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@ -1,37 +1,105 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub fn LLIst (comptime T: type) type {
pub fn LList(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
first: *Node(T),
//TODO Liste mit allen Nodes erstellen
first: ?*Node(T),
alloc: Allocator,
pub fn init(this: *Self) !void {
//TODO Heap mit allocater nutzen
var node: Node(T) = undefined;
try node.printNode();
this.first = &node;
pub fn init(this: *Self, allocator: Allocator) !void {
this.alloc = allocator;
this.first = null;
pub fn deinit() void {
pub fn deinit(this: *Self) !void {
//? If there is no created Node
if (this.first == null) {
//? Nothing to do
var currentNode: *Node(T) = this.first orelse unreachable;
while (true) {
const nextNode = orelse unreachable;
var breakNext = false;
if ( == null) {
breakNext = true;
try currentNode.deinit();
currentNode = nextNode;
if (breakNext == true) {
try currentNode.deinit();
pub fn add(this: *Self, value: T ) !*Node(T){
const newNode: *Node(T) = try this.alloc.create(Node(T));
try newNode.init(this.alloc, value, this.first);
this.first = newNode;
return newNode;
pub fn printList(this: *Self) !void {
const writer =;
if (this.first == null) {
try writer.print("List is empty \n", .{});
var currentNode: *Node(T) = this.first orelse unreachable;
while (true) {
try writer.print("{any}\n", .{currentNode.value.*});
currentNode = orelse unreachable;
if ( == null) {
try writer.print("{any}\n", .{currentNode.value.*});
pub fn Node (comptime T: type) type {
pub fn Node(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
next: *Self, //? Nächste Node in der Liste
alloc: Allocator,
next: ?*Self, //? Nächste Node in der Liste
value: *T,
position: i64, //? Position der Node in der List, später übergeben mit zB List.len
value: T,
pub fn init(this: *Self, allocator: Allocator, value: T, next: ?*Self) !void {
this.alloc = allocator; = next;
pub fn init(this: *Self, value: T) void {
this.value = value;
this.value = try this.alloc.create(T);
this.value.* = value;
pub fn deinit(this: *Self) !void {
pub fn printNode(this: *Self) !void {
const writer =;
try writer.print("Value: {any} \n", .{this.value});
@ -40,6 +108,17 @@ pub fn Node (comptime T: type) type {
pub fn main() !void {
var testList: LLIst(u64) = undefined;
try testList.init();
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var testList: LList(u64) = undefined;
try testList.init(allocator);
_ = try testList.add(1);
_ = try testList.add(2);
_ = try testList.add(3);
_ = try testList.add(4);
try testList.printList();
try testList.deinit();