>21</td><td><div class=bar style=width:14.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.9% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_-7231692698450103768></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=ca><a href=#pp_var_-7231692698450103768>ca</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p><code>MISSING</code>&nbsp </p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.3%</td></tr><tr class=alert><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">4</td></tr><tr class=alert><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.3%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 0.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 176&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 1.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:36.9% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 65&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 2.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:21.6% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 38&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 3.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:11.4% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 20&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom--7231692698450103768, #minifreqtable-7231692698450103768" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom--7231692698450103768 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768overview aria-controls=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768string aria-controls=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768word aria-controls=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768characters aria-controls=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">897</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">5</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3.0</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.0</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0.0> 0.0 </td><td>176</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 58.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1.0> 1.0 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:36.9%> &nbsp; </div> 21.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2.0> 2.0 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:21.6%> &nbsp; </div> 12.5% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3.0> 3.0 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.4%> &nbsp; </div> 6.6% </td></tr><tr class=missing><td title=(Missing)> (Missing) </td><td>4</td><td><div class=bar style=width:2.3%> &nbsp; </div> 1.3% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:46.421486</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 153.748373) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 127.389374) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 101.030375) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 74.671377) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 48.312378) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 21.953379) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p5fe2c41bdd) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p5fe2c41bdd><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=240.5592pt viewbox="0 0 405 240.5592" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:46.608860</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 240.5592 \n",
"L 405 240.5592 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 237.118395 108.84 \n",
"L 237.118395 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#paadc15bd82) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 237.118395 108.84 \n",
"L 322.031438 108.84 \n",
"L 322.031438 16.44 \n",
"L 237.118395 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#paadc15bd82) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 322.031438 108.84 \n",
"L 371.67291 108.84 \n",
"L 371.67291 16.44 \n",
"L 322.031438 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#paadc15bd82) style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 371.67291 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 371.67291 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#paadc15bd82) style="fill: #d62728; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(97.180822 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 678 4666 \n",
"L 3669 4666 \n",
"L 3669 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3059 \n",
"Q 1775 3097 1914 3117 \n",
"Q 2053 3138 2203 3138 \n",
"Q 3056 3138 3531 2711 \n",
"Q 4006 2284 4006 1522 \n",
"Q 4006 766 3489 337 \n",
"Q 2972 -91 2053 -91 \n",
"Q 1656 -91 1267 -14 \n",
"Q 878 63 494 219 \n",
"L 494 1166 \n",
"Q 875 947 1217 837 \n",
"Q 1559 728 1863 728 \n",
"Q 2300 728 2551 942 \n",
"Q 2803 1156 2803 1522 \n",
"Q 2803 1891 2551 2103 \n",
"Q 2300 2316 1863 2316 \n",
"Q 1603 2316 1309 2248 \n",
"Q 1016 2181 678 2041 \n",
"L 678 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(100.549072 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 428 4666 \n",
"L 3944 4666 \n",
"L 3944 3988 \n",
"L 2125 0 \n",
"L 953 0 \n",
"L 2675 3781 \n",
"L 428 3781 \n",
"L 428 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(254.596541 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1844 884 \n",
"L 3897 884 \n",
"L 3897 0 \n",
"L 506 0 \n",
"L 506 884 \n",
"L 2209 2388 \n",
"Q 2438 2594 2547 2791 \n",
"Q 2656 2988 2656 3200 \n",
"Q 2656 3528 2436 3728 \n",
"Q 2216 3928 1850 3928 \n",
"Q 1569 3928 1234 3808 \n",
"Q 900 3688 519 3450 \n",
"L 519 4475 \n",
"Q 925 4609 1322 4679 \n",
"Q 1719 4750 2100 4750 \n",
"Q 2938 4750 3402 4381 \n",
"Q 3866 4013 3866 3353 \n",
"Q 3866 2972 3669 2642 \n",
"Q 3472 2313 2841 1759 \n",
"L 1844 884 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(262.974416 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(321.873799 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-32 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(330.251674 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2981 2516 \n",
"Q 3453 2394 3698 2092 \n",
"Q 3944 1791 3944 1325 \n",
"Q 3944 631 3412 270 \n",
"Q 2881 -91 1863 -91 \n",
"Q 1503 -91 1142 -33 \n",
"Q 781 25 428 141 \n",
"L 428 1069 \n",
"Q 766 900 1098 814 \n",
"Q 1431 728 1753 728 \n",
"Q 2231 728 2486 893 \n",
"Q 2741 1059 2741 1369 \n",
"Q 2741 1688 2480 1852 \n",
"Q 2219 2016 1709 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2791 \n",
"L 1734 2791 \n",
"Q 2188 2791 2409 2933 \n",
"Q 2631 3075 2631 3366 \n",
"Q 2631 3634 2415 3781 \n",
"Q 2200 3928 1806 3928 \n",
"Q 1516 3928 1219 3862 \n",
"Q 922 3797 628 3669 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 984 4650 1334 4700 \n",
"Q 1684 4750 2022 4750 \n",
"Q 2931 4750 3382 4451 \n",
"Q 3834 4153 3834 3553 \n",
"Q 3834 3144 3618 2883 \n",
"Q 3403 2622 2981 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-33 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=184.863281 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_6><path d="M 19.296 233.3592 \n",
"L 102.0726 233.3592 \n",
"Q 105.5286 233.3592 105.5286 229.9032 \n",
"L 105.5286 130.176 \n",
"Q 105.5286 126.72 102.0726 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 229.9032 \n",
"Q 15.84 233.3592 19.296 233.3592 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g><g id=patch_9><path d="M 22.752 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 185.3937 \n",
"L 22.752 185.3937 \n",
"" style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 197.4897) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g><g id=patch_10><path d="M 22.752 222.8535 \n",
"L 57.312 222.8535 \n",
"L 57.312 210.7575 \n",
"L 22.752 210.7575 \n",
"" style="fill: #d62728; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 222.8535) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=paadc15bd82><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0.0> 0.0 </td><td>176</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 58.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1.0> 1.0 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:36.9%> &nbsp; </div> 21.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2.0> 2.0 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:21.6%> &nbsp; </div> 12.7% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3.0> 3.0 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:11.4%> &nbsp; </div> 6.7% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768bottom--7231692698450103768characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768characters aria-controls=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768categories aria-controls=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768scripts aria-controls=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768blocks aria-controls=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>475</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 53.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>299</td><td><div class=bar style=width:62.9%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.7%> &nbsp; </div> 7.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.0%> &nbsp; </div> 4.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.2%> &nbsp; </div> 2.2% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>897</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>475</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 53.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>299</td><td><div class=bar style=width:62.9%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.7%> &nbsp; </div> 7.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.0%> &nbsp; </div> 4.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.2%> &nbsp; </div> 2.2% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>897</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>475</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 53.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>299</td><td><div class=bar style=width:62.9%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.7%> &nbsp; </div> 7.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.0%> &nbsp; </div> 4.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.2%> &nbsp; </div> 2.2% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=-7231692698450103768unicode--7231692698450103768blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>897</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>475</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 53.0% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>299</td><td><div class=bar style=width:62.9%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=1> 1 </td><td>65</td><td><div class=bar style=width:13.7%> &nbsp; </div> 7.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=2> 2 </td><td>38</td><td><div class=bar style=width:8.0%> &nbsp; </div> 4.2% </td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>20</td><td><div class=bar style=width:4.2%> &nbsp; </div> 2.2% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row spacing"><a class="anchor-pos anchor-pos-variable" id=pp_var_7351801896245894301></a><div class=variable><div class=col-sm-12><p class=h4 title=thal><a href=#pp_var_7351801896245894301>thal</a><br><small>Categorical</small></p><p class=variable-description></p></div><div class=col-sm-6><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Distinct</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1.0%</td></tr><tr><th>Missing</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2</td></tr><tr><th>Missing (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.7%</td></tr><tr><th>Memory size</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">2.5 KiB</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-6><div class=row id=minifreqtable><table class="mini freq table-0"><tr class><th width=10%> 3.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:100.0% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 166&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 7.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:70.5% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 117&nbsp; </div></td></tr><tr class><th width=10%> 6.0 </th><td width=10%><div class=bar style=width:10.8% data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=center data-html=true data-delay=500> 18&nbsp; </div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-toggle=collapse data-target="#bottom-7351801896245894301, #minifreqtable7351801896245894301" aria-expanded=true aria-controls=collapseExample> More details </button></div><div id=bottom-7351801896245894301 class=collapse><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301overview aria-controls=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301overview role=tab data-toggle=tab>Overview</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301string aria-controls=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301string role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301word aria-controls=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301word role=tab data-toggle=tab>Words</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301characters aria-controls=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301overview><div class=row><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Length</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Max length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Median length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Mean length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr><tr><th>Min length</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Characters and Unicode</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Total characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">903</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct characters</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">5</td></tr><tr><th>Distinct categories</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode categories (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode categories (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct scripts</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_(Unicode)#List_of_scripts_in_Unicode><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode scripts (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr><tr><th>Distinct blocks</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">1 <a title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)" href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_block><span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="Unicode blocks (click for more information)">?</span></a></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> The Unicode Standard assigns character properties to each code point, which can be used to analyse textual variables. </div></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Unique</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>Unique</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0 <span class="badge pull-right" style=color:#fff;background-color:#337ab7; title="The number of unique values (all values that occur exactly once in the dataset).">?</span></td></tr><tr><th>Unique (%)</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">0.0%</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class=col-sm-3><p class=h4>Sample</p><table class="table table-condensed stats"><tbody><tr><th>1st row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">6.0</td></tr><tr><th>2nd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3.0</td></tr><tr><th>3rd row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">7.0</td></tr><tr><th>4th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3.0</td></tr><tr><th>5th row</th><td style="white-space:pre white-space:nowrap">3.0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301string><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=3.0> 3.0 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 54.8% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7.0> 7.0 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:70.5%> 38.6% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=6.0> 6.0 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.8%> &nbsp; </div> 5.9% </td></tr><tr class=missing><td title=(Missing)> (Missing) </td><td>2</td><td><div class=bar style=width:1.2%> &nbsp; </div> 0.7% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Length</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=504pt height=216pt viewbox="0 0 504 216" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:46.876362</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 216 \n",
"L 504 216 \n",
"L 504 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(111.316296 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(190.939933 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(270.563569 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.187205 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(429.810842 203.426267) rotate(-45) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(38.4075 180.107371) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(32.045 153.923516) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 127.73966) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 101.555804) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 75.371948) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 49.188092) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_7><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(25.6825 23.004236) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(19.394844 121.966733) rotate(-90) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-46 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 628 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4666 \n",
"L 3309 4134 \n",
"L 1259 4134 \n",
"L 1259 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2759 \n",
"L 3109 2228 \n",
"L 1259 2228 \n",
"L 1259 0 \n",
"L 628 0 \n",
"L 628 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-71 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
"M 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 -1331 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-75 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 544 1381 \n",
"L 544 3500 \n",
"L 1119 3500 \n",
"L 1119 1403 \n",
"Q 1119 906 1312 657 \n",
"Q 1506 409 1894 409 \n",
"Q 2359 409 2629 706 \n",
"Q 2900 1003 2900 1516 \n",
"L 2900 3500 \n",
"L 3475 3500 \n",
"L 3475 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 2900 538 \n",
"Q 2691 219 2414 64 \n",
"Q 2138 -91 1772 -91 \n",
"Q 1169 -91 856 284 \n",
"Q 544 659 544 1381 \n",
"M 1991 3584 \n",
"L 1991 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-79 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2059 -325 \n",
"Q 1816 -950 1584 -1140 \n",
"Q 1353 -1331 966 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -1331 \n",
"L 506 -850 \n",
"L 844 -850 \n",
"Q 1081 -850 1212 -737 \n",
"Q 1344 -625 1503 -206 \n",
"L 1606 56 \n",
"L 191 3500 \n",
"L 800 3500 \n",
"L 1894 763 \n",
"L 2988 3500 \n",
"L 3597 3500 \n",
"L 2059 -325 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-46 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=50.269531 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=89.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-71 x=150.65625 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-75 x=214.132812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=277.511719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=339.035156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=402.414062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-79 x=457.394531 /></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 75.175909 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 176.308153 \n",
"L 473.294091 18.681341 \n",
"L 75.175909 18.681341 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#pe39f472b2e) style="fill: #377eb8; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 55.27 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_5><path d="M 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 55.27 176.308153 \n",
"L 493.2 176.308153 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 55.27 10.8 \n",
"L 493.2 10.8 \n",
"" style="fill: none"/></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pe39f472b2e><rect x=55.27 y=10.8 width=437.93 height=165.508153 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> Histogram of lengths of the category </div></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h4 class=indent>Common Values (Plot)</h4><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=405pt height=215.1954pt viewbox="0 0 405 215.1954" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:47.067920</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 215.1954 \n",
"L 405 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 7.2 108.84 \n",
"L 222.613953 108.84 \n",
"L 222.613953 16.44 \n",
"L 7.2 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p5048e4c190) style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 222.613953 108.84 \n",
"L 374.44186 108.84 \n",
"L 374.44186 16.44 \n",
"L 222.613953 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p5048e4c190) style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_4><path d="M 374.44186 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 108.84 \n",
"L 397.8 16.44 \n",
"L 374.44186 16.44 \n",
"" clip-path=url(#p5048e4c190) style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(89.928602 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 678 4666 \n",
"L 3669 4666 \n",
"L 3669 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3781 \n",
"L 1638 3059 \n",
"Q 1775 3097 1914 3117 \n",
"Q 2053 3138 2203 3138 \n",
"Q 3056 3138 3531 2711 \n",
"Q 4006 2284 4006 1522 \n",
"Q 4006 766 3489 337 \n",
"Q 2972 -91 2053 -91 \n",
"Q 1656 -91 1267 -14 \n",
"Q 878 63 494 219 \n",
"L 494 1166 \n",
"Q 875 947 1217 837 \n",
"Q 1559 728 1863 728 \n",
"Q 2300 728 2551 942 \n",
"Q 2803 1156 2803 1522 \n",
"Q 2803 1891 2551 2103 \n",
"Q 2300 2316 1863 2316 \n",
"Q 1603 2316 1309 2248 \n",
"Q 1016 2181 678 2041 \n",
"L 678 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 653 1209 \n",
"L 1778 1209 \n",
"L 1778 0 \n",
"L 653 0 \n",
"L 653 1209 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 750 831 \n",
"L 1813 831 \n",
"L 1813 3847 \n",
"L 722 3622 \n",
"L 722 4441 \n",
"L 1806 4666 \n",
"L 2950 4666 \n",
"L 2950 831 \n",
"L 4013 831 \n",
"L 4013 0 \n",
"L 750 0 \n",
"L 750 831 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-25 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 4959 1925 \n",
"Q 4738 1925 4616 1733 \n",
"Q 4494 1541 4494 1184 \n",
"Q 4494 825 4614 633 \n",
"Q 4734 441 4959 441 \n",
"Q 5184 441 5303 633 \n",
"Q 5422 825 5422 1184 \n",
"Q 5422 1541 5301 1733 \n",
"Q 5181 1925 4959 1925 \n",
"M 4959 2450 \n",
"Q 5541 2450 5875 2112 \n",
"Q 6209 1775 6209 1184 \n",
"Q 6209 594 5875 251 \n",
"Q 5541 -91 4959 -91 \n",
"Q 4378 -91 4042 251 \n",
"Q 3706 594 3706 1184 \n",
"Q 3706 1772 4042 2111 \n",
"Q 4378 2450 4959 2450 \n",
"M 2094 -91 \n",
"L 1403 -91 \n",
"L 4319 4750 \n",
"L 5013 4750 \n",
"L 2094 -91 \n",
"M 1453 4750 \n",
"Q 2034 4750 2367 4411 \n",
"Q 2700 4072 2700 3481 \n",
"Q 2700 2891 2367 2550 \n",
"Q 2034 2209 1453 2209 \n",
"Q 872 2209 539 2550 \n",
"Q 206 2891 206 3481 \n",
"Q 206 4072 539 4411 \n",
"Q 872 4750 1453 4750 \n",
"M 1453 4225 \n",
"Q 1228 4225 1106 4031 \n",
"Q 984 3838 984 3481 \n",
"Q 984 3122 1106 2926 \n",
"Q 1228 2731 1453 2731 \n",
"Q 1678 2731 1798 2926 \n",
"Q 1919 3122 1919 3481 \n",
"Q 1919 3838 1797 4031 \n",
"Q 1675 4225 1453 4225 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-35 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(93.296852 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-28 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2413 -844 \n",
"L 1484 -844 \n",
"Q 1006 -72 778 623 \n",
"Q 550 1319 550 2003 \n",
"Q 550 2688 779 3389 \n",
"Q 1009 4091 1484 4856 \n",
"L 2413 4856 \n",
"Q 2013 4116 1813 3408 \n",
"Q 1613 2700 1613 2009 \n",
"Q 1613 1319 1811 609 \n",
"Q 2009 -100 2413 -844 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2316 2303 \n",
"Q 2000 2303 1842 2098 \n",
"Q 1684 1894 1684 1484 \n",
"Q 1684 1075 1842 870 \n",
"Q 2000 666 2316 666 \n",
"Q 2634 666 2792 870 \n",
"Q 2950 1075 2950 1484 \n",
"Q 2950 1894 2792 2098 \n",
"Q 2634 2303 2316 2303 \n",
"M 3803 4544 \n",
"L 3803 3681 \n",
"Q 3506 3822 3243 3889 \n",
"Q 2981 3956 2731 3956 \n",
"Q 2194 3956 1894 3657 \n",
"Q 1594 3359 1544 2772 \n",
"Q 1750 2925 1990 3001 \n",
"Q 2231 3078 2516 3078 \n",
"Q 3231 3078 3670 2659 \n",
"Q 4109 2241 4109 1563 \n",
"Q 4109 813 3618 361 \n",
"Q 3128 -91 2303 -91 \n",
"Q 1394 -91 895 523 \n",
"Q 397 1138 397 2266 \n",
"Q 397 3422 980 4083 \n",
"Q 1563 4744 2578 4744 \n",
"Q 2900 4744 3203 4694 \n",
"Q 3506 4644 3803 4544 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-29 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 513 -844 \n",
"Q 913 -100 1113 609 \n",
"Q 1313 1319 1313 2009 \n",
"Q 1313 2700 1113 3408 \n",
"Q 913 4116 513 4856 \n",
"L 1441 4856 \n",
"Q 1916 4091 2145 3389 \n",
"Q 2375 2688 2375 2003 \n",
"Q 2375 1319 2147 623 \n",
"Q 1919 -72 1441 -844 \n",
"L 513 -844 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-36 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(273.549532 58.551075) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2981 2516 \n",
"Q 3453 2394 3698 2092 \n",
"Q 3944 1791 3944 1325 \n",
"Q 3944 631 3412 270 \n",
"Q 2881 -91 1863 -91 \n",
"Q 1503 -91 1142 -33 \n",
"Q 781 25 428 141 \n",
"L 428 1069 \n",
"Q 766 900 1098 814 \n",
"Q 1431 728 1753 728 \n",
"Q 2231 728 2486 893 \n",
"Q 2741 1059 2741 1369 \n",
"Q 2741 1688 2480 1852 \n",
"Q 2219 2016 1709 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2016 \n",
"L 1228 2791 \n",
"L 1734 2791 \n",
"Q 2188 2791 2409 2933 \n",
"Q 2631 3075 2631 3366 \n",
"Q 2631 3634 2415 3781 \n",
"Q 2200 3928 1806 3928 \n",
"Q 1516 3928 1219 3862 \n",
"Q 922 3797 628 3669 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 984 4650 1334 4700 \n",
"Q 1684 4750 2022 4750 \n",
"Q 2931 4750 3382 4451 \n",
"Q 3834 4153 3834 3553 \n",
"Q 3834 3144 3618 2883 \n",
"Q 3403 2622 2981 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2228 2088 \n",
"Q 1891 2088 1709 1903 \n",
"Q 1528 1719 1528 1375 \n",
"Q 1528 1031 1709 848 \n",
"Q 1891 666 2228 666 \n",
"Q 2563 666 2741 848 \n",
"Q 2919 1031 2919 1375 \n",
"Q 2919 1722 2741 1905 \n",
"Q 2563 2088 2228 2088 \n",
"M 1350 2484 \n",
"Q 925 2613 709 2878 \n",
"Q 494 3144 494 3541 \n",
"Q 494 4131 934 4440 \n",
"Q 1375 4750 2228 4750 \n",
"Q 3075 4750 3515 4442 \n",
"Q 3956 4134 3956 3541 \n",
"Q 3956 3144 3739 2878 \n",
"Q 3522 2613 3097 2484 \n",
"Q 3572 2353 3814 2058 \n",
"Q 4056 1763 4056 1313 \n",
"Q 4056 619 3595 264 \n",
"Q 3134 -91 2228 -91 \n",
"Q 1319 -91 855 264 \n",
"Q 391 619 391 1313 \n",
"Q 391 1763 633 2058 \n",
"Q 875 2353 1350 2484 \n",
"M 1631 3419 \n",
"Q 1631 3141 1786 2991 \n",
"Q 1941 2841 2228 2841 \n",
"Q 2509 2841 2662 2991 \n",
"Q 2816 3141 2816 3419 \n",
"Q 2816 3697 2662 3845 \n",
"Q 2509 3994 2228 3994 \n",
"Q 1941 3994 1786 3844 \n",
"Q 1631 3694 1631 3419 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-39 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 641 103 \n",
"L 641 966 \n",
"Q 928 831 1190 764 \n",
"Q 1453 697 1709 697 \n",
"Q 2247 697 2547 995 \n",
"Q 2847 1294 2900 1881 \n",
"Q 2688 1725 2447 1647 \n",
"Q 2206 1569 1925 1569 \n",
"Q 1209 1569 770 1986 \n",
"Q 331 2403 331 3084 \n",
"Q 331 3838 820 4291 \n",
"Q 1309 4744 2131 4744 \n",
"Q 3044 4744 3544 4128 \n",
"Q 4044 3513 4044 2388 \n",
"Q 4044 1231 3459 570 \n",
"Q 2875 -91 1856 -91 \n",
"Q 1528 -91 1228 -42 \n",
"Q 928 6 641 103 \n",
"M 2125 2350 \n",
"Q 2441 2350 2600 2554 \n",
"Q 2759 2759 2759 3169 \n",
"Q 2759 3575 2600 3781 \n",
"Q 2441 3988 2125 3988 \n",
"Q 1809 3988 1650 3781 \n",
"Q 1491 3575 1491 3169 \n",
"Q 1491 2759 1650 2554 \n",
"Q 1809 2350 2125 2350 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-38 x=69.580078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-2e x=139.160156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-39 x=177.148438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-25 x=246.728516 /></g><g style="fill: #ffffff" transform="translate(276.917782 74.675925) scale(0.144 -0.144)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-Bold-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 428 4666 \n",
"L 3944 4666 \n",
"L 3944 3988 \n",
"L 2125 0 \n",
"L 953 0 \n",
"L 2675 3781 \n",
"L 428 3781 \n",
"L 428 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-28 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=45.703125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-31 x=115.283203 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-37 x=184.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-Bold-29 x=254.443359 /></g></g><g id=legend_1><g id=patch_5><path d="M 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"L 102.0726 207.9954 \n",
"Q 105.5286 207.9954 105.5286 204.5394 \n",
"L 105.5286 130.176 \n",
"Q 105.5286 126.72 102.0726 126.72 \n",
"L 19.296 126.72 \n",
"Q 15.84 126.72 15.84 130.176 \n",
"L 15.84 204.5394 \n",
"Q 15.84 207.9954 19.296 207.9954 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff; opacity: 0.8; stroke: #cccccc; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=patch_6><path d="M 22.752 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 146.7621 \n",
"L 57.312 134.6661 \n",
"L 22.752 134.6661 \n",
"" style="fill: #1f77b4; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 146.7621) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g><g id=patch_7><path d="M 22.752 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 172.1259 \n",
"L 57.312 160.0299 \n",
"L 22.752 160.0299 \n",
"" style="fill: #ff7f0e; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 172.1259) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4397 \n",
"L 1831 0 \n",
"L 1172 0 \n",
"L 2766 4134 \n",
"L 525 4134 \n",
"L 525 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g><g id=patch_8><path d="M 22.752 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 197.4897 \n",
"L 57.312 185.3937 \n",
"L 22.752 185.3937 \n",
"" style="fill: #2ca02c; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 0.3; stroke-linejoin: miter"/></g><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(71.136 197.4897) scale(0.1728 -0.1728)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=p5048e4c190><rect x=7.2 y=7.2 width=390.6 height=110.88 /></clippath></defs></svg></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301word><div class=col-sm-12><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=3.0> 3.0 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 55.1% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7.0> 7.0 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:70.5%> 38.9% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=6.0> 6.0 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:10.8%> &nbsp; </div> 6.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301bottom-7351801896245894301characters><div class=col-sm-12><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301characters aria-controls=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301characters role=tab data-toggle=tab>Characters</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301categories aria-controls=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301categories role=tab data-toggle=tab>Categories</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301scripts aria-controls=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301scripts role=tab data-toggle=tab>Scripts</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301blocks aria-controls=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301blocks role=tab data-toggle=tab>Blocks</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301characters><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring characters</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:55.1%> 18.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7> 7 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:38.9%> &nbsp; </div> 13.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=6> 6 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.0%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301categories><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring categories</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>903</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per category</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:55.1%> 18.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7> 7 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:38.9%> &nbsp; </div> 13.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=6> 6 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.0%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301scripts><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring scripts</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>903</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per script</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:55.1%> 18.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7> 7 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:38.9%> &nbsp; </div> 13.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=6> 6 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.0%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=7351801896245894301unicode-7351801896245894301blocks><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most occurring blocks</h4><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=(unknown)> (unknown) </td><td>903</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 100.0% </div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="row named-list-item"><h4>Most frequent character per block</h4><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12><h5><em>(unknown)</em></h5><table class="freq table table-hover table-striped table-0"><thead><tr><td>Value</td><td>Count</td><td>Frequency (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr class><td title=.> . </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=0> 0 </td><td>301</td><td><div class=bar style=width:100.0%> 33.3% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=3> 3 </td><td>166</td><td><div class=bar style=width:55.1%> 18.4% </div></td></tr><tr class><td title=7> 7 </td><td>117</td><td><div class=bar style=width:38.9%> &nbsp; </div> 13.0% </td></tr><tr class><td title=6> 6 </td><td>18</td><td><div class=bar style=width:6.0%> &nbsp; </div> 2.0% </td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row header"><a class=anchor-pos id=interactions></a><h1 class=page-header>Interactions</h1></div><div class=section-items><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#interactions-interactions_age aria-controls=interactions-interactions_age role=tab data-toggle=tab>age</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions-interactions_trestbps aria-controls=interactions-interactions_trestbps role=tab data-toggle=tab>trestbps</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions-interactions_chol aria-controls=interactions-interactions_chol role=tab data-toggle=tab>chol</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions-interactions_thalach aria-controls=interactions-interactions_thalach role=tab data-toggle=tab>thalach</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions-interactions_oldpeak aria-controls=interactions-interactions_oldpeak role=tab data-toggle=tab>oldpeak</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=interactions-interactions_age><div class="row spacing"><ul class="nav nav-tabs" role=tablist><li role=presentation class=active><a href=#interactions_age-interactions_age_oldpeak aria-controls=interactions_age-interactions_age_oldpeak role=tab data-toggle=tab>oldpeak</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions_age-interactions_age_age aria-controls=interactions_age-interactions_age_age role=tab data-toggle=tab>age</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions_age-interactions_age_trestbps aria-controls=interactions_age-interactions_age_trestbps role=tab data-toggle=tab>trestbps</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions_age-interactions_age_chol aria-controls=interactions_age-interactions_age_chol role=tab data-toggle=tab>chol</a></li><li role=presentation><a href=#interactions_age-interactions_age_thalach aria-controls=interactions_age-interactions_age_thalach role=tab data-toggle=tab>thalach</a></li></ul><div class=tab-content><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12 active" id=interactions_age-interactions_age_oldpeak><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svg class="img-responsive center-img" xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink width=576pt height=396pt viewbox="0 0 576 396" xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg version=1.1><metadata><rdf:rdf xmlns:dc=http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ xmlns:cc=http://creativecommons.org/ns# xmlns:rdf=http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#><cc:work><dc:type rdf:resource=http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage /><dc:date>2024-04-10T09:58:39.081817</dc:date><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:creator><cc:agent><dc:title>Matplotlib v3.7.2, https://matplotlib.org/</dc:title></cc:agent></dc:creator></cc:work></rdf:rdf></metadata><defs><style type=text/css>*{stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: butt}</style></defs><g id=figure_1><g id=patch_1><path d="M 0 396 \n",
"L 576 396 \n",
"L 576 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 72 352.44 \n",
"L 518.4 352.44 \n",
"L 518.4 47.52 \n",
"L 72 47.52 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(94.382955 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(178.928409 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(263.473864 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(348.019318 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(432.564773 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4397 \n",
"L 1831 0 \n",
"L 1172 0 \n",
"L 2766 4134 \n",
"L 525 4134 \n",
"L 525 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /></g></g></g><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(284.953672 384.976406) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-67 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 1791 \n",
"Q 2906 2416 2648 2759 \n",
"Q 2391 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1463 3103 1205 2759 \n",
"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
"Q 1463 481 1925 481 \n",
"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
"Q 2906 -266 2906 331 \n",
"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
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"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
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"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
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"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
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"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
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"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
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"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
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"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
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"M 3481 434 \n",
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"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
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"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
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"L 3481 434 \n",
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"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
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"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
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"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
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"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
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"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
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"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
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"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
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"L 641 3341 \n",
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"L 775 -588 \n",
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"L 3463 178 \n",
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"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
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"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
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"L 1172 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3053 \n",
"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
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"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1119 1226 758 \n",
"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
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"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
"L 603 4863 \n",
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"L 2906 4863 \n",
"L 3481 4863 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 2906 0 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
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"L 1159 1991 \n",
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"L 3609 3500 \n",
"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
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"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(258.856936 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(335.426404 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(411.995873 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(488.565341 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(272.652578 384.976406) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-74 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1172 4494 \n",
"L 1172 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3053 \n",
"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
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"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 3169 4666 \n",
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"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"L 3525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4397 \n",
"L 1831 0 \n",
"L 1172 0 \n",
"L 2766 4134 \n",
"L 525 4134 \n",
"L 525 4666 \n",
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"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-67 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 1791 \n",
"Q 2906 2416 2648 2759 \n",
"Q 2391 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1463 3103 1205 2759 \n",
"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
"Q 1463 481 1925 481 \n",
"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
"Q 2906 -266 2906 331 \n",
"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=61.279297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=124.755859 /></g></g></g><g id=PathCollection_1><defs><path id=m6dd9a8ac8e d="M 0 3.5 \n",
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"C 1.81853 -3.131218 0.928211 -3.5 0 -3.5 \n",
"C -0.928211 -3.5 -1.81853 -3.131218 -2.474874 -2.474874 \n",
"C -3.131218 -1.81853 -3.5 -0.928211 -3.5 0 \n",
"C -3.5 0.928211 -3.131218 1.81853 -2.474874 2.474874 \n",
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"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
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"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
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"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
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"L 1894 2003 \n",
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"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
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"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
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"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
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"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
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"M 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 1766 0 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
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"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
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"L 953 1613 \n",
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"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
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"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
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"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
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"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
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"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
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"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
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"L 488 750 \n",
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"L 1294 2234 \n",
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"L 1863 2753 \n",
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"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
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"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
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"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
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"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
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"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
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"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
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"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
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"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
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"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
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"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
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"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
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"M 3116 1747 \n",
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"L 628 4550 \n",
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"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
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"L 3122 134 \n",
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"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 3047 1100 \n",
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"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
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"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
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"M 1172 3481 \n",
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"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
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"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
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"L 1381 1569 \n",
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"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
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"M 3116 1747 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
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"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
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"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
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"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
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"M 1172 3481 \n",
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"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
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"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
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"L 172 3053 \n",
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"L 594 3500 \n",
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"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
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"L 1172 1153 \n",
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"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
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"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
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"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
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"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
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""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
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"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
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"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
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"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
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"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
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"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
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"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
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"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
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"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
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"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
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"L 628 4550 \n",
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"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
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"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
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"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
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"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
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"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
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"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
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"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
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"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
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"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 1172 1153 \n",
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"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
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"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
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"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
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"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
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"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
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"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
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"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
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"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
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"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
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"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
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"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
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"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(234.541746 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
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"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
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"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
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"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
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"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 1172 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3053 \n",
"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
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"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
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"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
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"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
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"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
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"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
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"C 1.81853 -3.131218 0.928211 -3.5 0 -3.5 \n",
"C -0.928211 -3.5 -1.81853 -3.131218 -2.474874 -2.474874 \n",
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"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
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"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
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"L 313 1100 \n",
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"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
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"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
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"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
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"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"L 1172 1153 \n",
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"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
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"L 594 3500 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
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"L 2766 0 \n",
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"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
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"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
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"L 641 3341 \n",
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"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
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"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
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"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
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"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
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"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
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"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
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"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
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"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
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"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
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"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
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"L 581 -1331 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
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"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
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"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
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"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
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"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
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"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
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"L 2938 0 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
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"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
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"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
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"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
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"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
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"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
"Q 3559 1806 3559 1356 \n",
"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 825 1625 \n",
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"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
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"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
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"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
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"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
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"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
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"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
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"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
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"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
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"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
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"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
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"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
"Q 1463 481 1925 481 \n",
"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
"Q 2906 -266 2906 331 \n",
"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
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"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
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"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
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"L 794 0 \n",
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"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
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"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
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"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
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"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(350.927841 370.538437) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
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"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
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"L 3169 4666 \n",
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"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
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"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
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"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
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"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
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"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 /></g></g></g><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(273.383906 384.976406) scale(0.11 -0.11)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-6f transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1959 3097 \n",
"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1119 1226 758 \n",
"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
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"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
"L 603 4863 \n",
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"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 2906 0 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
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"L 1159 1991 \n",
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"L 3609 3500 \n",
"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
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"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
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"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
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"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
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"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
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"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
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"C -3.5 0.928211 -3.131218 1.81853 -2.474874 2.474874 \n",
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"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
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"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
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"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
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"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
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"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
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"L 953 1613 \n",
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"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
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"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"L 2194 1759 \n",
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"L 2766 0 \n",
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"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"L 641 3341 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
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"L 488 750 \n",
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"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
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"L 628 4550 \n",
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"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
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"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
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"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
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"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
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"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
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"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
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"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
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"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
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"L 953 1613 \n",
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"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
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"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
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"L 2194 1759 \n",
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"L 2766 0 \n",
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"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"L 641 3341 \n",
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"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
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"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
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"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
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"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
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"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
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"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
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"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-67 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 1791 \n",
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"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
"Q 1463 481 1925 481 \n",
"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
"Q 2906 -266 2906 331 \n",
"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
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"L 953 1613 \n",
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"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=61.279297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=124.755859 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(193.670144 338.926562) rotate(-90) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=54.980469 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(214.38399 348.032812) rotate(-90) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-68 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6f transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1959 3097 \n",
"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1119 1226 758 \n",
"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
"L 1178 4863 \n",
"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
"L 603 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=54.980469 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f x=118.359375 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=179.541016 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(235.097837 339.146875) rotate(-90) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
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"L 2247 1797 \n",
"L 3578 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 1881 1375 \n",
"L 863 0 \n",
"L 184 0 \n",
"L 1544 1831 \n",
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"L 978 3500 \n",
"L 1906 2253 \n",
"L 2834 3500 \n",
"L 3513 3500 \n",
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"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-78 x=59.773438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=118.953125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=180.232422 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=243.611328 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(276.525529 342.378125) rotate(-90) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-66 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2375 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4384 \n",
"L 1825 4384 \n",
"Q 1516 4384 1395 4259 \n",
"Q 1275 4134 1275 3809 \n",
"L 1275 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3053 \n",
"L 1275 3053 \n",
"L 1275 0 \n",
"L 697 0 \n",
"L 697 3053 \n",
"L 147 3053 \n",
"L 147 3500 \n",
"L 697 3500 \n",
"L 697 3744 \n",
"Q 697 4328 969 4595 \n",
"Q 1241 4863 1831 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4863 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
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"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
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"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
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"L 1159 1991 \n",
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"L 3609 3500 \n",
"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
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"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
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"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
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"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
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"L 2356 3500 \n",
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"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
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"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2212 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 x=83.789062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=147.412109 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=179.199219 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=242.822266 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_15><g id=line2d_2><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=283.14 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_28><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 286.939219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-37 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4666 \n",
"L 3525 4397 \n",
"L 1831 0 \n",
"L 1172 0 \n",
"L 2766 4134 \n",
"L 525 4134 \n",
"L 525 4666 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-35 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 691 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4666 \n",
"L 3169 4134 \n",
"L 1269 4134 \n",
"L 1269 2991 \n",
"Q 1406 3038 1543 3061 \n",
"Q 1681 3084 1819 3084 \n",
"Q 2600 3084 3056 2656 \n",
"Q 3513 2228 3513 1497 \n",
"Q 3513 744 3044 326 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
"Q 819 9 494 109 \n",
"L 494 744 \n",
"Q 775 591 1075 516 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
"Q 2250 2553 1709 2553 \n",
"Q 1456 2553 1204 2497 \n",
"Q 953 2441 691 2322 \n",
"L 691 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2212 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=83.789062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=147.412109 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 x=179.199219 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=242.822266 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_16><g id=line2d_3><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=249.48 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_29><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 253.279219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2212 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=83.789062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=147.412109 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=179.199219 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=242.822266 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_17><g id=line2d_4><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=215.82 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_30><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 219.619219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2212 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=83.789062 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=147.412109 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=179.199219 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=242.822266 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_18><g id=line2d_5><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=182.16 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_31><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 185.959219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=159.033203 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_19><g id=line2d_6><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=148.5 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_32><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 152.299219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=159.033203 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_20><g id=line2d_7><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=114.84 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_33><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 118.639219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=95.410156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=159.033203 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_21><g id=line2d_8><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=81.18 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_34><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 84.979219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-37 x=95.410156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-35 x=159.033203 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_22><g id=line2d_9><g><use xlink:href=#m4a544e178e x=464.904 y=47.52 style="fill: #262626; stroke: #262626"/></g></g><g id=text_35><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(475.404 51.319219) scale(0.1 -0.1)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=159.033203 /></g></g></g></g><image xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,\n",
"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" id=image93f3e8f8fa x=451.44 y=-47.52 width=13.68 height=269.28 transform="scale(1 -1) translate(0 -269.28)"/><g id=LineCollection_1 /><g id=patch_8><path d="M 451.44 316.8 \n",
"L 458.172 316.8 \n",
"L 464.904 316.8 \n",
"L 464.904 47.52 \n",
"L 458.172 47.52 \n",
"L 451.44 47.52 \n",
"L 451.44 316.8 \n",
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"L 720 360 \n",
"L 720 0 \n",
"L 0 0 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=axes_1><g id=patch_2><path d="M 72 252 \n",
"L 648 252 \n",
"L 648 72 \n",
"L 72 72 \n",
"" style="fill: #ffffff"/></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_1><g id=xtick_1><g id=text_1><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(75.116985 286.609911) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
"Q 1175 2209 1959 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-67 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 1791 \n",
"Q 2906 2416 2648 2759 \n",
"Q 2391 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1463 3103 1205 2759 \n",
"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
"Q 1463 481 1925 481 \n",
"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
"Q 2906 -266 2906 331 \n",
"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
"Q 353 2603 747 3093 \n",
"Q 1141 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=61.279297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=124.755859 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(120.82508 285.209508) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-78 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 3500 \n",
"L 2247 1797 \n",
"L 3578 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 1881 1375 \n",
"L 863 0 \n",
"L 184 0 \n",
"L 1544 1831 \n",
"L 300 3500 \n",
"L 978 3500 \n",
"L 1906 2253 \n",
"L 2834 3500 \n",
"L 3513 3500 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=52.099609 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-78 x=111.873047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(169.967394 280.374886) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
"Q 2388 3097 2138 3097 \n",
"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=54.980469 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(187.480711 307.169261) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-74 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1172 4494 \n",
"L 1172 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3053 \n",
"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=78.072266 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=139.595703 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 x=191.695312 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-62 x=230.904297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=294.380859 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=357.857422 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(250.41448 288.543185) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-68 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6f transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1959 3097 \n",
"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1119 1226 758 \n",
"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
"L 1178 4863 \n",
"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
"L 603 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=54.980469 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f x=118.359375 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=179.541016 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(299.92018 283.345176) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-66 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2375 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4384 \n",
"L 1825 4384 \n",
"Q 1516 4384 1395 4259 \n",
"Q 1275 4134 1275 3809 \n",
"L 1275 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3053 \n",
"L 1275 3053 \n",
"L 1275 0 \n",
"L 697 0 \n",
"L 697 3053 \n",
"L 147 3053 \n",
"L 147 3500 \n",
"L 697 3500 \n",
"L 697 3744 \n",
"Q 697 4328 969 4595 \n",
"Q 1241 4863 1831 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-66 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-62 x=35.205078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=98.681641 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_7><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(323.921313 303.651736) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=38.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=100.386719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 x=152.486328 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=191.695312 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=253.21875 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=308.199219 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_8><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(368.266349 303.614392) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=102.587891 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=163.867188 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=191.650391 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=252.929688 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=307.910156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_9><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(418.472969 297.715464) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-78 x=59.773438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=118.953125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=180.232422 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=243.611328 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_10><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(454.549165 305.946961) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-64 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 4863 \n",
"L 3481 4863 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 2906 0 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6b transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 1991 \n",
"L 2875 3500 \n",
"L 3609 3500 \n",
"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=61.181641 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-64 x=88.964844 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=152.441406 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=215.917969 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=277.441406 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6b x=338.720703 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_11><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(510.860106 293.943713) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=52.099609 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f x=79.882812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=141.064453 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=204.541016 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_12><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(568.939145 280.172366) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=54.980469 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_13><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(606.318074 287.101129) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=102.587891 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=163.867188 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_14><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 256.938984) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-2e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 684 794 \n",
"L 1344 794 \n",
"L 1344 0 \n",
"L 684 0 \n",
"L 684 794 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_15><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 222.65327) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-32 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1228 531 \n",
"L 3431 531 \n",
"L 3431 0 \n",
"L 469 0 \n",
"L 469 531 \n",
"Q 828 903 1448 1529 \n",
"Q 2069 2156 2228 2338 \n",
"Q 2531 2678 2651 2914 \n",
"Q 2772 3150 2772 3378 \n",
"Q 2772 3750 2511 3984 \n",
"Q 2250 4219 1831 4219 \n",
"Q 1534 4219 1204 4116 \n",
"Q 875 4013 500 3803 \n",
"L 500 4441 \n",
"Q 881 4594 1212 4672 \n",
"Q 1544 4750 1819 4750 \n",
"Q 2544 4750 2975 4387 \n",
"Q 3406 4025 3406 3419 \n",
"Q 3406 3131 3298 2873 \n",
"Q 3191 2616 2906 2266 \n",
"Q 2828 2175 2409 1742 \n",
"Q 1991 1309 1228 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_3><g id=text_16><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 188.367556) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-34 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2419 4116 \n",
"L 825 1625 \n",
"L 2419 1625 \n",
"L 2419 4116 \n",
"M 2253 4666 \n",
"L 3047 4666 \n",
"L 3047 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1625 \n",
"L 3713 1100 \n",
"L 3047 1100 \n",
"L 3047 0 \n",
"L 2419 0 \n",
"L 2419 1100 \n",
"L 313 1100 \n",
"L 313 1709 \n",
"L 2253 4666 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-34 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_4><g id=text_17><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 154.081842) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-36 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2113 2584 \n",
"Q 1688 2584 1439 2293 \n",
"Q 1191 2003 1191 1497 \n",
"Q 1191 994 1439 701 \n",
"Q 1688 409 2113 409 \n",
"Q 2538 409 2786 701 \n",
"Q 3034 994 3034 1497 \n",
"Q 3034 2003 2786 2293 \n",
"Q 2538 2584 2113 2584 \n",
"M 3366 4563 \n",
"L 3366 3988 \n",
"Q 3128 4100 2886 4159 \n",
"Q 2644 4219 2406 4219 \n",
"Q 1781 4219 1451 3797 \n",
"Q 1122 3375 1075 2522 \n",
"Q 1259 2794 1537 2939 \n",
"Q 1816 3084 2150 3084 \n",
"Q 2853 3084 3261 2657 \n",
"Q 3669 2231 3669 1497 \n",
"Q 3669 778 3244 343 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2113 -91 \n",
"Q 1303 -91 875 529 \n",
"Q 447 1150 447 2328 \n",
"Q 447 3434 972 4092 \n",
"Q 1497 4750 2381 4750 \n",
"Q 2619 4750 2861 4703 \n",
"Q 3103 4656 3366 4563 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-36 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_5><g id=text_18><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 119.796127) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-38 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 2216 \n",
"Q 1584 2216 1326 1975 \n",
"Q 1069 1734 1069 1313 \n",
"Q 1069 891 1326 650 \n",
"Q 1584 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2484 409 2743 651 \n",
"Q 3003 894 3003 1313 \n",
"Q 3003 1734 2745 1975 \n",
"Q 2488 2216 2034 2216 \n",
"M 1403 2484 \n",
"Q 997 2584 770 2862 \n",
"Q 544 3141 544 3541 \n",
"Q 544 4100 942 4425 \n",
"Q 1341 4750 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2731 4750 3128 4425 \n",
"Q 3525 4100 3525 3541 \n",
"Q 3525 3141 3298 2862 \n",
"Q 3072 2584 2669 2484 \n",
"Q 3125 2378 3379 2068 \n",
"Q 3634 1759 3634 1313 \n",
"Q 3634 634 3220 271 \n",
"Q 2806 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1263 -91 848 271 \n",
"Q 434 634 434 1313 \n",
"Q 434 1759 690 2068 \n",
"Q 947 2378 1403 2484 \n",
"M 1172 3481 \n",
"Q 1172 3119 1398 2916 \n",
"Q 1625 2713 2034 2713 \n",
"Q 2441 2713 2670 2916 \n",
"Q 2900 3119 2900 3481 \n",
"Q 2900 3844 2670 4047 \n",
"Q 2441 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1625 4250 1398 4047 \n",
"Q 1172 3844 1172 3481 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-38 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_6><g id=text_19><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(40.825937 85.510413) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
"L 2450 531 \n",
"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-2e x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=95.410156 /></g></g></g></g><g id=patch_3><path d="M 83.076923 252 \n",
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"L 216 80.571429 \n",
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"L 437.538462 80.571429 \n",
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"L 628 4550 \n",
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"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
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"Q 2256 1581 1919 1581 \n",
"Q 1219 1581 811 2004 \n",
"Q 403 2428 403 3163 \n",
"Q 403 3881 828 4315 \n",
"Q 1253 4750 1959 4750 \n",
"Q 2769 4750 3195 4129 \n",
"Q 3622 3509 3622 2328 \n",
"Q 3622 1225 3098 567 \n",
"Q 2575 -91 1691 -91 \n",
"Q 1453 -91 1209 -44 \n",
"Q 966 3 703 97 \n",
"M 1959 2075 \n",
"Q 2384 2075 2632 2365 \n",
"Q 2881 2656 2881 3163 \n",
"Q 2881 3666 2632 3958 \n",
"Q 2384 4250 1959 4250 \n",
"Q 1534 4250 1286 3958 \n",
"Q 1038 3666 1038 3163 \n",
"Q 1038 2656 1286 2365 \n",
"Q 1534 2075 1959 2075 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-32 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-39 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-39 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_26><g id=text_32><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(632.830933 59.588271) rotate(-45) scale(0.13 -0.13)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g></g></g><defs><clippath id=pbb5b6b65a4><rect x=72 y=72 width=576 height=180 /></clippath></defs></svg><div class="caption text-center text-muted"> A simple visualization of nullity by column. </div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=missing-matrix><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg class="img-responsive center-img"PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"\n",
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"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
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"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
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"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
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"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
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"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
"Q 903 2953 641 2809 \n",
"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-67 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 1791 \n",
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"Q 947 2416 947 1791 \n",
"Q 947 1169 1205 825 \n",
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"Q 2391 481 2648 825 \n",
"Q 2906 1169 2906 1791 \n",
"M 3481 434 \n",
"Q 3481 -459 3084 -895 \n",
"Q 2688 -1331 1869 -1331 \n",
"Q 1566 -1331 1297 -1286 \n",
"Q 1028 -1241 775 -1147 \n",
"L 775 -588 \n",
"Q 1028 -725 1275 -790 \n",
"Q 1522 -856 1778 -856 \n",
"Q 2344 -856 2625 -561 \n",
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"L 2906 616 \n",
"Q 2728 306 2450 153 \n",
"Q 2172 0 1784 0 \n",
"Q 1141 0 747 490 \n",
"Q 353 981 353 1791 \n",
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"Q 2172 3584 2450 3431 \n",
"Q 2728 3278 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 3500 \n",
"L 3481 3500 \n",
"L 3481 434 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-65 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3597 1894 \n",
"L 3597 1613 \n",
"L 953 1613 \n",
"Q 991 1019 1311 708 \n",
"Q 1631 397 2203 397 \n",
"Q 2534 397 2845 478 \n",
"Q 3156 559 3463 722 \n",
"L 3463 178 \n",
"Q 3153 47 2828 -22 \n",
"Q 2503 -91 2169 -91 \n",
"Q 1331 -91 842 396 \n",
"Q 353 884 353 1716 \n",
"Q 353 2575 817 3079 \n",
"Q 1281 3584 2069 3584 \n",
"Q 2775 3584 3186 3129 \n",
"Q 3597 2675 3597 1894 \n",
"M 3022 2063 \n",
"Q 3016 2534 2758 2815 \n",
"Q 2500 3097 2075 3097 \n",
"Q 1594 3097 1305 2825 \n",
"Q 1016 2553 972 2059 \n",
"L 3022 2063 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=61.279297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=124.755859 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_2><g id=text_2><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(144.049361 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-73 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2834 3397 \n",
"L 2834 2853 \n",
"Q 2591 2978 2328 3040 \n",
"Q 2066 3103 1784 3103 \n",
"Q 1356 3103 1142 2972 \n",
"Q 928 2841 928 2578 \n",
"Q 928 2378 1081 2264 \n",
"Q 1234 2150 1697 2047 \n",
"L 1894 2003 \n",
"Q 2506 1872 2764 1633 \n",
"Q 3022 1394 3022 966 \n",
"Q 3022 478 2636 193 \n",
"Q 2250 -91 1575 -91 \n",
"Q 1294 -91 989 -36 \n",
"Q 684 19 347 128 \n",
"L 347 722 \n",
"Q 666 556 975 473 \n",
"Q 1284 391 1588 391 \n",
"Q 1994 391 2212 530 \n",
"Q 2431 669 2431 922 \n",
"Q 2431 1156 2273 1281 \n",
"Q 2116 1406 1581 1522 \n",
"L 1381 1569 \n",
"Q 847 1681 609 1914 \n",
"Q 372 2147 372 2553 \n",
"Q 372 3047 722 3315 \n",
"Q 1072 3584 1716 3584 \n",
"Q 2034 3584 2315 3537 \n",
"Q 2597 3491 2834 3397 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-78 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 3500 \n",
"L 2247 1797 \n",
"L 3578 0 \n",
"L 2900 0 \n",
"L 1881 1375 \n",
"L 863 0 \n",
"L 184 0 \n",
"L 1544 1831 \n",
"L 300 3500 \n",
"L 978 3500 \n",
"L 1906 2253 \n",
"L 2834 3500 \n",
"L 3513 3500 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=52.099609 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-78 x=111.873047 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_3><g id=text_3><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(188.357054 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-63 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3122 3366 \n",
"L 3122 2828 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-70 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 -1331 \n",
"L 581 -1331 \n",
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"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=54.980469 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_4><g id=text_4><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(232.664746 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-74 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1172 4494 \n",
"L 1172 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3500 \n",
"L 2356 3053 \n",
"L 1172 3053 \n",
"L 1172 1153 \n",
"Q 1172 725 1289 603 \n",
"Q 1406 481 1766 481 \n",
"L 2356 481 \n",
"L 2356 0 \n",
"L 1766 0 \n",
"Q 1100 0 847 248 \n",
"Q 594 497 594 1153 \n",
"L 594 3053 \n",
"L 172 3053 \n",
"L 172 3500 \n",
"L 594 3500 \n",
"L 594 4494 \n",
"L 1172 4494 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-72 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2631 2963 \n",
"Q 2534 3019 2420 3045 \n",
"Q 2306 3072 2169 3072 \n",
"Q 1681 3072 1420 2755 \n",
"Q 1159 2438 1159 1844 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1341 3275 1631 3429 \n",
"Q 1922 3584 2338 3584 \n",
"Q 2397 3584 2469 3576 \n",
"Q 2541 3569 2628 3553 \n",
"L 2631 2963 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-62 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3116 1747 \n",
"Q 3116 2381 2855 2742 \n",
"Q 2594 3103 2138 3103 \n",
"Q 1681 3103 1420 2742 \n",
"Q 1159 2381 1159 1747 \n",
"Q 1159 1113 1420 752 \n",
"Q 1681 391 2138 391 \n",
"Q 2594 391 2855 752 \n",
"Q 3116 1113 3116 1747 \n",
"M 1159 2969 \n",
"Q 1341 3281 1617 3432 \n",
"Q 1894 3584 2278 3584 \n",
"Q 2916 3584 3314 3078 \n",
"Q 3713 2572 3713 1747 \n",
"Q 3713 922 3314 415 \n",
"Q 2916 -91 2278 -91 \n",
"Q 1894 -91 1617 61 \n",
"Q 1341 213 1159 525 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2969 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=78.072266 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=139.595703 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 x=191.695312 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-62 x=230.904297 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=294.380859 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=357.857422 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_5><g id=text_5><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(276.972438 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-68 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
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"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6f transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 1959 3097 \n",
"Q 1497 3097 1228 2736 \n",
"Q 959 2375 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1119 1226 758 \n",
"Q 1494 397 1959 397 \n",
"Q 2419 397 2687 759 \n",
"Q 2956 1122 2956 1747 \n",
"Q 2956 2369 2687 2733 \n",
"Q 2419 3097 1959 3097 \n",
"M 1959 3584 \n",
"Q 2709 3584 3137 3096 \n",
"Q 3566 2609 3566 1747 \n",
"Q 3566 888 3137 398 \n",
"Q 2709 -91 1959 -91 \n",
"Q 1206 -91 779 398 \n",
"Q 353 888 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2609 779 3096 \n",
"Q 1206 3584 1959 3584 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6c transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 603 4863 \n",
"L 1178 4863 \n",
"L 1178 0 \n",
"L 603 0 \n",
"L 603 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=54.980469 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f x=118.359375 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=179.541016 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_6><g id=text_6><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(321.280131 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-66 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2375 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4384 \n",
"L 1825 4384 \n",
"Q 1516 4384 1395 4259 \n",
"Q 1275 4134 1275 3809 \n",
"L 1275 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3500 \n",
"L 2222 3053 \n",
"L 1275 3053 \n",
"L 1275 0 \n",
"L 697 0 \n",
"L 697 3053 \n",
"L 147 3053 \n",
"L 147 3500 \n",
"L 697 3500 \n",
"L 697 3744 \n",
"Q 697 4328 969 4595 \n",
"Q 1241 4863 1831 4863 \n",
"L 2375 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-66 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-62 x=35.205078 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=98.681641 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_7><g id=text_7><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(365.587823 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-72 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=38.863281 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 x=100.386719 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 x=152.486328 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=191.695312 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=253.21875 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=308.199219 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_8><g id=text_8><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(409.895515 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=102.587891 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=163.867188 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=191.650391 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 x=252.929688 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=307.910156 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_9><g id=text_9><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(454.203208 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-6e transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 3513 2113 \n",
"L 3513 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 2938 2094 \n",
"Q 2938 2591 2744 2837 \n",
"Q 2550 3084 2163 3084 \n",
"Q 1697 3084 1428 2787 \n",
"Q 1159 2491 1159 1978 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 3500 \n",
"L 1159 3500 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
"Q 1366 3272 1645 3428 \n",
"Q 1925 3584 2291 3584 \n",
"Q 2894 3584 3203 3211 \n",
"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-78 x=59.773438 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=118.953125 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6e x=180.232422 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-67 x=243.611328 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_10><g id=text_10><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(498.5109 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-64 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2906 2969 \n",
"L 2906 4863 \n",
"L 3481 4863 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 2906 0 \n",
"L 2906 525 \n",
"Q 2725 213 2448 61 \n",
"Q 2172 -91 1784 -91 \n",
"Q 1150 -91 751 415 \n",
"Q 353 922 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2572 751 3078 \n",
"Q 1150 3584 1784 3584 \n",
"Q 2172 3584 2448 3432 \n",
"Q 2725 3281 2906 2969 \n",
"M 947 1747 \n",
"Q 947 1113 1208 752 \n",
"Q 1469 391 1925 391 \n",
"Q 2381 391 2643 752 \n",
"Q 2906 1113 2906 1747 \n",
"Q 2906 2381 2643 2742 \n",
"Q 2381 3103 1925 3103 \n",
"Q 1469 3103 1208 2742 \n",
"Q 947 2381 947 1747 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-6b transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 581 4863 \n",
"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 1991 \n",
"L 2875 3500 \n",
"L 3609 3500 \n",
"L 1753 1863 \n",
"L 3688 0 \n",
"L 2938 0 \n",
"L 1159 1709 \n",
"L 1159 0 \n",
"L 581 0 \n",
"L 581 4863 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=61.181641 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-64 x=88.964844 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=152.441406 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=215.917969 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=277.441406 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6b x=338.720703 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_11><g id=text_11><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(542.818592 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-73 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=52.099609 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6f x=79.882812 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-70 x=141.064453 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-65 x=204.541016 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_12><g id=text_12><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(587.126284 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-63 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=54.980469 /></g></g></g><g id=xtick_13><g id=text_13><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(631.433977 74.370616) rotate(-45) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-74 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-68 x=39.208984 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-61 x=102.587891 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-6c x=163.867188 /></g></g></g></g><g id=matplotlib.axis_2><g id=ytick_1><g id=text_14><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(54.883 90.588811) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-31 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 794 531 \n",
"L 1825 531 \n",
"L 1825 4091 \n",
"L 703 3866 \n",
"L 703 4441 \n",
"L 1819 4666 \n",
"L 2450 4666 \n",
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"L 3481 531 \n",
"L 3481 0 \n",
"L 794 0 \n",
"L 794 531 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-31 /></g></g></g><g id=ytick_2><g id=text_15><g style="fill: #262626" transform="translate(41.649 234.113564) scale(0.104 -0.104)"><defs><path id=DejaVuSans-33 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2597 2516 \n",
"Q 3050 2419 3304 2112 \n",
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"Q 3559 666 3084 287 \n",
"Q 2609 -91 1734 -91 \n",
"Q 1441 -91 1130 -33 \n",
"Q 819 25 488 141 \n",
"L 488 750 \n",
"Q 750 597 1062 519 \n",
"Q 1375 441 1716 441 \n",
"Q 2309 441 2620 675 \n",
"Q 2931 909 2931 1356 \n",
"Q 2931 1769 2642 2001 \n",
"Q 2353 2234 1838 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2234 \n",
"L 1294 2753 \n",
"L 1863 2753 \n",
"Q 2328 2753 2575 2939 \n",
"Q 2822 3125 2822 3475 \n",
"Q 2822 3834 2567 4026 \n",
"Q 2313 4219 1838 4219 \n",
"Q 1578 4219 1281 4162 \n",
"Q 984 4106 628 3988 \n",
"L 628 4550 \n",
"Q 988 4650 1302 4700 \n",
"Q 1616 4750 1894 4750 \n",
"Q 2613 4750 3031 4423 \n",
"Q 3450 4097 3450 3541 \n",
"Q 3450 3153 3228 2886 \n",
"Q 3006 2619 2597 2516 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-30 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2034 4250 \n",
"Q 1547 4250 1301 3770 \n",
"Q 1056 3291 1056 2328 \n",
"Q 1056 1369 1301 889 \n",
"Q 1547 409 2034 409 \n",
"Q 2525 409 2770 889 \n",
"Q 3016 1369 3016 2328 \n",
"Q 3016 3291 2770 3770 \n",
"Q 2525 4250 2034 4250 \n",
"M 2034 4750 \n",
"Q 2819 4750 3233 4129 \n",
"Q 3647 3509 3647 2328 \n",
"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
"Q 422 1150 422 2328 \n",
"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
"Q 1250 4750 2034 4750 \n",
""/></defs><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-30 x=63.623047 /><use xlink:href=#DejaVuSans-33 x=127.246094 /></g></g></g></g><g id=line2d_1><path d="M 116.307692 230.4 \n",
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"L 3122 2828 \n",
"Q 2878 2963 2633 3030 \n",
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"Q 1578 3097 1268 2742 \n",
"Q 959 2388 959 1747 \n",
"Q 959 1106 1268 751 \n",
"Q 1578 397 2138 397 \n",
"Q 2388 397 2633 464 \n",
"Q 2878 531 3122 666 \n",
"L 3122 134 \n",
"Q 2881 22 2623 -34 \n",
"Q 2366 -91 2075 -91 \n",
"Q 1284 -91 818 406 \n",
"Q 353 903 353 1747 \n",
"Q 353 2603 823 3093 \n",
"Q 1294 3584 2113 3584 \n",
"Q 2378 3584 2631 3529 \n",
"Q 2884 3475 3122 3366 \n",
""/><path id=DejaVuSans-61 transform=scale(0.015625) d="M 2194 1759 \n",
"Q 1497 1759 1228 1600 \n",
"Q 959 1441 959 1056 \n",
"Q 959 750 1161 570 \n",
"Q 1363 391 1709 391 \n",
"Q 2188 391 2477 730 \n",
"Q 2766 1069 2766 1631 \n",
"L 2766 1759 \n",
"L 2194 1759 \n",
"M 3341 1997 \n",
"L 3341 0 \n",
"L 2766 0 \n",
"L 2766 531 \n",
"Q 2569 213 2275 61 \n",
"Q 1981 -91 1556 -91 \n",
"Q 1019 -91 701 211 \n",
"Q 384 513 384 1019 \n",
"Q 384 1609 779 1909 \n",
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"L 2766 2209 \n",
"L 2766 2266 \n",
"Q 2766 2663 2505 2880 \n",
"Q 2244 3097 1772 3097 \n",
"Q 1472 3097 1187 3025 \n",
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"L 641 3341 \n",
"Q 956 3463 1253 3523 \n",
"Q 1550 3584 1831 3584 \n",
"Q 2591 3584 2966 3190 \n",
"Q 3341 2797 3341 1997 \n",
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"L 1766 0 \n",
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"L 581 0 \n",
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"L 1159 4863 \n",
"L 1159 2956 \n",
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"Q 3513 2838 3513 2113 \n",
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"Q 3647 1150 3233 529 \n",
"Q 2819 -91 2034 -91 \n",
"Q 1250 -91 836 529 \n",
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"Q 422 3509 836 4129 \n",
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"Q 2575 -91 1722 -91 \n",
"Q 1428 -91 1123 -41 \n",
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"L 494 744 \n",
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"Q 1375 441 1709 441 \n",
"Q 2250 441 2565 725 \n",
"Q 2881 1009 2881 1497 \n",
"Q 2881 1984 2565 2268 \n",
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"L 691 4666 \n",
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"L 576 201.6 \n",
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right;"><th></th><th>age</th><th>sex</th><th>cp</th><th>trestbps</th><th>chol</th><th>fbs</th><th>restecg</th><th>thalach</th><th>exang</th><th>oldpeak</th><th>slope</th><th>ca</th><th>thal</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th>0</th><td>63</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>145</td><td>233</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>150</td><td>0</td><td>2.3</td><td>3</td><td>0.0</td><td>6.0</td></tr><tr><th>1</th><td>67</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>160</td><td>286</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>108</td><td>1</td><td>1.5</td><td>2</td><td>3.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>2</th><td>67</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>120</td><td>229</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>129</td><td>1</td><td>2.6</td><td>2</td><td>2.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>3</th><td>37</td><td>1</td><td>3</td><td>130</td><td>250</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>187</td><td>0</td><td>3.5</td><td>3</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>4</th><td>41</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>130</td><td>204</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>172</td><td>0</td><td>1.4</td><td>1</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>5</th><td>56</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>120</td><td>236</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>178</td><td>0</td><td>0.8</td><td>1</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>6</th><td>62</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>140</td><td>268</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>160</td><td>0</td><td>3.6</td><td>3</td><td>2.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>7</th><td>57</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>120</td><td>354</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>163</td><td>1</td><td>0.6</td><td>1</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>8</th><td>63</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>130</td><td>254</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>147</td><td>0</td><td>1.4</td><td>2</td><td>1.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>9</th><td>53</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>140</td><td>203</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>155</td><td>1</td><td>3.1</td><td>3</td><td>0.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div role=tabpanel class="tab-pane col-sm-12" id=sample-tail><div id=sample-container class=col-sm-12><table border=1 class="dataframe sample table table-striped"><thead><tr style="text-align: right;"><th></th><th>age</th><th>sex</th><th>cp</th><th>trestbps</th><th>chol</th><th>fbs</th><th>restecg</th><th>thalach</th><th>exang</th><th>oldpeak</th><th>slope</th><th>ca</th><th>thal</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th>293</th><td>63</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>140</td><td>187</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>144</td><td>1</td><td>4.0</td><td>1</td><td>2.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>294</th><td>63</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>124</td><td>197</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>136</td><td>1</td><td>0.0</td><td>2</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>295</th><td>41</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>120</td><td>157</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>182</td><td>0</td><td>0.0</td><td>1</td><td>0.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>296</th><td>59</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>164</td><td>176</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>90</td><td>0</td><td>1.0</td><td>2</td><td>2.0</td><td>6.0</td></tr><tr><th>297</th><td>57</td><td>0</td><td>4</td><td>140</td><td>241</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>123</td><td>1</td><td>0.2</td><td>2</td><td>0.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>298</th><td>45</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>110</td><td>264</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>132</td><td>0</td><td>1.2</td><td>2</td><td>0.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>299</th><td>68</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>144</td><td>193</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>141</td><td>0</td><td>3.4</td><td>2</td><td>2.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>300</th><td>57</td><td>1</td><td>4</td><td>130</td><td>131</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>115</td><td>1</td><td>1.2</td><td>2</td><td>1.0</td><td>7.0</td></tr><tr><th>301</th><td>57</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>130</td><td>236</td><td>0</td><td>2</td><td>174</td><td>0</td><td>0.0</td><td>2</td><td>1.0</td><td>3.0</td></tr><tr><th>302</th><td>38</td><td>1</td><td>3</td><td>138</td><td>175</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>173</td><td>0</td><td>0.0</td><td>1</td><td>NaN</td><td>3.0</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><footer><div 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"source": [
"profile = ProfileReport(X, title=\"heart disease data report\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "a7b29ede-9e6e-4a0b-8803-827a579c2715",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
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