import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:percent_indicator/circular_percent_indicator.dart'; import 'package:swipable_stack/swipable_stack.dart'; import '../components/card_overlay.dart'; import '../components/language_list.dart'; import '../components/text_bold.dart'; import '../components/text_with_bold.dart'; import '../constants.dart'; import '../forms/matched_screen.dart'; import '../models/user_profile.dart'; import '../services/auth/auth_service.dart'; import '../services/user_service.dart'; import '../utils/helper.dart'; import '../utils/list_utils.dart'; import '../utils/math.dart'; import 'chat_page.dart'; class UserMatchingPage extends StatefulWidget { const UserMatchingPage({super.key}); @override UserMatchingPageState createState() => UserMatchingPageState(); } class UserMatchingPageState extends State { /// The current's user profile UserProfile? currentUserProfile; /// List with [all] user profiles List userProfiles = []; /// List of user profiles to show. List potentialUserProfiles = []; late final SwipableStackController _controller; // get instance of firestore and auth final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance; final AuthService _authService = AuthService(); void _listenController() => setState(() {}); @override void initState() { super.initState(); _controller = SwipableStackController()..addListener(_listenController); _fetchUserProfiles(); } @override void dispose() { _controller ..removeListener(_listenController) ..dispose(); super.dispose(); } Future _fetchUserProfiles() async { final String currentUserId = _authService.getCurrentUser()!.uid; List allUsers = []; List showProfiles = []; final usersSnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .get(); // Fetch the list of profiles the current user has already swiped final QuerySnapshot swipesSnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .doc(currentUserId) .collection(Constants.dbCollectionSwipes) .get(); final Set likedUserIds = .where((doc) => doc[Constants.dbFieldSwipesLike] == true) .map((doc) => .toSet(); final DateTime thresholdDate = Duration(hours: 24)); final Set dislikedUserIds = .where((doc) => doc[Constants.dbFieldSwipesLike] == false && (doc[Constants.dbFieldSwipesTimestamp] as Timestamp) .toDate() .isAfter(thresholdDate)) .map((doc) => .toSet(); for (var userDoc in { UserProfile userProfile = await UserService.getUserProfileFromDocument(userDoc); // add profiles accordingly allUsers.add(userProfile); // Exclude (1) the current user's profile, (2) the already liked profiles // and (3) users that were disliked less than 24 hours ago if ( != currentUserId && !likedUserIds.contains( && !dislikedUserIds.contains( { showProfiles.add(userProfile); } } // end for setState(() { userProfiles = allUsers; potentialUserProfiles = showProfiles; currentUserProfile = allUsers.firstWhereOrNull((x) => x.uid == currentUserId); }); } void _swipeLeft() { swipeDirection: SwipeDirection.left, duration: Durations.extralong1); } void _swipeRight() { swipeDirection: SwipeDirection.right, duration: Durations.extralong4); } void _skip() { swipeDirection: SwipeDirection.up, duration: Durations.long4); } /// Save swipe status to database Future _saveSwipeAction( String swipedUserId, SwipeDirection direction) async { await _firestore .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .doc(_authService.getCurrentUser()!.uid) .collection(Constants.dbCollectionSwipes) .doc(swipedUserId) // UserID instead of autogenerated ID .set( { Constants.dbFieldSwipesSwipedId: swipedUserId, Constants.dbFieldSwipesLike: direction == SwipeDirection.right, Constants.dbFieldSwipesTimestamp: FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), }, ); } UserProfile _getUserProfile(String userId) { return userProfiles.firstWhere((x) => x.uid == userId); } /// Check whether the swiped user has also swiped to the right Future _checkForMatch(String swipedUserId) async { String currentUserId = _authService.getCurrentUser()!.uid; final QuerySnapshot matchSnapshot = await _firestore .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .doc(swipedUserId) .collection(Constants.dbCollectionSwipes) .where(Constants.dbFieldSwipesSwipedId, isEqualTo: currentUserId) .where(Constants.dbFieldSwipesLike, isEqualTo: true) .get(); if ( { // save match for both users // using set method (with UserID) instead of add (with autogenerated ID) final matchesCurrentUser = _firestore .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .doc(currentUserId) .collection(Constants.dbCollectionMatches); final matchesSwipedUser = _firestore .collection(Constants.dbCollectionUsers) .doc(swipedUserId) .collection(Constants.dbCollectionMatches); await matchesCurrentUser.doc(swipedUserId).set({ 'otherUserId': swipedUserId, 'timestamp': FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), }); await matchesSwipedUser.doc(currentUserId).set({ 'otherUserId': currentUserId, 'timestamp': FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), }); // // TODO Notify other user? // showMatchedScreen(currentUserId, swipedUserId); // Remove matched user from the list of potential users potentialUserProfiles.removeWhere((x) => x.uid == swipedUserId); } } showMatchedScreen(String currentUserId, String swipedUserId) { UserProfile currentUser = _getUserProfile(currentUserId); UserProfile swipedUser = _getUserProfile(swipedUserId); Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => MatchedScreen( currentUserName:, otherUserName:, currentUserImageUrl: currentUser.profilePictureUrl ?? '', otherUserImageUrl: swipedUser.profilePictureUrl ?? '', onMessageButtonPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); // Close the MatchedScreen Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => ChatPage( receiverEmail:, receiverID: swipedUser.uid, chatTitle:, profileImageUrl: swipedUser.profilePictureUrl, ), ), ); }, onContinueButtonPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); // Close the MatchedScreen }, ), ), ); } Color _getProgressColor(double percentage) { if (percentage >= 85) { return; // 100 - 85 } else if (percentage >= 70) { return; // 84 - 70 } else if (percentage >= 55) { return Colors.lightGreen.shade400; // 69 - 55 } else if (percentage >= 40) { return Colors.amber.shade200; // 54 - 40 } else if (percentage >= 20) { return; // 39 - 20 } else { return; // 19 - 0 } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (potentialUserProfiles.isEmpty) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Find your Match')), body: Center( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Icon(Icons.person_search, size: 64), const SizedBox(height: 20), // Loading... if (userProfiles.isEmpty) ...[ const CircularProgressIndicator(), const SizedBox(height: 20), const TextBold(text: 'Loading data, please wait...'), ] else ...[ TextBold( text: userProfiles.length > 1 ? 'No new profiles available yet.' : 'No profiles available at the moment.', ), const SizedBox(height: 60), const TextBold( text: 'Please check back later, perhaps tomorrow.', textAlign:, ), ], ], ), ), ), ); } return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Find your Match')), body: SafeArea( top: false, child: Stack( children: [ Positioned.fill( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), child: SwipableStack( detectableSwipeDirections: const { SwipeDirection.right, SwipeDirection.left, SwipeDirection.up, }, controller: _controller, stackClipBehaviour: Clip.none, swipeAnchor: SwipeAnchor.bottom, // item count +1 for additional end page itemCount: potentialUserProfiles.length + 1, onSwipeCompleted: (index, direction) { // // Swipe logic // String swipedUserId = potentialUserProfiles[_controller.currentIndex].id; if (direction == SwipeDirection.right) { _saveSwipeAction(swipedUserId, SwipeDirection.right); _checkForMatch(swipedUserId); } else if (direction == SwipeDirection.left) { _saveSwipeAction(swipedUserId, SwipeDirection.left); } }, horizontalSwipeThreshold: 0.8, verticalSwipeThreshold: 0.8, builder: (context, properties) { if (properties.index == potentialUserProfiles.length) { return Center( child: _buildLastCard(), // last card ); } final userProfile = potentialUserProfiles[ properties.index % potentialUserProfiles.length]; return Container( alignment:, decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16.0), color:, ), child: Stack( children: [ _buildUserCard(userProfile), if (properties.stackIndex == 0 && properties.direction != null) CardOverlay( swipeProgress: properties.swipeProgress, direction: properties.direction!, ), ], ), ); }, ), ), ), _buildSwipeButtons(), ], ), ), ); } Widget _buildUserCard(UserProfile userProfile) { String? profileImageUrl = userProfile.profilePictureUrl; String pronoun = getPronoun(userProfile.gender); String possAdjective = getPossessiveAdjective(userProfile.gender); String location = userProfile.locations[Constants.dbDocMainLocation]?.toString() ?? 'N/A'; if (userProfile.locations.containsKey(Constants.dbDocSecondLocation) && userProfile.locations[Constants.dbDocSecondLocation] != null) { location = '$location and ${userProfile.locations[Constants.dbDocSecondLocation]?.toString() ?? 'N/A'}'; } double shortDist = shortestDistanceBetweenUsers(currentUserProfile!, userProfile); double matchScore = calculateMatchScore(currentUserProfile!, userProfile); return Card( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Center( child: Stack( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, children: [ CircularPercentIndicator( radius: 55.0, lineWidth: 5.0, animation: true, percent: matchScore / 100, header: TextBold( text: "${matchScore.toStringAsFixed(2)}%", fontSize: 16.0, ), circularStrokeCap: CircularStrokeCap.round, progressColor: _getProgressColor(matchScore), backgroundWidth: 2, ), Positioned( bottom: 5, // Manually adjusted avatar position child: CircleAvatar( radius: 50, backgroundImage: ((profileImageUrl != null && profileImageUrl.isNotEmpty)) ? NetworkImage(profileImageUrl) : null, child: (profileImageUrl == null || profileImageUrl.isEmpty) ? const Icon(Icons.person_pin, size: 50) : null, ), ), ], ), ), const SizedBox(height: 8), Center( child: Text( '${} ${ageInfo(userProfile.born)}'.trim(), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24), ), ), const SizedBox(height: 8), TextWithBold( leadingText: 'Lives in $location which is ${shortDist <= 20 ? 'only ' : ''}about ', boldText: '${shortDist.toStringAsFixed(0)} km', trailingText: ' away from you.', ), const SizedBox(height: 6), TextWithBold( leadingText: 'Would like to team up with someone who has experience in ', boldText: userProfile.skillsSought .map((x) => x.displayName) .join(', '), trailingText: '.', ), const SizedBox(height: 8), TextWithBold( leadingText: '$pronoun brings skills and experience in ', boldText: => x.displayName).join(', '), ), Text( 'and is willing to commit in ' '${userProfile.availability.commitmentText}.', ), const SizedBox(height: 8), Row( children: [ Text( '$possAdjective Sectors of Interest ', style: TextStyle( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, ), ), const Expanded(child: Divider()), ], ), const SizedBox(height: 4), Text(sortSectorsList(userProfile.sectors) .map((x) => x.displayName) .join(' \u25CF ')), const SizedBox(height: 8), Row( children: [ Text( 'Spoken languages ', style: TextStyle( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, ), ), const Expanded(child: Divider()), ], ), const SizedBox(height: 4), MyLanguageList( langList: userProfile.languages, iconHeight: 12, ), ], ), ), ), ); } Widget _buildLastCard() { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0), child: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( // Show reached end message and restart button mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Icon(Icons.person_search, size: 64), const SizedBox(height: 20), const TextBold( text: 'You\'ve viewed all available profiles.', textAlign:, fontSize: 24, ), const SizedBox(height: 60), const TextBold( text: 'Would you like to do another run ' 'and see the remaining profiles again?', textAlign:, fontSize: 24, ), const SizedBox(height: 20), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { // Restart swiping from the beginning _controller.currentIndex = 0; }); }, child: const Text('Another run'), ), ], ), ), ); } Widget _buildSwipeButtons() { return Positioned( bottom: 16, left: 0, right: 0, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'myFABUndo', tooltip: 'Undo last action', shape: const CircleBorder(), onPressed: () { _controller.rewind(duration: Durations.extralong4); }, child: const Icon(Icons.undo), ), SizedBox( width: 72, height: 72, child: FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'myFABSwipeLeft', shape: const CircleBorder(), onPressed: _swipeLeft, child: Stack( // to deal with icons inner transparency alignment:, children: [ Container( width: 48.0, height: 48.0, decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.white70, shape:, ), ), const Icon(Icons.cancel, color:, size: 72), ], ), ), ), SizedBox( width: 72, height: 72, child: FloatingActionButton( heroTag: 'myFABSwipeRight', shape: const CircleBorder(), onPressed: _swipeRight, child: Stack( // to deal with icons inner transparency alignment:, children: [ Container( width: 48.0, height: 48.0, decoration: const BoxDecoration( color: Colors.white70, shape:, ), ), const Icon(Icons.check_circle, color:, size: 72), ], ), ), ), FloatingActionButton( tooltip: 'Skip profile', heroTag: 'myFABSkip', shape: const CircleBorder(), onPressed: _skip, child: const Icon(Icons.skip_next), ), ], ), ); } }