Oliver Hummel hummel
  • Joined on 2022-09-19
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hummel pushed to main at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:47:56 +02:00

hummel pushed to main at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:41:32 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:28:12 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:20:52 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:13:18 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:11:45 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:10:19 +02:00

hummel pushed to main at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:08:48 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:07:05 +02:00

hummel created branch featureAddition in hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 12:05:01 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureAddition at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

  • d35e48b9db feat: Ermögliche die Addition zweier Ganzzahlen

2024-06-14 12:05:01 +02:00

hummel pushed to main at hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 11:45:59 +02:00

hummel created repository hummel/BestPracticesDemo

2024-06-14 11:28:11 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureKomplexeBerechnungenEinbauen at hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 12:04:00 +02:00

hummel pushed to mergeDemo at hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 12:01:18 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureKomplexeBerechnungenEinbauen at hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 12:00:37 +02:00

hummel created branch mergeDemo in hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 11:57:54 +02:00

hummel pushed to mergeDemo at hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 11:57:54 +02:00

hummel created branch featureKomplexeBerechnungenEinbauen in hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 11:56:43 +02:00

hummel pushed to featureKomplexeBerechnungenEinbauen at hummel/MyKniffel

2024-05-28 11:56:43 +02:00