129 lines
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129 lines
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:sqflite_common_ffi/sqflite_ffi.dart';
import 'package:cpd/database/habit.dart';
import 'package:cpd/database/todo_interface.dart';
import 'todo_interface_test.mocks.dart';
void main() {
setUpAll(() {
databaseFactory = databaseFactoryFfi;
group('ToDoInterface', () {
test('fetchAll returns list of habits', () async {
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
List<Habit> mockHabits = [
Habit(id: 1,
title: 'Habit 1',
subtitle: 'Description 1',
iconCodePoint: Icons.star.codePoint,
iconFontFamily: Icons.star.fontFamily ?? 'MaterialIcons',
isComplete: false),
Habit(id: 2,
title: 'Habit 2',
subtitle: 'Description 2',
iconCodePoint: Icons.star_border.codePoint,
iconFontFamily: Icons.star_border.fontFamily ?? 'MaterialIcons',
isComplete: true),
Habit(id: 3,
title: 'Habit 3',
subtitle: 'Description 3',
iconCodePoint: Icons.favorite.codePoint,
iconFontFamily: Icons.favorite.fontFamily ?? 'MaterialIcons',
isComplete: true),
when(mockToDoInterface.fetchAll()).thenAnswer((_) async => mockHabits);
Future<List<Habit>> futureHabits = mockToDoInterface.fetchAll();
List<Habit> habits = await futureHabits;
expect(habits, isA<List<Habit>>());
expect(habits.length, 3);
expect(habits[0].title, 'Habit 1');
expect(habits[1].title, 'Habit 2');
expect(habits[2].title, 'Habit 3');
test('fetchById returns a habit when found', () async {
final habit = Habit(id: 1, title: 'Test Habit', subtitle: 'Test Subtitle', iconCodePoint: Icons.star.codePoint,
iconFontFamily: Icons.star.fontFamily ?? 'MaterialIcons',isComplete: false);
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
when(mockToDoInterface.fetchById(1)).thenAnswer((_) async => habit);
Habit? fetchedHabit = await mockToDoInterface.fetchById(1);
expect(fetchedHabit, isNotNull);
expect(fetchedHabit!.title, 'Test Habit');
test('insert inserts a habit and returns its id', () async {
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
title: 'Test Habit',
subtitle: 'Test Subtitle',
icon: Icons.star))
.thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
final id = await mockToDoInterface.insert(
title: 'Test Habit',
subtitle: 'Test Subtitle',
icon: Icons.star,
expect(id, 1);
title: 'Test Habit',
subtitle: 'Test Subtitle',
icon: Icons.star))
test('update updates a habit and returns the number of affected rows', () async {
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
id: 1, title: 'Updated Habit', subtitle: 'Updated Subtitle', icon: Icons.star))
.thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
final rows = await mockToDoInterface.update(
id: 1,
title: 'Updated Habit',
subtitle: 'Updated Subtitle',
icon: Icons.star,
expect(rows, 1);
id: 1, title: 'Updated Habit', subtitle: 'Updated Subtitle', icon: Icons.star))
test('delete deletes a habit', () async {
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
when(mockToDoInterface.delete(1)).thenAnswer((_) async {});
await mockToDoInterface.delete(1);
test('updateCompletionStatus updates a habit completion status and returns the number of affected rows', () async {
final mockToDoInterface = MockToDoInterface();
when(mockToDoInterface.updateCompletionStatus(1, true)).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
final rows = await mockToDoInterface.updateCompletionStatus(1, true);
expect(rows, 1);
verify(mockToDoInterface.updateCompletionStatus(1, true)).called(1);
} |