package de.hs_mannheim.informatik.spreadsheet; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A simplified spreadsheet class for the PR1 programming lab at Hochschule Mannheim. * One aspect worth mentioning is that it only supports long numbers, not doubles. * * @author Oliver Hummel */ public class Spreadsheet { Cell[][] cells; /** * Constructor that creates a Spreadsheet of size rows * cols. * @param rows number of rows * @param cols number of columns */ public Spreadsheet(int rows, int cols) { // TODO limit the maximum size on 99 (1..99) rows and 26 (A..Z) columns cells = new Cell[rows][cols]; for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) cells[r][c] = new Cell(); } // ----- // retrieve or change values of cells private String get(int row, int col) { return cells[row][col].getValue(); } public String get(String cellName) { cellName = cellName.toUpperCase(); return get(getRow(cellName), getCol(cellName)); } private void put(int row, int col, String value) { if (!value.startsWith("=")) cells[row][col].setValue(value); else { cells[row][col].setFormula(value); evaluateCell(row, col); } } public void put(String cellName, String value) { cellName = cellName.toUpperCase(); put(getRow(cellName), getCol(cellName), value); } private int getCol(String cellName) { return cellName.charAt(0) - 'A'; } private int getRow(String cellName) { return cellName.charAt(1) - '1'; } // ----- // business logic /** * A method for reading in data from a CSV file. * @param path The file to read. * @param separator The char used to split up the input, e.g. a comma or a semicolon. * @param starCellName The upper left cell where data from the CSV file should be inserted. * @return Nothing. * @exception IOException If path does not exist. */ public void readCsv(String path, char separator, String startCellName) throws FileNotFoundException { // TODO: implement this } /** * This method does the actual evaluation/calcluation of a specific cell * @param cellName the name of the cell to be evaluated * @return Nothing. */ private void evaluateCell(int row, int col) { String formula = cells[row][col].getFormula(); String result = ""; if (formula.startsWith("SUMME(")) // e.g. SUMME(A3:A8) result = "" + sum(formula.substring(6, 8), formula.substring(9, 11)); // TODO adapt to cells with two digits else if (formula.startsWith("PRODUKT(")) // e.g. PRODUKT(A3:B9) result = "TODO"; // TODO else if (formula.startsWith("MITTELWERT(")) // e.g. MITTELWERT(A3:A5) result = "TODO"; // TODO else if (formula.startsWith("STABW(")) // e.g. STABW(C6:D8) -> Standardabweichung result = "TODO"; // TODO else if (formula.startsWith("MIN(")) // e.g. MIN(C13:H13) -> größter Wert result = "TODO"; // TODO else if (formula.startsWith("MAX(")) // e.g. MAX(A1:A10) -> Standardabweichung result = "TODO"; // TODO else if (!formula.isEmpty()) result = "" + calculate(formula); cells[row][col].setValue("" + result); } /** * Method for calculating the sum of a rectangular block of cells, such as from A1 to B3. * @param startCellName The name of the cell in the upper left corner of the rectangle. * @param endCellName The name of the cell in the lower right corner of the rectangle. * @return The sum calculated. */ private long sum(String startCellName, String endCellName) { // TODO implement return 0; } /** * This method calculates the result of a "normal" algebraic expression. It only needs to support * expressions like =B4 or =2+A3-B2, i.e. only with int numbers and other cells and with plus, * minus, times, split only. An expression always starts with either a number or a cell name. If it * continues, it is guaranteed that this is followed by an operator and either a number or a * cell name again. It is NOT required to implement dot before dash or parentheses in formulas. * @param formula The expression to be evaluated. * @return The result calculated. */ private long calculate(String formula) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("([A-Z][0-9]*)|[-\\+\\*/]|[0-9]*").matcher(formula); long res = 0; // TODO implement // uncomment the following to see an example how the elements of a formula can be accessed while (m.find()) { // m.find() must always be used before String s =; if (!s.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(s); } } return res; } // ----- public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" "); for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { sb.append(" " + (char)('A'+ i) + " | "); } int rc = 1; for (Cell[] r : cells) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); sb.append(String.format("%2s", rc++) + ": "); for (Cell c : r) { sb.append(c + " | "); } } return sb.toString(); } }