3013050 created repository 3013050/PR3L-Uebung-Callstack
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- abf413a503 main file name change
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- bc897e4854 small changes
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- 88e065fda0 Much faster np approach
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- 006adb3112 works, but weak performance seperating all brightness values from the lung
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- a94633a6d8 Changed file read function
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- 7c57b32a65 added lung seperation function
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- d7418787d3 Added task + Answer to 1)
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
- c530898899 test
- c762d773ff Initial commit + Setup + Answer to 2) + 3)
3013050 created repository 3013050/PR3Wolf-Abgabe1
3013050 created repository 3013050/PP-04-03-ThreadPoolSize
3013050 created repository 3013050/PP-04-02-Future
3013050 created repository 3013050/PP-04-01-RunnableReturn
3013050 created repository 3013050/PR3L-Callstack-Size
3013050 pushed to main at 3013050/PP-Abgabe-1
- fad4d1925e Assigment finished (wahrscheinlich lol)