81 lines
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81 lines
2.2 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:gps/utils/environment.dart';
import 'package:location/location.dart';
import 'package:wakelock/wakelock.dart';
class GpsUtils {
_Stream s;
: s = Environment.hasRealGps
? _RealGpsStream()
: _FakeGpsStream(49.4833, 8.4667, Duration(milliseconds: 100));
Stream<LocationData> get stream => s.getStream();
mixin _Stream {
Stream<LocationData> getStream();
class _RealGpsStream implements _Stream {
// Really, really ugly
// - Location package should have been encapsulated
// - Permissions do not belong here
Stream<LocationData> getStream() {
final Location location = Location();
location.serviceEnabled().then((_serviceEnabled) => {
if (!_serviceEnabled) {location.requestService()}
location.hasPermission().then((_permissionGranted) => {
if (_permissionGranted == PermissionStatus.denied)
accuracy: LocationAccuracy.high, interval: 100, distanceFilter: 0.0);
return location.onLocationChanged;
class _FakeGpsStream implements _Stream {
double lat;
double lon;
Duration dur;
_FakeGpsStream(this.lat, this.lon, [this.dur = const Duration(seconds: 1)]);
/// Generator which creates GPS coordinates around the given location.
Stream<LocationData> getStream() async* {
Map<String, dynamic> gpsPoint = {
'accuracy': 20.0,
'altitude': 100.0,
'speed': 1.0,
'speed_accuracy': 1.0,
'isMock': 1,
'verticalAccuracy': 20.0,
'headingAccuracy': 1.0,
'elapsedRealtimeNanos': 1000.0,
'elapsedRealtimeUncertaintyNanos': 2000.0,
'satelliteNumber': 0,
'provider': "dummy"
double degree = 0.0;
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(dur);
gpsPoint['time'] = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch + 0.0;
double rad = degree * pi / 180;
gpsPoint['latitude'] = lat + cos(rad);
gpsPoint['longitude'] = lon + sin(rad);
gpsPoint['heading'] = degree;
gpsPoint['altitude'] = degree;
degree = (degree + 1) % 360;
yield LocationData.fromMap(gpsPoint);