stages: - test - analyze code_quality: stage: test image: "cirrusci/flutter:1.22.5" before_script: - pub global activate dart_code_metrics - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.pub-cache/bin" script: - metrics lib -r codeclimate > gl-code-quality-report.json artifacts: reports: codequality: gl-code-quality-report.json analyze:sonar: stage: analyze image: name: sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4.5 entrypoint: [""] variables: # Defines the location of the analysis task cache SONAR_USER_HOME: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.sonar" # Shallow cloning needs to be disabled. # See GIT_DEPTH: 0 cache: key: "${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - .sonar/cache script: - sonar-scanner