import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/api/api_manager.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/api/json_helper.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/api/movie_api.dart'; import 'package:release_schedule/model/movie.dart'; class WikidataProperties { static const String instanceOf = "P31"; static const String publicationDate = "P577"; static const String title = "P1476"; static const String partOfTheSeries = "P179"; static const String basedOn = "P144"; static const String derivativeWork = "P4969"; static const String genre = "P136"; static const String countryOfOrigin = "P496"; static const String director = "P57"; static const String castMember = "P161"; static const String distributedBy = "P750"; static const String afterAWorkBy = "P1877"; static const String duration = "P2047"; static const String reviewScore = "P444"; static const String fskFilmRating = "P1981"; static const String placeOfPublication = "P291"; } ApiManager _wikidataApi = ApiManager("*"); class WikidataMovieApi implements MovieApi { ApiManager queryApi = ApiManager("*"); @override Future addMovieDetails(List movies) { // TODO: implement addMovieDetails throw UnimplementedError(); } @override Future> getUpcomingMovies(DateTime startDate, [int count = 100]) async { Response response = await queryApi.get( "&query=${Uri.encodeComponent(_createUpcomingMovieQuery(startDate, count))}"); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception( "The Wikidata request for upcoming movies failed with status ${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase}"); } Map result = jsonDecode(response.body); List entries = result["results"]["bindings"]; List ids = entries .map((entry) => RegExp(r"Q\d+$").firstMatch(entry["movie"]["value"])![0]!) .toList(); return _getMovieDataFromIds(ids); } Future> _getMovieDataFromIds( List movieIds) async { // Wikidata limits the number of entities per request to 50 const batchSize = 50; Map entities = {}; for (int i = 0; i < (movieIds.length / batchSize).ceil(); i++) { final start = i * batchSize; final end = min((i + 1) * batchSize, movieIds.length); var response = await _wikidataApi.get( "&action=wbgetentities&format=json&props=labels|claims&ids=${movieIds.sublist(start, end).join("|")}"); Map result = jsonDecode(response.body); Map batchEntities = result["entities"]; entities.addAll(batchEntities); } List allCountryAndGenreIds = []; // Add the country ids from the publication dates allCountryAndGenreIds.addAll(selectInJson(entities, "*.claims.${WikidataProperties.publicationDate}.*.qualifiers.${WikidataProperties.placeOfPublication}.*")); // Add the genre ids allCountryAndGenreIds.addAll(selectInJson(entities, "*.claims.${WikidataProperties.genre}.*")); allCountryAndGenreIds = allCountryAndGenreIds.toSet().toList(); // Prefetch all labels for countries and genres // to reduce the number of api calls, // they will be retrieved from the cache in fromWikidataEntity await _getLabelsForEntities(allCountryAndGenreIds); return movieIds .map((id) => WikidataMovieData.fromWikidataEntity(id, entities[id])) .toList(); } @override Future> searchForMovies(String searchTerm) { // TODO: implement searchForMovies throw UnimplementedError(); } } class WikidataMovieData extends MovieData { String entityId; WikidataMovieData( String title, DateWithPrecisionAndCountry releaseDate, this.entityId) : super(title, releaseDate); WikidataMovieData.fromEncodable(Map encodable) : entityId = encodable["entityId"], super.fromJsonEncodable(encodable); @override bool same(MovieData other) { return other is WikidataMovieData && entityId == other.entityId; } @override Map toJsonEncodable() { return super.toJsonEncodable()..addAll({"entityId": entityId}); } static WikidataMovieData fromWikidataEntity( String entityId, Map entity) { String title = selectInJson(entity, "labels.en.value").firstOrNull ?? selectInJson(entity, "labels.*.value").first; Map claims = entity["claims"]; List? titles = selectInJson( claims, "${WikidataProperties.title}.*.mainsnak.datavalue.value") .map((value) => ( title: value["text"], language: value["language"], ) as TitleInLanguage) .toList(); List releaseDates = selectInJson(claims, "${WikidataProperties.publicationDate}.*") .map((dateClaim) { var value = selectInJson(dateClaim, "mainsnak.datavalue.value").first; String country = _getCachedLabelForEntity(selectInJson(dateClaim, "qualifiers.${WikidataProperties.placeOfPublication}.*") .firstOrNull ?? "no country"); return DateWithPrecisionAndCountry(DateTime.parse(value["time"]), _precisionFromWikidata(value["precision"]), country); }).toList(); // Sort release dates with higher precision to the beginning releaseDates .sort((a, b) => -a.precision.index.compareTo(b.precision.index)); List? genres = selectInJson( claims, "${WikidataProperties.genre}.*") .map(_getCachedLabelForEntity) .toList(); WikidataMovieData movie = WikidataMovieData(title, releaseDates[0], entityId); movie.setDetails( titles: titles, genres: genres, ); return movie; } } String _createUpcomingMovieQuery(DateTime startDate, int limit) { String date = DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(startDate); return """ SELECT ?movie ?movieLabel (MIN(?releaseDate) as ?minReleaseDate) (SAMPLE(?precision) as ?datePrecision) WHERE { ?movie wdt:P31 wd:Q11424; # Q11424 is the item for "film" wdt:P577 ?releaseDate; # P577 is the "publication date" property wdt:P1476 ?title. OPTIONAL { ?movie p:P577/psv:P577/wikibase:timePrecision ?precision. } FILTER (xsd:date(?releaseDate) >= xsd:date("$date"^^xsd:dateTime)) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } GROUP BY ?movie ?movieLabel ORDER BY ?minReleaseDate LIMIT $limit"""; } DatePrecision _precisionFromWikidata(int precision) { return switch (precision) { >= 13 => DatePrecision.minute, 12 => DatePrecision.hour, 11 =>, 10 => DatePrecision.month, 9 => DatePrecision.year, 8 => DatePrecision.decade, < 8 => throw Exception("The precision was too low, value: $precision"), _ => throw Exception("Unexpected precision value: $precision"), }; } Map _labelCache = {}; Future> _getLabelsForEntities( List entityIds) async { const batchSize = 50; Map labels = {}; for (int i = entityIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_labelCache.containsKey(entityIds[i])) { labels[entityIds[i]] = _labelCache[entityIds[i]]!; entityIds.removeAt(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < (entityIds.length / batchSize).ceil(); i++) { final start = i * batchSize; final end = min((i + 1) * batchSize, entityIds.length); Response response = await _wikidataApi.get( "&action=wbgetentities&format=json&props=labels&ids=${entityIds.sublist(start, end).join("|")}"); Map result = jsonDecode(response.body); Map batchEntities = result["entities"]; for (String entityId in batchEntities.keys) { Map labels = batchEntities[entityId]["labels"]; String label = labels.containsKey("en") ? labels["en"]["value"] : labels[labels.keys.first]["value"]; labels[entityId] = label; _labelCache[entityId] = label; } } return labels; } String _getCachedLabelForEntity(String entityId) { return _labelCache[entityId] ?? entityId; }