CREATE TABLE twitter.user( user_id_x int, follower_id int, name text, author text, content text, country text, date_time timestamp, id text, language text, latitude double, longitude double, number_of_likes int, number_of_shares int, user_id_y int, PRIMARY KEY((user_id_x,follower_id,id)) ) WITH compaction = {'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'}; CREATE TABLE twitter.tweet_liked_from( tweet_id text, date_time timestamp, liked_from set, PRIMARY KEY(tweet_id,date_time) ) WITH compaction = {'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'}; CREATE TABLE twitter.user_stats( user_id bigint, follower_len int, follows_len int, tweet_len int, PRIMARY KEY(user_id) ) WITH compaction = {'class' : 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'}; COPY twitter.user_stats (user_id,follower_len,follows_len,tweet_len) FROM '/tmp/startup/data/user_stats.txt' WITH DELIMITER=',' AND HEADER=TRUE;