import 'package:energy/model/EnergyModelProvider.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; void main() { runApp(const EnergyProviderApp()); } class EnergyProviderApp extends StatelessWidget { const EnergyProviderApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Energy App', theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch: Colors.yellow, ), home: EnergyHomePage(), ); } } class EnergyHomePage extends StatelessWidget { // Constructor of EnergyHomePage EnergyHomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); final altitudeChangeValue = TextEditingController(); final velocityChangeValue = TextEditingController(); final weightValue = TextEditingController(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Flutter Energy App')), body: ChangeNotifierProvider( key: const Key("ChangeNotifierProvider"), create: (_) => EnergyModelProvider(), child: Center( child: Column( children: [ // Textfield to enter altitude change value TextField( key: const Key("AltitudeChange"), controller: altitudeChangeValue, keyboardType: TextInputType.number, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Enter altitude change in meter:', suffixText: 'm', suffixIcon: IconButton( onPressed: weightValue.clear, icon: Icon(Icons.clear), ) ), ), // Textfield to enter velocity change value TextField( key: const Key("VelocityChange"), controller: velocityChangeValue, keyboardType: TextInputType.number, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Enter velocity change in m/s:', suffixText: 'm/s', suffixIcon: IconButton( onPressed: weightValue.clear, icon: Icon(Icons.clear), ) ), ), // Textfield to enter weight value TextField( key: const Key("WeightValue"), controller: weightValue, keyboardType: TextInputType.number, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Enter weight of object in kg:', suffixText: 'kg', suffixIcon: IconButton( onPressed: weightValue.clear, icon: Icon(Icons.clear), ) ), ), Consumer( builder: (context, model, child) => Column( children: [ TextButton( key: const Key("ButtonEnergyInJoule"), style: TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor:, ), onPressed: () => model.calculateEnergyInJoule(weightValue.text, velocityChangeValue.text), child: Text('Press to calculate energy in joule') ), TextButton( key: const Key("ButtonPotentialEnergy"), style: TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor:, ), onPressed: () => model.calculateEnergyPotential(weightValue.text, altitudeChangeValue.text), child: Text('Press to calculate Potential energy') ), TextButton( key: const Key("ButtonKineticEnergy"), style: TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor: Colors.blueAccent, ), onPressed: () => model.calculateEnergyKinetic(weightValue.text, velocityChangeValue.text), child: Text('Press to calculate Kinetic energy') ), TextButton( key: const Key("ButtonLiterWater"), style: TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor: Colors.grey, ), onPressed: () => model.calculateLiterToHeatWater(), child: Text('Press to calculate liter to heat water') ), TextButton( key: const Key("ButtonKilogrammIron"), style: TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor: Colors.purple, ), onPressed: () => model.calculateKgToHeatIron(), child: Text('Press to calculate kg to heat iron') ), Text( 'Energy in Joule: ${model.energyInJoule} J'), Text( 'Potential Energy in Joule: ${model.potentialEnergy} J'), Text( 'Kinetic Energy in Joule: ${model.kineticEnergy} J'), Text( 'Amount of water you could heat water: ${model.literWaterToHeat} L'), Text( 'Amount of iron you could heat: ${model.kilogrammIronToHeat} kg'), ], ), ), ], ), ), ), ); throw UnimplementedError(); } }