import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:smoke_cess_app/providers/timer_provider.dart'; void main() { test('Timer should start and set started to true', () { final timerProvider = TimerProvider(); timerProvider.startTimer(const Duration(seconds: 10)); expect(timerProvider.started, true); }); test('Elapsed time should increase and be less than or equal to the duration', () { final timerProvider = TimerProvider(); timerProvider.startTimer(const Duration(seconds: 10)); final initialElapsedSeconds = timerProvider.elapsedSeconds; // Wait for the timer to tick at least once. Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () { expect(timerProvider.elapsedSeconds, greaterThan(initialElapsedSeconds)); expect(timerProvider.elapsedSeconds, lessThanOrEqualTo(10)); }); }); test('Timer should stop and set started to false', () { final timerProvider = TimerProvider(); timerProvider.startTimer(const Duration(seconds: 10)); timerProvider.stopTimer(); expect(timerProvider.started, false); }); test('Elapsed seconds should be 0 when timer is not running', () { final timerProvider = TimerProvider(); expect(timerProvider.elapsedSeconds, 0); }); }