import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/api/movie_api.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/api/wikidata_movie_api.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/model/local_movie_storage.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/model/movie.dart'; T? firstWhereOrNull(List list, bool Function(T element) test) { try { return list.firstWhere(test); } catch (e) { return null; } } class DelayedFunctionCaller { final Function function; final Duration duration; Timer? _timer; DelayedFunctionCaller(this.function, this.duration); void call() { // If a timer is already active, return. if (_timer != null && _timer!.isActive) { return; } // Create a timer that calls the function after the specified duration. _timer = Timer(duration, () { function(); }); } } final movieManager = MovieManager(WikidataMovieApi(), LocalMovieStorageGetStorage(WikidataMovieData.fromEncodable)); class MovieManager extends ChangeNotifier { final List movies = List.empty(growable: true); final LocalMovieStorage cache; final MovieApi api; bool loading = false; DelayedFunctionCaller? cacheUpdater; bool cacheLoaded = false; MovieManager(this.api, this.cache) { cacheUpdater = DelayedFunctionCaller(() { cache.update(movies); }, const Duration(seconds: 3)); _loadCache(); } _loadCache() async { addMovies(await cache.retrieve()); } _moviesModified({bool withoutAddingOrRemoving = false}) { cacheUpdater?.call(); if (!withoutAddingOrRemoving) { // only notify listeners if movies are added or removed // if they are modified in place they will notify listeners themselves notifyListeners(); } } List addMovies(List additionalMovies) { List actualMovies = []; bool added = false; for (var movie in additionalMovies) { MovieData? existing = firstWhereOrNull(movies, (element) => movie.same(element)); if (existing == null) { movies.add(movie); movie.addListener(() { _moviesModified(withoutAddingOrRemoving: true); }); added = true; actualMovies.add(movie); } else { actualMovies.add(existing); } } if (added) { _moviesModified(); } return actualMovies; } removeMoviesWhere(bool Function(MovieData movie) test) { bool removedMovies = false; for (int i = movies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bool remove = test(movies[i]); if (remove) { removedMovies = true; movies.removeAt(i); } } if (removedMovies) { _moviesModified(); } } /// Only search locally cached movies. localSearch(String search) {} /// Online search for movies. Future> search(String search) async { List movies = await api.searchForMovies(search); return addMovies(movies); } expandDetails(List movies) { api.addMovieDetails(movies); } loadUpcomingMovies() async { try { loading = true; notifyListeners(); List movies = await api.getUpcomingMovies(); addMovies(movies); } finally { loading = false; notifyListeners(); } } } class LiveSearch extends ChangeNotifier { String searchTerm = ""; List searchResults = []; Duration minTimeBetweenRequests = const Duration(milliseconds: 500); Duration minTimeAfterChangeToRequest = const Duration(milliseconds: 200); final MovieManager manager; LiveSearch(this.manager); updateSearch(String search) { searchTerm = search; } }