package fassade; import domain.Game; import domain.Player; import domain.Sheet; import domain.StarwarsSheet; import domain.sheets.Category; import*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.*; public class KniffelSystem { String lederboardLocation = "scores.csv"; ArrayList playerColors; ArrayList allValidCombinations = new ArrayList<>(); Game game; public KniffelSystem(){ game = new Game(); playerColors = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( "\u001B[31m", // Quelle 2 Anfang "\u001B[32m", // "\u001B[34m", // "\u001B[33m", // "\u001B[36m")); // Quelle 2 Ende } public String setGamemode(String gamemode){ return game.setGamemode(gamemode); } private String getGamemode(){ return game.getGamemode(); } public String addPlayer(int playerNumber, String name) { String playerColor = colorPicker(playerNumber); Player playerToAdd = new Player(playerNumber, name, playerColor, 0, getGamemode()); game.addPlayer(playerToAdd); return changeStringFormat(name, playerColor); } public String changeStringFormat(String string, String formatation){ String ANSI_RESET = "\u001B[0m"; return String.format(formatation + string + ANSI_RESET); } private String colorPicker(int playerNumber){ if (playerNumber == 1){ return "\u001B[35m"; // Quelle 2 } Random rand = new Random(); // Quelle 1 Anfang int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(playerColors.size()); // return playerColors.remove(randomIndex); // Quelle 1 Ende } public Player getCurrentPlayer(){ return game.getCurrentPlayer(); } public void nextPlayer(){ game.nextTurn(); } public void creteDevPlayers(int amountPlayer){ String[] names = {"Vic", "Nastja", "Lilli", "Emelie", "Esra", "Oli"}; for (int i = 0; i < amountPlayer; i++){ addPlayer(i+1, names[i]); } } public ArrayList rollDices(ArrayList rolls, String keptDice){ //? DEV TEST if (keptDice.startsWith("dev")){ return createDevRoll(keptDice); } ArrayList oldRolls = extractKeptDice(rolls, keptDice); int amountNewRolls = oldRolls.size(); ArrayList newRolls = rollMultipleDice(5 - amountNewRolls); oldRolls.addAll(newRolls); return oldRolls; } private ArrayList extractKeptDice(ArrayList previousRolls, String keptDice){ ArrayList keptRolls = new ArrayList(); if (keptDice.isEmpty()){ return keptRolls; } //? Remove whitespaces keptDice = keptDice.replaceAll("\\s+",""); if (keptDice.length() == 1){ int singleIndex = Integer.parseInt(keptDice); keptRolls.add(previousRolls.get(singleIndex - 1)); return keptRolls; } keptDice = keptDice.substring(1, keptDice.length()-1); String[] keptDiceIndicesStrings = keptDice.split(","); for (String keptDiceIndicesString : keptDiceIndicesStrings) { int index = Integer.parseInt(keptDiceIndicesString); keptRolls.add(previousRolls.get(index - 1)); } return keptRolls; } private ArrayList rollMultipleDice(int amountRolls){ ArrayList rolls = new ArrayList<>(); if (amountRolls == 0){ return rolls; } for (int i = 0; i < amountRolls; i++){ rolls.add(game.rollDice()); } return rolls; } public String evaluateRoll(ArrayList rolls){ HashMap possibleCombinations = createCategoryHashMap(); ArrayList validUpperCombinations = new ArrayList<>(); allValidCombinations = new ArrayList<>(); //TODO Add starwars logic for (int dice : rolls){ switch (dice){ case 1: possibleCombinations.get("Aces").addAmount(); break; case 2: possibleCombinations.get("Twos").addAmount(); break; case 3: possibleCombinations.get("Threes").addAmount(); break; case 4: possibleCombinations.get("Fours").addAmount(); break; case 5: possibleCombinations.get("Fives").addAmount(); break; case 6: possibleCombinations.get("Sixes").addAmount(); break; } if (getGamemode().equals("default")){ continue; } switch (dice){ case 7: possibleCombinations.get("Sevens").addAmount(); break; case 8: possibleCombinations.get("Eights").addAmount(); break; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("%s \n", changeStringFormat("Possible combinations:", "\u001B[32m"))); sb.append(String.format("%s \n", changeStringFormat("Upper half:", "\u001b[4m"))); for (String key : possibleCombinations.keySet()) { Category keyObj = possibleCombinations.get(key); if (keyObj.getAmount() != 0){ validUpperCombinations.add(keyObj); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } } //? ------------------------------ LOWER HALF------------------------------------------------- sb.append("\n"); sb.append(String.format("%s \n", changeStringFormat("Lower half:", "\u001b[4m"))); int index = 0; Category keyObj; for(Category category : validUpperCombinations){ //? Three of a kind if (category.getAmount() >= 3){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("ThreeOfKind"); keyObj.calcValueFromRoll(rolls); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } //? Four of a kind if (category.getAmount() >= 4){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("FourOfKind"); keyObj.calcValueFromRoll(rolls); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } //? Full House if (category.getAmount() == 3){ for(Category innerCategory : validUpperCombinations){ if ((innerCategory.getAmount() == 2) && !(innerCategory.toString().equals(category.toString()))){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("FullHouse"); keyObj.independentValue(); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } } } ArrayList sortedRolls = new ArrayList<>(rolls); Collections.sort(sortedRolls); //? Small Straight if (index == 0) { checkForSmallStraight(sortedRolls, possibleCombinations, sb); } //? Large Straight if (index == 0){ checkForLargeStraight(sortedRolls, index, possibleCombinations, sb); } //? Yahtzee if (category.getAmount() == 5){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("Yahtzee"); keyObj.independentValue(); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } index ++; } //? StarWars if (getGamemode().equals("starwars")){ //? StarWarsDay if ((rolls.contains(4)) && rolls.contains(5)){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("StarWarsDay"); keyObj.calcValueFromRoll(rolls); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } //? R2D2 ArrayList r2d2Array = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 8, 2, 4, 2)); if(rolls.equals(r2d2Array)){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("R2D2"); keyObj.independentValue(); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } } //? Chance keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("Chance"); keyObj.calcValueFromRoll(rolls); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); return sb.toString(); } private void checkForLargeStraight(ArrayList sortedRolls, int index, HashMap possibleCombinations, StringBuilder sb) { Category keyObj; int amountRolls = sortedRolls.size(); if ((sortedRolls.get(index) + 1) == sortedRolls.get(index + 1)){ boolean isNotLargeStraight = false; for (int i = 1; i < (amountRolls - 1); i++){ if ((sortedRolls.get(i) + 1) != sortedRolls.get(i + 1)){ isNotLargeStraight = true; break; } } if (!(isNotLargeStraight)){ keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("LargeStraight"); keyObj.independentValue(); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } } } private void checkForSmallStraight(ArrayList sortedRolls, HashMap possibleCombinations, StringBuilder sb) { Category keyObj; boolean isSmallStraight = false; for (int i = 0; i < sortedRolls.size() - 3; i++) { // Quelle 3 Anfang if (sortedRolls.get(i) + 1 == sortedRolls.get(i + 1) // && sortedRolls.get(i) + 2 == sortedRolls.get(i + 2) // && sortedRolls.get(i) + 3 == sortedRolls.get(i + 3)) // { // Quelle 3 Ende isSmallStraight = true; break; } } if (isSmallStraight) { keyObj = possibleCombinations.get("SmallStraight"); keyObj.independentValue(); addCombinationToStringbuilder(sb, keyObj, allValidCombinations); } } private void addCombinationToStringbuilder(StringBuilder sb, Category keyObj, ArrayList allValidCombinations){ int keyValue = keyObj.getValue(); String keyValueString = changeStringFormat(Integer.toString(keyValue), "\u001b[1m"); allValidCombinations.add(keyObj); int keyAmount = keyObj.getAmount(); if (keyAmount == 0) { sb.append(String.format("%s: Value: %s \n", keyObj, keyValueString)); return; } sb.append(String.format("%s: %d, Value: %s \n",keyObj, keyAmount, keyValueString)); } private HashMap createCategoryHashMap(){ String gamemode = getGamemode(); Sheet sheet; if (gamemode.equals("default")){ sheet = new Sheet(); } else { sheet = new StarwarsSheet(); } return sheet.getAllCategories(); } public void writeToSheet(String sheetInput){ HashMap possibleCombinations = createCategoryHashMap(); Sheet currentPlayerSheet = getCurrentPlayer().getSheet(); Category categoryToWrite = possibleCombinations.get(sheetInput); boolean contains = false; for (Category validCombination : allValidCombinations){ if(validCombination.toString().equals(categoryToWrite.toString())){ categoryToWrite = validCombination; contains = true; break; } } if (contains){ currentPlayerSheet.writeCategory(categoryToWrite, false); }else { currentPlayerSheet.writeCategory(categoryToWrite, true); } } public ArrayList getUnusedRows(){ Sheet currentPlayerSheet = getCurrentPlayer().getSheet(); return currentPlayerSheet.getUnusedRows(); } public boolean checkGameEnd(){ return getCurrentPlayer().getSheet().checkGameEnd(); } public String afterGame() throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Player player : game.getPlayers()){ int score = player.getSheet().calcSheet(); player.setScore(score); sb.append(String.format("%s scored %d points!", player.toString(), score)); writeToFile(createLeaderboardString(player)); } return sb.toString(); } private String createLeaderboardString(Player player){ DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyy"); LocalDateTime now =; String date = dtf.format(now); int score = player.getScore(); String name = player.getName(); return String.format("%s,%d,%s",name, score, date); } public ArrayList readFromFile() throws FileNotFoundException { ArrayList leaderboardRows = new ArrayList<>(); Scanner fsc = null; try { fsc = new Scanner(new File(lederboardLocation)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("There is an error opening the leaderboard."); System.out.println("Returning to main menu \n"); return leaderboardRows; } while (fsc.hasNextLine()){ leaderboardRows.add(fsc.nextLine()); } return leaderboardRows; } public void writeToFile(String stringToEnter) throws IOException { if (stringToEnter.isEmpty()){ BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(lederboardLocation)); writer.write(""); return; } System.out.printf("Not empty |%s| \n", stringToEnter); //! TEST ArrayList currentRows = readFromFile(); currentRows.add(stringToEnter); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(String leaderboardRow : currentRows) { System.out.println(leaderboardRow); String[] row = leaderboardRow.split(","); System.out.printf("len row: %d \n", row.length); sb.append(String.format("%s - %s - %s \n", row[1], row[0], row[2])); } BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(lederboardLocation)); writer.write(sb.toString()); } public void clearLeaderboard() throws IOException { writeToFile(""); } private ArrayList createDevRoll(String keptDice){ // Format: dev(1,2,3,4,5) // values aren't indices, they are the dice value ArrayList devRoll = new ArrayList<>(); keptDice = keptDice.replaceAll("\\s+",""); keptDice = keptDice.substring(4, keptDice.length()-1); String[] rollStrings = keptDice.split(","); for (String rollString : rollStrings){ devRoll.add(Integer.parseInt(rollString)); } return devRoll; } //! TEST public String[] getAllPlayerStrings(){ ArrayList players = game.getPlayers(); String[] returnStrings = new String[players.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++){ returnStrings[i] = players.get(i).toString(); } return returnStrings; } }