const std = @import("std"); const expect = std.testing.expect; pub fn Vec3(comptime T: type) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); x: T, y: T, z: T, pub fn init(this: *Self, x: T, y: T, z: T) void { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } pub fn print(this: Self) !void { const writer =; try writer.print("({d}, {d}, {d})", .{this.x, this.y, this.x}); } pub fn add(this: *Self, other: Self) void { this.x = this.x + other.x; this.y = this.y + other.y; this.z = this.z + other.z; } pub fn sub(this: *Self, other: Self) void { this.x = this.x - other.x; this.y = this.y - other.y; this.z = this.z - other.z; } pub fn mul(this: *Self, scal: T) void { this.x = this.x * scal; this.y = this.y * scal; this.z = this.z * scal; } pub fn prod(this: Self, other: Self) T { return (this.x * other.x) + (this.y * other.y) + (this.z * other.z); } pub fn comp(this: Self, other: Self) bool { return (this.x == other.x) and (this.y == other.y) and (this.z == other.z); } }; } pub fn main() !void { const writer =; const myType = Vec3(64); const vec3: myType = undefined; vec3.init(1, 1, 1); var vec1: Vec3(u64) = undefined; var vec2: Vec3(u64) = undefined; vec1.init(2, 4, 3); vec2.init(1, 1, 1); try vec1.print(); try writer.print(" + ", .{}); try vec2.print(); vec1.add(vec2); try writer.print(" = ", .{}); try vec1.print(); try writer.print("vec1.x: {d} \n", .{vec1.x}); }