# IWS_clean_architecture ** Master MDS HSMA ** Clean Architecture - Architekturstil am praktischen Beispiel z.B. in Python. run python script as a module e.g.: python -m framework_driver.db.db_cart ## TODOS: - db_controller not in framerwork_driver ? - add cart_controller product name not only product id - add product_controller - connect product with ui - add feature: add product to cart - merge to main branch - delete old branches - add comments - extend readme - should the api be in ui_controllers ? - if finished: split into exercise (layer) branches - add exercises in new branch: user registration - exercise for after workshop? - maybe: (other features: delete from cart, change quantity in cart, delete user acc, change user name, pw, mail, ...) - maybe: make change user id in cart_controller possible? (default is 1) ## Fast API: - 0: open Terminal - 1: navigate to src: cd .\src\ - 2: run main app: uvicorn main:app --reload - 3 go to url: []( - 4: close with: strg + c