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package job
type Job struct {
id string
name string // descriptive name for job, helps consumers to identify job
consumerId string // defined at job creation
workerId string // defined when job assigned to worker
imageName string // Name from DockerHub, e.g. "postgres" or "chainguard/jdk"
environmentVariables map[string]string // e.g. {"POSTGRES_DB": "test_db", ...}
status JobStatus
standardOutput string
createdAt int64 // for priority -> first come first serve
// Unix timestamps in milliseconds, needed to calculate estimated CO2 equivalent:
startedAt int64
finishedAt int64
// needed for calculating the diff between executing job at worker and consumer location
ConsumerLongitude float64
ConsumerLatitude float64
Co2EquivalentEmissionConsumer float64 // emission of the consumer location (the current emission when job is scheduled)
WorkerLongitude float64
WorkerLatitude float64
Co2EquivalentEmissionWorker float64 // emission of the worker location (the current emission when job is scheduled)
// final co2 equivalent of the finished job
estimatedCo2Equivalent float64
type JobStatus string
const (
CREATED JobStatus = "CREATED" // job created, but not assigned to worker yet
PENDING JobStatus = "PENDING" // assigned to worker, but not running yet